Systematics of Amphineurus (Rhamphoneurus Alexander) (Diptera: Tipuloidea: Limoniidae) Author Santos, Daubian Universidade Federal do ABC, Centro de Ciencias Naturais e Humanas, Santo Andre, Sao Paulo, Brazil Author Santos, Rodrigo dos Reis Pos-Graduacao em Entomologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Parana, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil Author Ribeiro, Guilherme Cunha Universidade Federal do ABC, Centro de Ciencias Naturais e Humanas, Santo Andre, Sao Paulo, Brazil text Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 2022 2022-09-12 80 439 494 journal article 1864-8312-80-439 62FFB94CEBF441639F22881435EFC37C 3F4E21B524465471831D09738C2304A6 3.3.10. Amphineurus (Rhamphoneurus) deceptus sp. nov. Material examined. Holotype : , Chile, Chiloe Is. Ancud [ 41°52′S 73°48′W ], 23-I-1952 , Pena (USNM)*. Paratypes : 1 ♂ , Chile , Arauco , Nahuelbuta , Butamalal [ 37°49′S 73°14′W ], 1100-1400 m , 23/ 31-I-1954 , Pena (USNM) ; 1 ♀ , Chile , Chiloe Is. , Castro [ 42°28′S 73°46′W ], 20/ 22-XII-1926 , R.C. Shannon (USNM) ; 1 ♂ , Chile , Chiloe Is. , Chaiten [ 42°58′S 72°32′W ], 5/ 8-II-1954 , Pena (USNM) *. - Additional material : CHILE . 1 [sex unknown], Chiloe Is. Ancud [ 41°52′S 73°48′W ], 23-I-1952 , L.P. Guzman (USNM); 1 [sex unknown], Llanquihue, Hornohuinca [ 41°25′S 72°37′W ], XII-1968 , Pena (USNM); 1 [sex unknown], Chiloe Is. , Chaiten [ 42°58′S 72°32′W ], 5/ 8-II-1954 , Pena (USNM); 1 [sex unknown], Chiloe Is. , Aulen [ 42°2′S 74°1′W ], 4-II-1952 , Pena (USNM) *; Etymology. The word Amphineurus deceptus is Latin for "deceived" . The term refers to the fact that specimens of this new species were misidentified by Alexander as two different species. Diagnosis. This species is distinguished by the darkened distal quarter of the wing, and bM is uniform. Furthermore, the species is characterized by the distinctive male terminalia with clasper of gonostylus with setae on medial branch and straightened base of sheath of aedeagus. Description. Wing length 6.50 mm, width 2.06 mm. - Coloration : General coloration dark brown. Rostrum and palpus brownish-black. First segments of the antenna yellow, remainding segments dark yellow. Head dark brown. Eyes gray. Thorax dark brown, pleura yellowish brown. Scutum with three dark brown stripes. Halter brownish-yellow. Coxae brownish yellow and legs yellowish-brown. Abdomen dark brown. - Head (dorsal view Fig. 16B , ventral view Fig. 16A ): Rostrum bifurcated with long appendices; first palpal segment shorter than terminal segment; scape as thick as pedicel; terminal flagellomere as long as penultimate; antenna with long setae. - Thorax (lateral view Fig. 16E , dorsal view Fig. 16F ): Prescutum with short setae. Division line of laterotergite almost vertical; anatergite as tall as katatergite. Halter with dilated knob. Wing (Fig. 16D ) with several markings, including faint markings on A1 and Rs, marking at tip of R1, markings highlighting m-cu, R2+3+4 and R2+3, and strong marking covering R2; distal quarter of wing darkened, veins near fork of bM (Fig. 16C ) faded; M1+2 shorter than basal deflection of M1; R2+3+4 shorter than half-length of R2+3. - Female terminalia (Fig. 16H ): Female tergite IX longer and as wide as tergite X; cercus slightly curved dorsad. - Male terminalia (Fig. 16G ): Male tergite IX with V-shaped median notch. Ventral branch of gonocoxite with long setae on lateral margin. Dorsal branch of gonocoxite half-length of ventral branch. Lobe of gonostylus with rounded lobule; lobule longer than wide, shorter than half-length of lobe of gonostylus, narrower than stem. Clasper of gonostylus with differently shaped branches: lateral branch long and straight, bent near tip; medial branch curved, club-shaped. Mesal lobes of gonocoxite asymmetrical; left mesal lobe with more rectangular posterior projection; right mesal lobe rounded with bump on side. Sheath of aedeagus straightened, bent towards tip, darkened almost along entire length. Figure 16. Amphineurus (Rhamphoneurus) deceptus sp. nov. A head (ventral view); B head (dorsal view); C detail of wing; D wing; E thorax (lateral view); F thorax (dorsal view); G male tergite IX (dorsal view) and remainder of male terminalia (lateral view); H female terminalia (dorsal view). - Abbreviations: aed sh , sheath of aedeagus; anatg , anatergite; anepm , anepimeron; anepst , anepisternum; aprn , anteropronotum; cer , cercus; cgonst , clasper of gonostylus; cx , coxa; goncx , gonocoxite; hlt , halter; hyp val , hypogynial valve; k , knob of halter; kepm , katepimeron; kepst , katepisternum; ktg , katatergite; l ms , left mesal lobe of gonocoxite; lgonst ; lobe of gonostylus; mr , meron; mtanepst , metanepisternum; mtepm , metepimeron; mtg , mediotergite; mtkepst , metakatepisternum; mtn , metanotum; p , posterior basalare; patg , paratergite; pprn , postpronotum; presct , prescutum; r ms , right mesal lobe of gonocoxite; sct , scutum; sctl , scutellum; st , sternite; tg , tergite; t9 , male tergite IX. Remarks. Some specimens of this new species were previously identified by C.P. Alexander as A. (R.) glabristylatus Alexander and some as A. (R.) nothofagetorum Alexander. This species resembles A. (R.) nothofagetorum but differs mainly in the shape of the branches of the clasper, male tergite IX, mesal lobes and sheath of aedeagus.