A taxonomic revision of Camptocerus Dejean (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) Author Smith, Sarah M. Author Cognato, Anthony I. text Insecta Mundi 2010 2010-10-29 2010 148 1 88 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5165174 1942-1354 5165174 57F87554-195B-4DE8-BD90-70EB9428F9D7 Camptocerus latipilis Schedl ( Fig. 30 – 31 , 61 ) Camptocerus latipilis Schedl 1973:166 . Holotype : male, BRAZIL : Pará : Benfica : Ananindeua (MZSP). Diagnosis. The male is distinguished from that of C. petrovi by the smaller size, by the black color, by the strongly convex and protuberant second sternite, with the height of declivity behind much less than length of sternite 3, by the lateral epistomal margins bearing a dense brush of setae extending halfway from the epistoma to the level of scape insertion and by the glabrous frontal excavation with 10-12 setae on the lateral and dorsal margins. The female can be distinguished from that of C. coccoformus by the more strongly impressed medial area of the frons and the black head and pronotum. Redescription (male). 2.7-3.3 mm long (mean = 3.2 mm ; n = 6); 1.7- 1.9 times as long as wide. Color uniformly black. Epistoma strongly excavated, excavated from epistoma to anterodorsal margin of the eyes, excavation bordering the ocular margin; expanded to greater than quarter length of head; surface shagreened; bearing a dense brush of setae extending halfway on the lateral margin from the epistoma to the level of scape insertion; each lateral margin with a sub-acute vertical costa; apical margin armed with a short, rectangular carina; basal margin tumid above scape insertion (Fig. 2b). Frons strongly excavated from epistoma to anterodorsal margin of the eyes, excavation bor- dering the ocular margin; surface shagreened, gla- brous, with 10-12 setae on lateral and dorsal mar- gins. Antennal scape elongate, expanded distally, bearing 5 rows of setae on distal two-thirds, these one half length of scape; segments 2-7 of funicle bearing setae on ventral margin, these equal to 1.5 times the length of funicle; setae on dorsal margin less than length of 5 segments; setae on ventral margin twice as thick as those on dorsal margin; anterior face of the club setose, with a partial septum. Apical pronotal margin broadly rounded (Fig. 5a), area between eyes glabrous; surface minutely granulate-punctate with minute, shallow punc- tures; anterior fifth bearing 2-3 rows of yellow- brown setae; a row of yellow setae above lateral carinae; base weakly recurved (Fig. 8b); carina on lateral margin type C (Fig. 7c). Scutellum shape type B ( Fig. 12b ). Elytral sides parallel, narrowing to a smooth apex; base never tumid from interstriae 7-9. Disk with shallow rugosities extending from striae 1 to interstriae 4 and from the base to just beyond the scutellum, remaining elytral surface minutely granulate. Declivital interstriae bearing uniseriate rows of yellow-brown scales. Tenth interstriae with a carina encompassing elytra. Metepisternum shape type C ( Fig. 9c ); setae palmately divided into 4 or more filaments. Mesosternum shape type E ( Fig. 10e ). Second sternite strongly convex and protuberant, height of declivity behind much less than length of sternite 3. Male genitalia. Median lobe strongly arcuate, lateral and apical margins with more sclerotiza- tion, apex rounded with flat lateral margins; api- cal orifice membranous with sclerotized veins; lat- eral folds on basal third contiguous. Median struts half of body length. Internal sac central area lightly sclerotized, basal and lateral areas of seminal valve sclerotized ( Fig. 61 ). Tegmen semi-circular, ven- tral side elongated proximally. Spicule nearly longer then aedeagus, sickle-shaped. Female. Similar to male except epistoma less impressed, less than a quarter length of head and unarmed; apical margin bearing a row of hair-like setae. Frons flat, with medial area slightly im- pressed and joining with the impressed area of the epistoma. Each gena with a circular mycangium (Fig. 4c). Segments 4-7 of funicle bearing scattered setae less than the length of 3 segments. Pronotal Figure 30. Camptocerus latipilis , 2.7-3.3 mm, male. Lateral (A) , dorsal (B) ; female lateral (C) , dorsal (D) . Figure 31. Camptocerus latipilis male head anterior (A) , anterior oblique (B) ; female head anterior (C) , anterior oblique (D) . Distribution. Brazil (Pará), Ecuador ( Napo ). Hosts. Unknown. Biology. Unknown.