Hymenoptera Tiphiidae from Arabian peninsula Author Boni, M. text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2011 2011-07-25 43 1 337 361 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5324544 0253-116X 5324544 Anthobosca aspilosoma nov.sp. Holotype : Oman = / Oman Dhofar 2000 Wadi Ashawq (Al Mughsahyl) 11.IX 190ft 16°53’88N/ 53°46’31E leg. M.Generani &PL. Scaramozzino /, MSNP . Paratype : Oman = / Oman Dhofar 2000 Wadi Ashawq 11.IX 190ft 16°53’88N/ 53°46’31E leg. M.Generani &PL.Scaramozzino/, MSNP : Oman = / /, MSNP . : Oman = / Oman Dhofar 2000 Wadi Ashawq (Al Mughsahyl) 11.IX 190ft 16°53’88N/ 53°46’31E leg. M.Generani &PL.Scaramozzino/, MSNP . Female. Holotype . Figs 1-9 . Measurements: body length = 6.5 mm; forewing length = 4 mm . Wings hyaline. Body colour brown to dark brown, pterostigma and veins included, with blackish P, coxae and some shadows on mesosoma. Semitransparent brown are clypeal lamella, mandible, apical disk N 1 apical border of metameri, 6 th tergum, legs. Semitransparent bright brown tegulae. Most of the body, legs included, covered by mR detectable at x40 (stronger on dorsal P ). very sparse on head and mesosoma. Lateral P smooth and shining. es 3 shagreened without any p . 1 st and 2 nd terga with very sparse small p . The remainder of terga and the sterna are sparsely bipunctate. Apical third of 6 th tergum free from p and bristles. Gradulus delimiting platform (friction area) at the base of inner hind tibia complete and closed apically. Male. Figs 10-17 . Measurements: body length = 6.3 mm; forewing length = 4.1 mm. Black with white spots. Pterostigma is brown. Wings hyaline. White: most of clypeus but a narrow semitransparent stripe along its ventral border, a stripe along inner border of the eye, a small spot on temples and at the base of mandibles, subapical stripe on N 1 disk, a mid narrow stripe on tegula which is brown basally and transparent apically, humeral plate, foretarsi and most of fore tibia, basal hind tibia and hintarsus. Sparse p on head, and mesosoma, P and metasoma mostly covered by mR with sparse small p . 7thtergum roughly p . Sharp clear narrow groove on the middle of 1 st tergum for half its length. Tyloids well prominent on 4 th to 11 th flagellomeri. D i s c u s s i o n. Their conspecificity is highly probable. Small species distinct by the absence of any light spot on the female, which has also a closed friction area on hind tibia. A. suakinensis (Magretti 1883) (= A. arabica TURNER 1910) gets bigger size, has light spotted body and open friction area on hind tibia; the latter is more stout with bent edges in lateral aspect, while in A. aspilonota the upper and ventral border are subrectlinear. Moreover A. suakinensis shows p and bristles on most of 6 th tergum and the CM is much less elongated. A. minima TURNER 1910 shows many light spots, different head, different distance of toruli from eachother and from eyes, N 1 less narrowed anterorly in dorsal aspect, different platform on hind tibia, CM and 6 th tergum. The male differs from A. suakinensis described as A. arabica by GORBATOVSKY (1987) in different shape of the head in dorsal aspect, different apical cells of forewing and genitalia. It belong to the group of A. aspericornis (BUYSSON 1898) according to BONI BARTALUCCI (2005) . E c o l o g y. Unknown. D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s Fromthe Greek words άσπιλος = spotless and σώμα = body.