Further studies on harvestman genus Homolophus (Opiliones: Phalangiidae), with descriptions of two new species Author Snegovaya, Nataly Yu. Institute of Zoology, Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, pr. 1128, kv. 504, Baku AZ 1073, Azerbaijan. Author Cokendolpher, James C. Invertebrate Zoology, Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79415, USA. text Zootaxa 2021 2021-01-15 4908 3 301 353 journal article 8783 10.11646/zootaxa.4908.3.1 6206d142-3b21-4c39-afca-75b602420619 1175-5326 4441762 F2774810-3C77-426E-A1BC-0F42F21E7F9B Homolophus pallens ( Kulczyński, 1901 ) Figures 14 , 30 Phalangium pallens Kulczyński, 1901: 320 , 361–363 Opilio pallens Roewer 1911: 41 , pl. 3, fig. 8; Roewer 1912: 136 , pl. 3, fig. 23; Roewer 1923: 776 , fig. 949; Roewer 1956: 293 Euphalangium transbaicalicum (nec Kulczyński, 1901 )—sensu Staręga 1964: 1964 , figs. 18–19; Šilhavý 1972: 101–102 (misidentified) Homolophus pallens Tsurusaki et al. 2000: 83–84 Homolophus przewalskii (nec Staręga, 1978 )—sensu Tchemeris et al. 1998 , 192–193, figs. 8–14; Snegovaya 2012: 7–9 , figs. 26–30 (misidentified) Diagnosis . This species differs from all species, including the most closely related, H. nordenskioeldi (L. Koch, 1879a ) and H. arcticus Banks, 1893 , by the following: body covered with different sized denticles, from large (mostly in rows on abdomen) to microdenticles; penis with very long and slender truncus and even more slender glans (in lateral view). In dorsal view penis truncus broad and only slightly less wide distally until slender (same as glans width) at apex. FIGURE 30 . Homolophus pallens ( Kulczyński, 1901 ) , male: A, body, right lateral; B, ocularium, dorsal; C, body, dorsal; D, femur I, dorsal; E, right pedipalp, ectal; F, right pedipalp, mesal; G, right chelicera, ectal; H, right chelicera, mesal; I, penis, dorsal; J, penis, lateral; K, penis glans, dorsal; L, penis glans, lateral. Type Locality . Mongolia , Tuguruk , [now Mongolia , Gobi-Altai Aimak , Tugreg (= Tuguruk), ca. 45°50’N , 94°59’E )] . Distribution . Russia (S. Siberia), Kazakhstan , and here newly recorded from Mongolia ( Fig. 14 ). Specimens Examined . MONGOLIA , Ulan Bator (formerly Urga ), Khursu Mt. , 31.07– 27.08.1925 , leg. P. Kozlov ( 1 male , ZIN ) . Description . Large harvestman; male body rectangular, with rounded corners; heavily sclerotized body cuticle, less slender, 1.6 times longer than wide; length 8.0 mm, width 5.0 mm. Body covered with different sized denticles, from large, whitish-cream color (mostly in rows on abdomen) to darkly colored microdenticles. Body with longitudinal indistinct light-colored dashed stripe running entire length; body color yellowish orange to various shades of brown and black. Ocularium low, slightly wider than long, not large, its length from anterior margin of cephalothorax, with 8–9 denticles on each side. Legs not very long, angular in cross-section, I and III pair swollen, segments of legs covered with black-tipped denticles. Leg lengths (mm): I 2.8 + 1.5 + 3.7 + 4.5 + 6.5 = 19.0, II 7.5 + 2.0 + 5.7 + 5.4 + 9.0 = 29.6, III 4.0 + 1.8 + 3.2 + 5.5 = 14.5, IV missing. Pedipalps thickened and noticeably armed, Fe ventrally covered with large pointed denticles, dorsally and laterally with smaller denticles. Pa and Ti dorsally and ventrally with pointed denticles. Ta ventrally with strip of sensory microdenticles. Pedipalp segment lengths (mm): 2.0 + 1.0 + 1.4 + 2.1 = 6.5. Chelicerae enlarged (sexually dimorphic) with some tabby marks, both segments dorsally / anteriorly with black-tipped denticles. Cheliceral basal segment ventrally smooth without bulge, length 2.5 mm , distal segment length 3.7 mm . Penis with very long and slender truncus and even more slender glans (in lateral view). In dorsal view, penis truncus broad and only slightly less wide distally until slender (same as glans width) apex. Penis long, truncus dorsoventrally flattened, only slightly bowed, recurved in lateral view, length (mm): truncus 6.0, glans 0.65, stylus 0.1. Female unknown. Comments. Specimen almost 100 years old, colors likely faded.