Pseudocoelotrachelus new genus of Neotropical Aphodiini with descriptions of two new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae) Author Dellacasa, Marco Author Dellacasa, Giovanni Author Gordon, Robert D. text Insecta Mundi 2013 2013-03-08 2013 287 1 5 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5175786 1942-1354 5175786 0BEF5958-8EA5-45FC-8679-43B54ED77E52 Pseudocoelotrachelus tristaobrancoi new species ( Fig. 1-5 ) Type locality. La Venta env., 16°11’25.0”N096°20’50.0”W , m 2467, Oaxaca , Mexico . Type repository. Dellacasa Collection, Genoa, Italy . Description. Length 5.0- 5.5 mm ; oblong, moderately convex, shiny, glabrous. Entirely reddish brown; antennal club testaceous. Head with epistome slightly gibbous on disc, antero-medially moderately de- pressed, evenly, rather finely, not closely punctured; punctation sparser and somewhat more superficial medially; clypeus broadly sinuate at middle, subangulate at sides, thinly bordered, edge slightly reflexed, glabrous; genae obtusely round, shortly bristled, protruding from the eyes; frontal suture almost obsolete; front evenly, finely, rather sparsely punctured. Pronotum transverse, few convex, dually, somewhat irregularly punctured; large coarse punctures, five to six times larger than small ones, denser on sides, lacking medially; small fine punctures evenly scattered throughout, somewhat finer and sparser on disc; lateral margins feebly arcuate, S-shaped before hind angles; latter obtusely round, almost imperceptibly bristled; base nearly straight, not bordered. Scutellum narrowly elongate, subdepressed laterally, finely punctured medially. Elytra elongate, slightly broadened posteriorly, strongly denticulate at shoulder, finely striate; striae superficially not closely punctured, not crenulate; interstriae almost flat, superficially alutaceous, evenly, rather densely, finely punctured. Hind tibiae superior apical spur shorter than first tarsal segment; latter longer than following three segments combined. Male: pronotum relatively more transverse and less convex; metasternal plate excavate; aedeagus Fig. 4-5 . Female: pronotum relatively less transverse and more convex; metasternal plate almost flat. Figures 1-10. Pseudocoelotrachelus tristaobrancoi (La Venta env., 16°11’25.0”N-096°20’50.0”W, Oaxaca, Mexico). 1) Epipharynx. 2-3) Habitus (length ideogram and morphological details). 4-5) Aedeagus (dorsal and lateral view). Pseudocoelotrachelus peckorum (Pozo Verde Trail, km 7, El Rey Nat. Park, Salta, Argentina). 6) Epipharynx. 7-8) Habitus (length ideogram and morphological details). 9-10) Aedeagus (dorsal and lateral view). Type material. MEXICO : Oaxaca : La Venta env., 16°11’25.0”N096°20’50.0”W , m 2467, 28.VI. 2007, leg. Dellacasa M., Fresi C. & Martínez I. ( holotype , male, and allotype DCGI , 1 paratype , FSCA ). Distribution. Known from the type locality only. Etymology. Named in honor of our dear friend and colleague Tristão Branco, Portuguese scarabaeidologist. Bionomics. Almost unknown. Specimens of the type series were collected in June.