Neotropical jumping plant-lice (Hemiptera, Psylloidea) associated with plants of the tribe Detarieae (Leguminosae, Detarioideae) Author Burckhardt, Daniel Author Queiroz, Dalva L. text Zootaxa 2020 2020-02-14 4733 1 1 73 journal article 24024 10.11646/zootaxa.4733.1.1 5a990a21-33cb-4a4b-b658-b29aea9e40af 1175-5326 3669649 31A43156-5462-43AB-B51B-6042BE223D8A Jataiba cearensis sp. nov. ( Figs 79, 86, 87 , 97 ) LSID: D5AB1400-3A75-433C-81CF-3E2D7DE63F04 Material examined. Holotype , Brazil : PI , Brasileira / Piracuruca , Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades , -4.0727/0991 -41.6797/7291, 130– 210 m , 21– , Copaifera cearensis , cerrado vegetation with open areas and more humid areas around pond ( D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz ) # 201(5) ( MZSP , dry mounted). Paratypes . Brazil : BA : 19 ♂ , 10 ♀ , Luiz Eduardo Magalhães, -11.8944/1126 -45.1728/6014, 700– 740 m , 25– 26.ix.2012 ( D.L. Queiroz ) #347–349, 356, 357, 360 ( NHMB , slide mounted, in 70% ethanol).— PI : 6 ♂ , 9 ♀ , same data as holotype ( MZSP , NHMB , dry and slide mounted, in 70% ethanol) ; 3 ♂ , 3 ♀ , north of Piripiri , road to Palmei- ra da Emilia , 1 km from intersetcion with PI-345, -4.1712 -41.7051 , 200 m , , Copaifera langsdorffii (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #202(1) ( NHMB , in 70% ethanol) ; 3 ♂ , 4 ♀ , Piracuruca, Fazenda Bananeira outside Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades , -4.0978 -41.6696 , 130 m , , Copaifera langsdorffii (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #205(3) ( NHMB , in 70% ethanol) ; 3 ♂ , 1 ♀ , Piracuruca, from city to Rio Piracuruca , -3.9389/-4.0031 -41.6748/7114, 60– 80 m , , Copaifera langsdorffii (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #206(5) ( NHMB , in 70% ethanol) ; 2 ♂ , 4 ♀ , Parnaíba , campus Embrapa Meio-Norte , -3.0849 -41.7871 , 60 m , 27– , Copaifera cearensis (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #207(1) ( NHMB , in 70% ethanol) . Description. Adult. Colouration as in Jataiba uncigera sp. nov . Structure. Vertex with big and flattened anteorbital tubercles. Genal processes 0.8–1.0 times as long as vertex along midline, adpressed medially. Antenna 3.6–4.0 times as long as head width. Forewing 2.3–2.5 times as long as head width, 2.1–2.3 times as long as broad; pterostigma moderately short, narrow at base; cell cu 1 0.8–1.0 times higher than wide; surface spinules much reduced, present only in apical half of cell r 1 , and around the radular areas in the middle of cells r 2 , m 1 , m 2 and cu 1 , and in cell cu 2 leaving broad spinule-free stripes along the veins. Metatibia 0.5–0.6 times as long as head width. Terminalia as in Figs 79, 86, 87 and 97 . Male proctiger 0.3 times as head width, lacking posterior lobes basally but weakly produced, slightly angular. Paramere lamellar, irregularly tapering to apex; with one slightly forward directed sclerotised tooth near apex in the middle; inner surface sparsely covered in long setae, denser and thicker apically covering more or less apical quarter. Distal segment of aedeagus strongly inflated in apical third, bearing a sclerotised bar in the middle on either side, base with small projection; sclerotised end tube of ductus ejaculatorius large, slightly curved, originating in apical half of segment. Female proctiger 1.0 times as long as head width, dorsal outline almost straight, apex slightly upturned, pointed; circumanal ring 0.2–0.3 times as long as proctiger. Female subgenital plate 0.4 times as long as proctiger, apex subacute; dorsal outline with distinct angular lobe in apical third. Measurements (in mm) and ratios ( 4 ♂ , 2 ♀ ). Head width 0.82–0.92, 0.92; antenna length 2.96–3.56, 3.58–3.60; forewing length 2.00–2.18, 2.24–2.30; male proctiger length 0.28–0.32; paramere length 0.22–0.26; length of distal segment of aedeagus 0.24–0.26; female proctiger length 0.92–0.96. Fifth instar immature unknown. Etymology. Adjective, feminine form. Named after one of its likely host plants, Copaifera cearensis . Distribution . Brazil (BA, PI). Host plant, biology and habitat . Adults were collected on Copaifera cearensis Ducke and C. langsdorffii Desf. which both are likely hosts.—Cerrado vegetation. Comments . Jataiba cearensis differs from other copaiba psyllids as indicated in the key. It is morphologically closest to J. uncigera , from which it differs in the slightly smaller body dimensions and, most importantly, in the posterior margin of the male proctiger which is slightly angular in basal third (rather than evenly rounded), in the paramere where the densely spaced spines in the apical quarter of the inner face cover a smaller area, and in the distal aedeagal segment where the basal projection is smaller. We could not find any differences between the females of the two species.