A review of the Cetoniinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Argentina and adjacent countries: systematics and geographic distributions Author Iorio, Osvaldo Di text Zootaxa 2013 2013-06-05 3668 1 1 87 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3668.1.1 journal article 20102 10.11646/zootaxa.3668.1.1 6d97f474-61dc-481a-8f0b-406163041ae1 1175-5326 5266231 ADFC6617-6B86-420D-A3F5-9977B67F10B6 Hologymnetis undulata (Vigors, 1824) Fig. 77 (parameres) Cetonia undulata Vigors, 1824: 415–416 (description; distribution), Tab. 15, Fig. 4 . Gymnetis undulata (Vigors, 1824) : Dejean 1833: 169 (catalog); Gory & Percheron, 1833: 348 (redescription; distribution); Burmeister 1842: 265-266 (distribution; references); Lucas 1857: 109 (distribution; references); Dent 1886: 392 (list; distribution); Schenkling 1921: 99 (catalog; distribution; references). Cineretis undulata Vigors : Schürhoff 1937: 69 (new combination; list; distribution); Blackwelder 1944: 263 (catalog; distribution). [ Gymnetis ] Consularis Dej .: Dejean 1833: 169 (catalog; distribution; nomen nudum ). Gymnetis consularis Gory & Percheron, 1833: 347 (description; distribution); Schaum 1844: 357 [synonymy; variety]; Schenkling 1921: 99 (catalog; distribution; references). Hologymnetis undulata : Martínez 1949: 15 [new combination; type species]; Krajcik 1998: 79 (catalog); Ratcliffe & Deloya 1992: 177–179 (redescription; distribution; references), 183 ( Figs. 12 a, 12 b, 12 c ), 189 ( Fig. 19 , map). Distribution: BRAZIL (Gory & Percheron 1833, Schürhoff 1937, Burmeister 1842, Blackwelder 1944); Rondonia : Vilhena (Ratcliffe & Deloya 1992); Minas Gerais (Dent 1886): Belo Horizonte; Diamantina; Pouso Alegre; Sabara; Serra do Paraça (Ratcliffe & Deloya 1992); Goiás : [= “Goyáz”] (Lucas 1857); Bananeiras; Campinas; Goiatuba; Jatai; Leopoldo de Bulhões; Mineiros; Rio Verde; Trinidade; Vila Tenorio (Ratcliffe & Deloya 1992); [ Mato Grosso do Sul ]: “Cuyabá” [= Cuiabá] (Lucas 1857); Buriti; Chapada dos Guimares; Jacaré; Rancho Grande (Ratcliffe & Deloya 1992); Distrito Federal : Brasilia (Ratcliffe & Deloya 1992); Paraná : Curitiba (Ratcliffe & Deloya 1992); São Paulo (Ratcliffe & Deloya 1992); Rio de Janeiro (Vigors 1824, Ratcliffe & Deloya 1992); Santa Catarina (Ratcliffe & Deloya 1992); Rio Grande do Sul (Ratcliffe & Deloya 1992). BOLIVIA : Santa Cruz : San José de Chiquitos (Ratcliffe & Deloya 1992). PARAGUAY : Central : Asunción (Ratcliffe & Deloya 1992). Material examined: BRAZIL : without locality, 1 ex. [ BHCA ] ; Minas Gerais : Pouso Alegre , 1 ex. [ DIOC ] ; [ Mato Grosso do Sul ]: Utiariti , Rio Papagayo , Williner leg., 23-XI-1966 , 1 male [ DIOC ], 26-XI-1966 , 1 male , 1 female [ DIOC ] ; Tangará da Serra , 23-III-2006 , Koberstain leg., 1 ex. [ EABA ]. Male genitalia: parameres ( Fig. 77 ). See also parameres in lateral view ( Fig. 12a ), caudal view ( Fig. 12b ), and opposite side of caudal view ( Fig. 12c ) in Ratcliffe & Deloya (1992: 183). Note 1 : According to Ratcliffe & Deloya (1992), “ Gymnetis consularis from Brazil , described on a relatively immaculate specimen of G. undulata , was correctly recognized as a junior synonym of G. undulata by Schenkling (1921), based possibly on the advice of Moser”, but the first observation was made by Schaum (1844: 357) when he said “ Gymnetis undulata .—La G. consularis , G. et P., inconnue à M. Burmeister et mentionnée par lui p. 802, est une variété de cette espèce, dans laquelle les dessins blancs ont à peu près disparus”, later correctly cited by Schenkling (1921) among the references of G. consularis . Note 2 : Gymnetis undulata was given a publication date of 1825 by Schenkling (1921), Blackwelder (1944), Martínez (1949), Krajcik (1998), and Ratcliffe & Deloya (1992). See Note 1 below G. hieroglyphica .