Onuphis and Aponuphis (Annelida: Onuphidae) from southwestern Europe, with the description of a new species Author Arias, Andrés Author Paxton, Hannelore text Zootaxa 2015 3949 3 345 369 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3949.3.3 25ece91c-6566-4122-a406-236f147b58b1 1175-5326 238900 CBEF804D-5FBF-48D2-8CCD-036B70FE6ECD Aponuphis bilineata ( Baird, 1870 ) Figure 7 A, B Hyalinoecia bilineata Baird, 1870 : 358 ; Rioja 1918 : 44 (Santander, Spain ); Bellan 1960 : 18 ( Portugal ); Amoureux 1973 : 440 (northern Spain , Bay of Biscay); 1974: 137 (Aveiro, Portugal ); Campoy 1982 : 544 (in part). Hyalinoecia rubra Langerhans, 1880 : 292 (Madeira) . Aponuphis bilineata . Kucheruk 1978 : 91 (new combination); Aguirrezabalaga et al. 2002 : 27 (Capbreton Canyon, Bay of Biscay). Material examined. Type material. Three syntypes of Hyalinoecia bilineata ( BMNH ZB 1867.1.7.2) off coast of Cornwall, U.K. , 73 m ; 2 syntypes of Hyalinoeia rubra Langerhans, 1880 on slides ( NHMW 2347) Madeira. Non-type material. Five specimens ( MNCN 16.01/16162) COCACE station: D3 ( 43.85º N , 5.68º W ), N. Spain , Cantabrian Sea, Bay of Biscay, 162 m , 89.06 % sand, 4.76 % silt, 6.18 % clay, 29 Jun 1987 ; 5 specimens ( MNCN 16.01/16163) COCACE station: C1 ( 43.74º N , 5.69º W ), N. Spain , Cantabrian Sea, Bay of Biscay, 150 m , 80.04 % sand, 8.28 % silt, 11.68 % clay, 26 Jun 1987 ; 17 specimens ( MNCN 16.01/16164) COCACE station: B3 ( 43.70º N , 5.90º W ), N. Spain , Cantabrian Sea, Bay of Biscay, 117 m , 69.86 % sand, 12.77 % silt, 17.37 % clay, 5 Jul 1987 ; 7 specimens ( MNCN 16.01/16165) COCACE station: B3 ( 43.70º N , 5.90º W ), N. Spain , Cantabrian Sea, Bay of Biscay, 117 m , 69.86 % sand, 12.77 % silt, 17.37 % clay, 5 Jul 1987 ; 1 specimen ( MNCN 16.01/16166) COCACE station: C7 ( 43.81º N , 5.98º W ), N. Spain , Cantabrian Sea, Bay of Biscay, 146 m , 98.58 % sand, 0.40 % silt, 1.02 % clay, 4 Jul 1987 ; 15 specimens ( MNCN 16.01/15242, MNCN 16.01/15269, MNCN 16.01/15270, MNCN 16.01/15277, MNCN 16.01/15281) Fauna II, NW Peñas Cape, Asturias (43º 43.72’– 43º 42.82’ N , 5º 56.97’– 5º 56.85’ W ), N. Spain , E. Atlantic, 122–129 m , 15 Jun 1991 ; 1 specimen ( MNCN 16.01/15243) Fauna II W Cíes Islands, Galicia (42º 15.26’– 42º 16.31’ N , 9º 20.63’– 9º 21.59’ W ), NW Spain , E Atlantic, 232–240 m , 11 Jun 1991 ; 2 specimens ( MNCN 16.01/15275, MNCN 16.01/15279) Fauna II S. Finisterre Cape, Galicia (42º49.77'– 42º49.81' N , 9º13.91'– 9º13.81' W ), NW. Spain , E. Atlantic, 54–67 m , 11 Jun 1991 ; 1 specimen ( MNCN 16.01/15273) Fauna II NW. Villano Cape, País Vasco (43º28.62'– 43º28.64' N , 2º53.77'– 2º53.36' W ), N. Spain , E. Atlantic, 88 m , 21 Jun 1991 ; 1 specimen ( MNCN 16.01/15271) Fauna IV off shore Alborán Island (35°49.91'– 35°50.36' N , 03°14.63'– 03°13.72' W ), E. Spain , Alborán Sea, western Mediterranean, 118 m , 25 Jul 1996 ; 4 specimens ( MNCN 16.01/15272, MNCN 16.01/15274, MNCN 16.01/15278) Fauna IV off shore Alborán Island Lighthouse (35°58.00'– 35°58.00' N , 02°58.46'– 02°58.46' W ), E. Spain , Alborán Sea, western Mediterranean, 36 m , 25 Jul 1996 ; 2 specimens ( MNCN 16.01/1834, MNCN 16.01/1836) off shore between San Antonio cape and Valencia harbour, E. Spain , western Mediterranean, 3–30 m , 26 Apr 1996 ; 1 specimen ( MNCN 16.01/4371) Denia, E. Spain , western Mediterranean, 3–30 m , 5 Apr 1998 . FIGURE 7. Aponuphis spp. photomicrographs showing its characteristic colour patterns. A, A. bilineata morph 1 (typical); B. A. bilineata morph 2; C, A. brementi ; D–E, A. ornata ; G, recently settled juvenile of A. ornata ; H, brooding juvenile of A. ornata . Type locality. Off Cornwall, U.K. , 73 m , East Atlantic. Diagnosis. Antennae usually to chaetiger 10–15, maximally to 22; four to six ceratophoral rings on median antenna, seven to 10 usually on lateral antennae, maximally 11. Anterior five to six chaetigers with several bi- to tridentate pseudocompound hooks, chaetigers 6–7 with one only; slender long-appendaged hooks present. Ventral cirri subulate on first five chaetigers. Subacicular hooks from chaetiger 10. Branchiae from chaetiger 4–5. Species occurring as two colour morphs: Morph (1), peristomium completely pigmented or four separate spots, two longitudinal pigment stripes and two segmental lateral spots from chaetiger 1 to posterior region, stripes becoming discontinuous between chaetigers, forming two segmental spots as pigmentation decreases posteriorly ( Fig. 7 A), referred to previously as typical ( Bellan 1964 ). Morph (2), peristomium and first three to four chaetigers with two large brownish spots almost filling dorsal surface of segment, sometimes coalescing medially; from chaetiger 4–5 to median region two longitudinal dorsal pigment stripes discoursing laterally close to parapodia ( Fig. 7 B). Maximum width without parapodia 1.5 mm . Remarks. The three syntypes of Hyalinoecia bilineata Baird, 1870 have been examined and found to be in good condition, but the pigmentation is not visible any more. Photographs of the two syntypes (on slides) of Hyalinoecia rubra Langerhans, 1880 were studied and found to display the colour pattern of two longitudinal stripes (Morph 1). Although Langerhans named the species “ rubra ”, it is not evenly reddish brown, but as he mentioned in the description, has a colourless midline and two lighter lateral lines, producing the two typical longitudinal pigment stripes. The excellent original description allows us to recognise it as a junior synonym of Aponuphis bilineata . Biology. Ectosymbiotic microorganisms were found on the surface of the anterior and median parapodia of A. bilineata . These epibionts were identified as peritrich ciliates belonging to the genus Epistylis , characterised by forming colonies utilising its noncontractile and longer peduncle for attachment to the substrate. Distribution. East Atlantic, Mediterranean.