The genera Agathocles and Surenus (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) tribal reassessment, redescription, new synonyms, and description of two new species Author Salini, S. National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, Bangalore, 560024, India Author Kment, Petr 0000-0002-7026-5691 Department of Entomology, National Museum, Cirkusová 1740, CZ- 193 00 Praha 9 - Horní Počernice, Czech Republic sigara @ post. cz; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7026 - 5691 text Zootaxa 2021 2021-04-14 4958 1 510 559 journal article 7213 10.11646/zootaxa.4958.1.31 a1df68e3-0e4c-4010-9556-cb15d51a5499 1175-5326 4692369 9E63F8E2-1CCA-4F58-9019-39AE7A3D0640 Paramecocoris ruficornis ( Fieber, 1851 ) comb. nov. Paramecus ruficornis Fieber, 1851: 459 (original description). Syntype (s): Hinterindien ( Dr. Helfer ) (MNHN). Paramecus ruficornis : Stål (1876) : 71 (list); Atkinson (1888) : 17 –18 (translation of original description); Lethierry & Severin (1893) : 112 (catalogue); Distant (1902) : 148 (translation of original description). Sciocoris ? ruficornis : Walker (1867) : 178 (listed as synonym of Cimex ruficornis Fabricius ). Burma ruficornis : Kirkaldy (1909) : 42 (catalogue). Nomenclature. Stål (1854) proposed Paramecocoris as a replacement name for Paramecus Fieber, 1851 , a junior homononym of Paramecus Dejean, 1829 ( Coleoptera : Carabidae ). As such, Paramecocoris must take the same type species as Paramecus ( ICZN 1999 : Art. 67.8). Stål (1854) included in Paramecocoris four Afrotropical species, P. ellipticus ( Spinola, 1850 ) [= Delagorguella elliptica Spinola, 1850 ], P. fatidicus Stål, 1854 [= D. ventralis ( Germar, 1837 )], P. lutulentus Stål, 1854 [= Erachteus lutulentus ( Stål, 1854 ) ], and P. phaleratus Stål, 1854 [= D. phalerata ( Stål, 1854 )]. Stål (1876) used both generic names as valid: Paramecus for P. ruficornis (also accepted in Distant 1902 ), and Paramecocoris for five African species. Kirkaldy (1909 : xxxiii) wrongly designated Delagorguella elliptica Spinola, 1850 , as type species of Paramecocoris , considering it junior synonym of Delagorguella Spinola, 1850 (Myrocheini), while he placed Paramecus ruficornis in the genus Burma Kirkaldy, 1904 he proposed earlier as a new substitute name for Paramecus Fieber, 1851 . Paramecocoris is the valid generic name for Paramecus ruficornis Fieber, 1851 (with Burma Kirkaldy, 1904 being its junior objective synonym), as it was noted already by Van Duzee (1929) . However, the combination Paramecocoris ruficornis ( Fieber, 1851 ) , comb. nov. , is first formally proposed here. The species was described based on unknown number of specimens, i.e. syntypes , from ‘Hinterindien (Dr. Helfer)’ which most probably refers to Tenasserim (southern Myanmar ) where Czech entomologist J. W. Helfer (1810–1840) worked from 1837 to 1840 as an employee of the East Indian Company (see Bezděk & Hájek 2010 ; Wolcott & Renner 2017 ).