A new species of Bembecia from China, with a catalogue of Chinese species of the genus (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) Author Gorbunov, Oleg G. Author Krupitsky, Anatoly V. Author Marusov, Anatoly A. text Zootaxa 2017 4273 4 559 575 journal article 32888 10.11646/zootaxa.4273.4.6 c7626091-8808-4d4f-b081-d01dc246483a 1175-5326 803794 9237AA14-D90B-42F4-9819-A6796C60865A Bembecia (s. str.) viguraea ( Püngeler, 1912 ) D .[ ipsosphecia ] vigurea Püng.”— Püngeler 1912 : 394, pl. 50, row h. Type locality: “ Ost-Turkestan , Aksu , Rückbeil 1900” [= China : Xinjiang , Aksu ]. Lectotype ( ZMHB ), designated by Căpuşe, 1973b : 139. = “ D .[ ipsosphecia ] wagneri Püng. ”— Püngeler 1912 : 395, pl. 50, row i. Type locality: “ Central Asia, Ili district , …” [= Kazakhstan : Ili River ]. Lectotype ( ZMHB ), designated by Căpuşe 1973b : 143. 1. The second issue (“Heft 2”) (pages 169–323 and plates 5–9) of the 17th volume of the “Iris” was published July 25, 1905. This date is shown in the Content-overview (Inhalts=Übersicht) on page I. Dipsosphecia viguraea Dalla Torre & Strand 1925 : 69 ; Căpuşe 1971 : 242 , Abb. 2; Taf. 1, Fig. C, D; Špatenka & Laštůvka 1988 : 337 . Dipsosphecia wagneri Dalla Torre & Strand 1925 : 69 ; Căpuşe 1971 : 247 , Abb. 4; Taf. 1, Fig. G, H; Špatenka & Laštůvka 1988 : 337 . Bembecia (s. str.) viguraea (Püngeler, 1913) n. comb. Căpuşe 1973b : 139 , Abb. 2. Bembecia (s. str.) wagneri (Püngeler, 1913) n. comb. Căpuşe 1973b : 143 . Bembecia viguraea Heppner & Duckworth 1981 : 40 ; Špatenka et al . 1993 : 101 ; Špatenka et al. 1996 : 9 ; Špatenka et al . 1997 : 414 ; Špatenka et al . 1999 : 207 , pl. 27, fig. 217; text-figs 137, 387; Pühringer & Kallies 2004 : 36 ; Jin et al . 2008 : 516 ; Kallies & Bartsch 2010 : 81 , figs 1, 2. Bembecia wagneri Špatenka et al . 1993 : 101 ; Pühringer & Kallies 2004 : 36 . Host plant. Probably Hedysarum spp. ( Fabaceae ) ( Špatenka et al . 1999 ). Distribution. Tajikistan : Hissar Mts.; Kyrgyzstan : Terskey Ala-tau Mts., Tegerek Mts., Sandyk Mts, Kungey Ala-tau Mts.; Kazakhstan : Sary-Dzhaz, Narynkol; China : Xinjiang .