A revision of the genus Acentroptera Guérin-Méneville, 1844 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae)
Staines, C. L.
Insecta Mundi
journal article
Acentroptera zikani
Fig. 13
Acentroptera zikani
Uhmann 1935: 50
: Virginia-
1500 m
, S. Minas-Gerais, Faz. Campos,
16-XI- 1921
, J. F. Zikan// No.// Bexbeule 1933, J. F. Zikan// Holtyp [red label]//
Acentroptera zikani Uh., E. Uhmann
det. 33 (DEI)).
Papp 1953: 51
Uhmann 1957: 66
Gaedike and Döbler 1971: 363
Staines 1997: 411
(Uhmann species list).
. Elongate; narrow; parallel-sided; reddish-brown with black markings; head and venter orangish-red; pronotum with longitudinal medial vitta and lateral margins dark; each elytron with macula on humerus, on puncture rows 1 and 2 near scutellum, on puncture rows 2-5 on basal ¼, on lateral margin extending to puncture row 9 from base to just beyond middle, on puncture rows 2 and 3 on apical ¼, and transverse band from puncture rows 2-9 on apical 1/5; legs orangish-red except upper surface of femora and tibiae diffuse black. Head: vertex punctate, medial sulcus present; not depressed between eyes; tooth present between antennal bases; frons with transverse carina; mandibles large. Antenna: reaches to humerus; antennomere 1 subglobose, ¾ length of 2; 2 transverse; 3-4 cylindrical, each longer than 2; 5-7 elliptical, decreasing in length; 8-10 transverse, subequal in length; 11 2x length of 10, pointed at apex; 1-7 punctate, 8-11 setose. Pronotum: transverse; convex; lateral margin sinuate, narrowly margined; anterior angle with blunt tooth; posterior angle acute; surface moderately punctate, punctures large; with medial longitudinal sulcus from base to apex; deep transverse basal impression present medially; pronotal length
2.1 mm
; pronotal width
2.7 mm
. Scutellum: quadrate; punctate. Elytra: lateral margin straight, smooth; exterior apical angle rounded; apical margin sinuate, slightly laminate; sutural angle with small tooth; humerus angulate; regularly punctate-striate; interspaces 2, 4, 6, and 8 costate, interspaces 4 and 6 most produced; elytral length
9.4 mm
; elytral width
4.4 mm
. Venter: pro- and mesosterna punctate; metasternum and abdomen impunctate; last abdominal sternite with fringe of setae on apical margin. Leg: punctate, each puncture with pale seta; tibia with fringe of setae on inner apical margin; meso- and metatibiae with tooth at apex; tarsi large. Total length:
12.1 mm
Host plant
. Unknown.
Minas Gerais
Specimens examined
: unknown locality: ex. Musaeo Mniszech (USNM).
Minas Gerais- Virginia, Faz. Campos,
1500 m
16 November 1921
(DEI). Total: 2.