Neda Mulsant (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae): Redescriptions and revised combinations of two species formerly placed in Cycloneda Crotch Author Araújo, Marileusa Author Almeida, Lúcia Massutti De text Zootaxa 2003 319 1 10 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.156739 cf83b473-4caa-4e69-8586-b16fefbaa302 1175­5326 156739 Neda tredecimsignata ( Mulsant, 1850 ) comb. nov. ( Figures 3–4 , 5 B) Daulis tredecim­signata Mulsant, 1850 :311 ; Mulsant, 1866 :216 . Cycloneda tredecim­signata : Crotch, 1874 :165 . Cycloneda tredecimsignata : Korschefsky, 1931 :287 ; Blackwelder, 1945 :453 ; Gordon, 1987 :20 . FIGURE 3. Neda tredecimsignata (Mulsant, 1850) comb. nov. A, Habitus; B, Male abdomen; Median lobe. C, Dorsal view; D, Lateral view; E, Sipho. Body rounded, convex. Integument yellow. Pronotum and elytra with brown spots. Pronotum with six to seven spots: three smaller at base, two rounded at lateral sides, and two elongated at apical margin. Each elytron with nine spots. Two of them close to suture: one small near the scutellum and one elongated at the elytral apex. Three spots at external margin: one small rounded on the callus and two elongated. Four biggest spots at center of elytral disc ( Figs 3 A, 5B). FIGURE 4. Neda tredecimsignata (Mulsant, 1850) comb. nov. . A, Female abdomen; B, Female genitalia. FIGURE 5. A, Neda callispilota (Guérin­Méneville, 1844) comb. rest .. B, Neda tredecimsignata (Mulsant, 1850) comb. nov. . Abdomen with six visible segments present in the male and five in the female. Abdominal segments 4–6 weakly curved in the male and 4 weakly curved in the female, in the male with 5th abdominal segment roundly emarginate ( Figs. 3 B, 4A). Length 5.50– 7.50 mm. Width 5.00–6.50 mm. Male genitalia: Basal lobe slightly divided at apex, parameres shorter than basal lobe ( Fig. 3 C), in lateral view strongly curved ( Fig. 3 D). Sipho S­shaped, curved, siphonal capsule elongated with inner arm irregular ( Fig. 3 E). Female genitalia with slightly curved cornu; distinct ramus and nodulus; enlarged spermathecal accessory gland; sperm duct attached to distal end of bursa; bursa robust and plicate ( Fig. 4 B). Remarks: This species can be excluded from Cycloneda (sensu Vandenberg 2002 ) and included in Neda based on the same criteria discussed in the remarks section for Neda callispilota (above). Neda tredecimsignata differs from other species of Neda in possessing the 5th abdominal segment roundly emarginate in the male. We include the species here provisionally, awaiting a more complete systematic treatment of Neda and allied taxa. Specimens Examined. BRASIL . Rio de Janeiro . Corcovado. 01/IX/1967 , Pe.J.S.Moure, (DZUP); 01/XI/1976 , 3 specimens ; 15/X/1975 , 1 specimen , 27/X/1975 , 2 specimens , 30/X/1975 , 1 specimen , 3/XI/1975 , 1 specimen , 7/X/1976 , 1 specimen , 15/X/ 1976 , 1 specimen , C.A. C. Seabra & M. A. Monné; XI/1958 , 1 specimen ; VIII/1961 , 1 specimen , XI/1962 , 1 specimen , XII/1962 , 2 specimens , Alvarenga & Seabra; 30/IX/1971 , 1 specimen , C. A. C. Seabra; 13/IX/1975 , 1 specimen , M. A. Monné; Tijuca. XI/1964 , 1 specimen , Peracchi (MNRJ). São Paulo . Peruibe. 15/X/1936 . F.C.Camargo; 10/XI/1941 . H. Zellibor; XI/1939 . H.Zellibor (MNRJ).