Decapod Crustacea of the Californian and Oregonian Zoogeographic Provinces 3371 Author Wicksten, Mary K. text Zootaxa 2012 2012-07-04 3371 1 307 journal article 1175­5334 Heptacarpus moseri (Rathbun, 1902) ( Fig. 20H ) Spirontocaris moseri Rathbun, 1902a: 897 ; 1904: 91 , fig. 39. Heptacarpus moseri . — Holthuis 1947: 12 . — Kozloff 1974: 167 . — Butler 1980: 223 , color plate 6A.— Wicksten 1989b: 312 ; 1990b: 595 . — Komai 1993: 549 , fig. 4. — Chace 1997: 44 . Diagnosis. Rostrum long, exceeding antennular peduncle, with 5–8 dorsal, 1–7 ventral teeth. Each segment of antennular antennular peduncle with spine, stylocerite reaching end of first segment. Third maxilliped, first pereopod with epipods. Pereopods 3–5 slender, with spinose, bifid dactyls. Merus of pereopod 3, with 0–3 spines; pereopod 4, with 3 spines; pereopod 5, with 0–3 spines. Pleura of abdominal somites 1–3 rounded, 4, 5 ending in posterolateral points. Telson with 4–5 pairs lateral spines. Female carapace length 7.3–9.6 mm, male not reported. Color in life. Translucent, banded, patched with red to red-orange or transparent striped with blue ( Butler 1980 color plate 6A). Habitat and depth. Among algae, to 1100 m . Komai (1993) believed that a previous intertidal record (Hart 1930, cited by Butler 1980 ) is a misidentification. Material that he examined came from 247–325 m in depth. Range. Off Hiro, Hokkaido , Japan ; Pribilof Is. , Alaska to off Columbia River , Oregon. Type locality off Segouam, Aleutian Is.