Decapod Crustacea of the Californian and Oregonian Zoogeographic Provinces 3371 Author Wicksten, Mary K. text Zootaxa 2012 2012-07-04 3371 1 307 journal article 1175­5334 Pinnixa franciscana Rathbun, 1917 ( Fig. 57K, L ) Pinnixa franciscana Rathbun, 1917: 161 , pl. 35, figs. 1–4, text fig. 100. — Schmitt 1921: 263 , pl. 42, figs. 1–4. — Schmitt et al . 1973: 110 . — Garth & Abbott 1980: 671 , fig. 25.38. — Ricketts et al . 1985: 307 , fig. 238. — Zmarzly 1992: 687 , fig. 7. — Campos- Gonzalez 2007: 646, pl. 325 A3. Diagnosis . Carapace about twice as wide as long, pitted, with blunt, straight cardiac ridge; granulate ridge running from orbit to branchial region. Palm of chela densely granulate, with ridge just above lower edge continued to end of fixed finger, finger fringed with setae, line of granules through middle. Fingers wide, slightly gaping, apices crossing, dactyl with large triangular tooth, fixed finger also with tooth. Dactyls of pereopods 2–5 slender. Pereopod 2 reaching middle of dactyl of pereopod 3. Pereopod 4 much larger than others, with dorsal margin of merus, carpus, propodus serrate; ventral margin of merus also serrate. Pereopod 5 setose, reaching middle of carpus of pereopod 4. Female carapace length 5.7 mm. FIGURE 57. Family Pinnotheridae . A, Opisthopus transversus Rathbun, 1893 ; B–D, Scleroplax granulata Rathbun, 1893 ; B, dorsal view; C, right cheliped of female; D, right cheliped of mature male. E, Pinnixa barnharti Rathbun, 1918 . F, G Pinnixa faba (Dana, 1851) ; F, male; G, female. H–J, Pinnixa forficulimanus Zmarzly, 1992 ; H, male; I, female; J, cheliped. K, L, Pinnixa franciscana Rathbun, 1918 ; K, female; L, male. Scales: B, H, I = 2 mm; C, G, K, L = 5 mm; A, F = 7 mm. A from Schmitt 1921 , B–D from Hart 1982 , E-L from Zmarzly 1992 . Color in life. Dirty brown to golden brown. The color notes are from crabs from Princeton Harbor, San Mateo County , California . Habitat and depth. Sandy mud, symbiotic with echiurans, polychaetes, callianassid shrimp; intertidal zone to 47 m . Range. San Francisco Bay , California to Turtle Bay , Baja California . Type locality east of Point San Quentin , San Francisco Bay ( Albatross sta. D5709) .