The Acentropinae (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea: Crambidae) of Africa Author Agassiz, David J. L. The Natural History Museum, London SW 7 5 BD text Zootaxa 2012 2012-09-21 3494 1 73 journal article 55841 10.11646/zootaxa.3494.1.1 17277230-72bb-4500-8e53-1bd8e3ca6d74 1175­5334 6380783 E31EF0DC-825E-4D60-8AED-3127019CF8F0 Eoophyla ruwenzoriensis sp. n. Type locality: Uganda, Ruwenzori Range Imago (Fig. 38): Wingspan: 23–26mm . Head ochreous; palpi upcurved, whitish ochreous, basal segment laterally brown; antenna ochreous, scape paler. Thorax ochreous with central dark brown line; tegulae whitish. Forewing pearly white; a dark brown subbasal fascia narrowly extended beneath costa to meet oblique dark brown median fascia, thereby almost enclosing an elliptical white area; tornus and dorsum connected to middle of median fascia by dark brown lines; from costa a further dark brown marking curving outwards, thereby almost enclosing a further elliptical white area on costa; a further strip of white before blackish subterminal line; terminal area orange; tornal spot pale leaden grey; a chequered fuscous line in terminal cilia. Hindwing white; a diffuse fuscous mark at tornus; a weak line making a partial median fascia; a wavy double subterminal line; four conjoined black eyespots along margin of wing, containing five irregularly placed spots of metallic grey-blue, surrounded by ochreous; inner half of terminal cilia dark fuscous near eyespots. Legs ochreous-white, dark brown above along upperside of femur. Abdomen ochreous. Male genitalia (Fig. 113): Uncus digitate; gnathos 0.6×length of uncus with a small spine on dorsal surface at tip; valva simple, costa evenly arched, dorsum with a bulge just before middle, longer setae towards apex. Aedeagus simple with a patch of sclerotised rods near apex, vesica with a very small curved cornutus. Female genitalia: Unknown. Tympanal organs: Venulae gently curved outwards and slightly divergent. The specimen dissected had tympani missing. Derivation: From the name of the mountain range where it was found. Biology: Unknown. Distribution: Uganda , Ruwenzori range. Material examined: Holotype + 5 paratypes ♂ , all in BMNH with the data: “Kilemba, 4,500 ft. F.W.Edwards ” and an additional label “ UGANDA , Ruwenzori Range , xii.1933 I.1934 , BM E.Afr. Exp. ” One paratype dissected, BMNH Pyralidae slide No. 21245.