Revision of Scopaeus Erichson, 1839 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae) of Indonesia, with description of 19 new species Author Frisch, Johannes Author Narakusumo, Raden Pramesa MUseUm ZoologicUm Bogoriense, Research Center for Biosystematics and EvolUtion, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor KM 46, Cibinong, West Java, 16911, Indonesia text Soil Organisms 2022 2022-04-01 95 1 23 73 journal article 10.25674/so95iss1id311 2509-9523 10724236 Scopaeus testaceus Motschulsky, 1858 New Indonesian records: Aceh : Aceh Tenggara , Balelutu ( Alas Valley ), ( 03°43’N , 097°38’E ), 320 m , 7.1972, leg. Krikken ( NBCL ) ; N Kutacane : Tanah-Merah ( 03°31’N , 097°47’E ), 6.1972, leg. Krikken ( NBCL ) . Bengkulu : South Bengkulu : Manna , leg. Knappert ( NBCL ) . Sumatera Barat : Bukittinggi [Fort de Kock], leg. Jacobson ( NBCL ) ; Rimbo Panti ( 0°21’N , 100°41’E ), 24. – 25.2.2002 , leg. G. Riedel ( NHMW ) . Sumatera Utara : Simalungun, Dolok Merangir: Deli ( 03°06’N , 099°03’E ), 200 m , 31.5.– 1.6.1972 , leg. Krikken ( NBCL ) . The distribution of Scopaeus testaceus , which is widespread throughout the Oriental region, was revised by Frisch (2003: 672 – 674) . Accordingly, the species is proven for Borneo, Sulawesi , Sumatra and Java . Old records for Indonesia , which need confirmation by examination of reference specimens, were published by Bernhauer (1922: 230 ; Sunda Islands), Bernhauer & Schubert (1912: 252 ; Java , Sumatra ) and Cameron (1930: 346 , Sumatra Utara: Medan; 1936: 52, Jawa Tengah : Cilacap [Tjilatjap]). Fauvel (1886: 147) published records for Sulawesi , Sumatra and Java under the name S. suturalis Kraatz , a junior synonym of S. testaceus ( Frisch 2003: 672 ) . Records from New Guinea ( Biswas & Biswas 1995: 281 , Cameron 1931: 173 , Last 1966: 3 , Scheerpeltz 1933: 1270 ) are implausible and probably refer to related members of the S. laevigatus species group ( Frisch 2003 ). Scopaeus testaceus is here for the first time recorded for Aceh, Bengkulu and Sumatera Barat.