Decapod Crustacea of the Californian and Oregonian Zoogeographic Provinces 3371 Author Wicksten, Mary K. text Zootaxa 2012 2012-07-04 3371 1 307 journal article 1175­5334 Pachycheles pubescens Holmes, 1900 ( Fig. 36C , Pl. 7F) Pachycheles pubescens Holmes, 1900: 110 . — Rathbun 1904: 168 . — Schmitt 1921: 117 , pl. 33, fig. 4; fig. 112. — Johnson & Snook 1927: 350 . — Haig 1960: 162 , pl. 34, fig. 3. — Haig et al . 1970: 23 . — Gonor & Gonor 1973: 225 , figs. 2–5. — Haig & Abbott 1980: 589 , fig. 24.19. — Hart 1982: 102 , fig. 35. — Ricketts et al . 1985 : fig. 31 (larval stages). — Jensen 1995: 74 , fig. 148. — Kuris et al . 2007: 648 , pl. 326 C. Diagnosis. Front trilobate in frontal view, with small tuft of setae. Carapace slightly broader than long, strongly convex from front to back, plicate on posterolateral regions, punctate elsewhere. Chelipeds unequal. Merus of chelipeds with flattened granules, anterior margin with strongly projecting subtriangular lobe. Carpus with broad lobe on anterior margin, cut into 3 or 4 uneven, serrate teeth, lobe, remainder of carpus covered with granules. Entire surface of chelipeds thickly covered with short plumose setae. Fingers slightly gaping in major cheliped; gape thickly covered with short setae. Pereopods 2–4 with fringes of plumose setae. Telson with seven plates. Carapace length to 18 mm . Color in life. Carapace white, dappled with brown, gray, purple; may have blue, tan comma-shaped mark on each branchial region. Chelipeds covered by mud-colored setae. Pereopods 2–4 with merus blue, brown, propodus and dactyl with distal white bands ( Hart 1982 ). Habitat and depth. Rocky coasts, usually intertidal but as deep as 55 m . Range. Queen Charlotte Is. , British Columbia to Thurloe Head , Baja California , Mexico . Type localities Drake's Bay , Farallon Is. and Humboldt County , California .