A new species of Martarega White, 1879 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Notonectidae) from the State of Pará, Brazil, and new records for three species in Brazil
Barbosa, Julianna Freires
Ribeiro, José Ricardo Inacio
Ferreira-Keppler, Ruth Leila
journal article
Martarega oriximinaensis
Barbosa, Ribeiro and Ferreira-Keppler
sp. nov.
(figs 1–9)
. Pará State, Oriximiná Municipality, Cachoeira Porteira, Trombetas River-right margin [
01º 45’ 56” S
55º 51’ 58” W
, (U. C. Barbosa):
1 m
), brachypterous,
3 m
and 6 f (
), brachypterous,
Description of
(brachypterous form).
Body length (from apex of head to apex of hemelytra at rest): 4.8; length of vertex: 0.36; greatest width of vertex: 0.30; width of eye: 0.6; length of ocular commissure: 0.38; length of head: 0.72; greatest width of head: 1.22; length of pronotum: 0.44; greatest width of pronotum: 1.4.
General color white. General hairs of body brown to yellowish-brown. Head yellowish, eyes brown; brown stain between vertex and front; labrum brown; first and second rostral segments whitish; third rostral segment yellowish with central stripe brown; fourth segment brown. Hyaline hemelytra yellowish, with narrow, median opaque stripe not bifurcate; other opaque stripe on last fourth of body extending downward to base of hemelytral process (fig. 1, ms); legs yellowish, with brown stain on bases of femora; metaxyphus bordered by lateral, narrowed brown area.
Head, thorax, and abdomen. Head rounded; anterior margin of male vertex convex, protruding before eyes and shorter than its length; ocular commissure longer than vertex, and longer than one-half width of one eye. Pronotum with lateral margins strongly divergent; posterior margin concave; greatest pronotum width 3.5 times its length in dorsal view; hemelytral process approximately three-fourths as long as membrane; middle trochanter rounded, bearing one group of very cohesive, short bristles near outer lateral margin (fig. 3, sb), resembling spine-like small nodule; middle femur without nodules; metaxyphus rounded with apex slightly acute; hind trochanter with sharp concavity at distal margin (fig. 4, sc). Ventral abdominal keel with hairs in lateral and anteroventral surface.
Male genitalia. Right clasper of genital capsule acute at apex, slightly larger than left, never longer than wide (fig. 7, rc); left clasper rounded (fig. 8, lc).
Martarega oriximinaensis
Barbosa, Ribeiro and Ferreira-Keppler
sp. nov.
). 1, Male hemelytra (lateral view); 2, Female hemelytra (lateral view); 3, Male middle trochanter with one group of short bristles in outer lateral margin; 4, Male hind trochanter with sharp concavity along its lateral margin; 5, Female hind trochanter with sharp concavity along its lateral margin; 6, Female abdomen with slightly constriction in its second half, wherein fits toothed area of hemelytra; 7, Male genital capsule (lateral view), showing right clasper; 8, Male genitalia capsule (lateral view), showing left clasper; 9, Right and left claspers. cc, constricted connexivum; fs, female stripe; lc, left clasper; ms, male stripe; rc, right clasper; sb, short bristles; sc, sharp concavity; th, toothed hemelytra.
. Measurements (male/female). Body length (from apex of head to apex of hemelytra at rest): 4.75–5.13 / 5.79–6.08; length of vertex: 0.32–0.38 / 0.28–0.34; greatest width of vertex: 0.30–0.32 / 0.30– 0.32; width of eye: 0.60–0.63 / 0.66–0.70; length of ocular commissure: 0.32–0.38 / 0.30–0.36; length of head: 0.65–0.72 / 0.62–0.70; greatest width of head: 1.17–1.26 / 1.30–1.34; length of pronotum: 0.44 / 0.42– 0.46; greatest width of pronotum: 1.32–1.43 / 1.52–1.58.
Colour and structural features similar to male
except for general hairs of female body yellowish; female hyaline hemelytra yellowish, with median stripe wider than male and irregular (fig. 2, fs); ocular commissure longer than or equal to length of vertex; female head more rounded than male head in dorsal view, with anterior margin of vertex almost straight; pronotum with lateral margins strongly divergent; posterior margin concave; greatest width of pronotum 3 or 3.5 times its length in dorsal view; middle trochanter of male bearing one or two groups of short bristles located ventrally near outer lateral margin; hemelytra of female emarginated on costal margin, with at least 30 teeth in internal costal margin; female abdomen with slightly constriction in its second half, wherein fits toothed area of hemelytra (fig. 6, cc); connexivum absent in constricted area; first segment of ventral abdominal keel long and robust (fig. 6). Macropterous forms unknown.
The species epithet,
, refers to the locality (Oriximiná) in which the
series was collected.
The specimens key to
M. hungerfordi
in the key to the
species presented by
Truxal (1949)
, if we decide that the total length of the body is less while running members of
M. oriximinaensis
sp. nov.
Some specimens are more robust and readily run to
M. hungerfordi
whereas other members neither run to the following step nor to
M. hungerfordi
. In spite of resembling
M. hungerfordi
in having a sharp concavity in the hind trochanter (figs 4–5) and a narrow median stripe not bifurcate in hemelytra (figs 1–2),
M. oriximinaensis
sp. nov.
can be readily recognized by the presence of one or two groups of very cohesive, short bristles near the lateral margin of the middle trochanter (fig. 3) and by the distinctive shape of claspers (figs 7–8). In
M. oriximinaensis
sp. nov.
the female hemelytra bear at least 30 teeth on its costal margin (fig. 6, th), whereas in
M. hungerfordi
the female hemelytra bear at least sixteen teeth on this costal margin.