Phylogenetic approach for identification and life cycles of Puccinia (Pucciniaceae) species on Carex (Cyperaceae) from northeastern China Author Ji, Jingxin Author Li, Zhuang Author Li, Yu Author Kakishima, Makoto text Phytotaxa 2022 2022-04-06 542 3 221 255 journal article 53874 10.11646/phytotaxa.542.3.1 3df0930d-462b-4889-8dd8-c94298fa9568 1179-3163 6416737 C15: Puccinia moiwensis Miura, Ann. Mycol. 11: 105, 1913. ( Fig. 18 ) Description:Spermogonia amphigenous, honey-yellow, grouped, subepidermal, flask-shaped, type 4 of Cummins & Hiratsuka (2003) . Aecia mostly hypophyllous, sometimes in large groups, spreading along veins, yellow, cupulate with peridia, Aecidium - type . Peridial cells firmly conjunct, cubic to polygonal, hyaline. Aeciospores catenulate, globose to subglobose, angular, 15.0–18.0 × 13.0–16.5 µm (av. 16.0 × 14.5 µm); walls hyaline, 0.4–1.0 µm (av. 0.7 µm) thick, densely verrucose with big glanules. Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered, minute, brown, covered by epidermis but erumpent after maturation. Urediniospores globose or subglobose, 19.5–26.5 × 16.5–20.5 µm (av. 23.5 × 18.5 µm); walls brown, echinulate, 1.0–1.9 µm (av. 1.3 µm), germ pores 2, equatorial, obscure. Telia hypophyllous, blackish brown, compact, rounded to broadly elliptic, erumpent. Teliospores clavate, ellipsoid, mostly truncate at apices, constricted at the septa, attenuate at the bases, 36.5–48.0 × 13.5–18.5 µm (av. 42.5 × 16.0 µm); walls chestnutbrown, 0.5–0.9 µm (av. 0.7 µm) thick at sides, 7.6–11.2 µm (av. 9.3 µm) at apices; pedicels persistent, hyaline to pale brown, thin-walled, 26.5–41.0 µm (av. 34.5 µm) long. Specimens examined from northeastern CHINA : Heilongjiang Province , Wuchang , spermogonia and aecia on Urtica angustifolia Fisch. ex Hornem. , 22 June 2017 , HMJAU 8800 . Heilongjiang Province , Wuchang , spermogonia, and aecia on Urtica sp. , 15 June 2019 , HMJAU 8801 . Jilin Province , Jilin , uredinia and telia on Carex sp. , 12 September 2017 , HMJAU 8799 , 8803 , 29 June 2017 , HMJAU 8807 , 4 September 2018 , HMJAU 8805 . Jilin Province , Changbai Mountain , uredinia and telia on Carex sp. , 2 September 2018 , HMJAU 8804 . Heilongjiang Province , Wuchang , uredinia and telia on Carex sp. , 30 September 2016 , HMJAU 8802 , 9 September 2017 , HMJAU 8806 . Hosts and distribution in northeastern CHINA ( Fig. 1 ): —Spermogonia and aecia on Urtica angustifoli a ( Urticaceae ) (C); Urtica sp. (Urticaceae) (C). Uredinia and telia on Carex sp. (B, C, D). Note: —This clade is phylogenetically separated from species having spermogonial and aecial stages on Urtica ( P. urticata , P. urticae-inflatae , P. caricis-rafaensis , and P. caricis-jilinensis ) and forms a distinct lineage from them, although close to the clade containing P. caricis-rafaensis . Uredinial and telial specimens of this clade are morphologically closely in agreement with the descriptions of P. moiwensis by Ito (1950) , Hiratsuka et al . (1992) , Zhuang et al . (1998) and Azbukina (2005 , 2015 ). Although this species has been reported widely from northeastern Asia its spermogonial and aecial stages were previously unknown. Therefore, this report constitutes the first record of these stages producing on Urtica for the species.