Description of the female and redescription of the male of Sciopemyia sordellii (Shannon & Del Ponte, 1927), including the description of four new species of the genus Sciopemyia Barretto, 1962 (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae) from Brazil Author Chaves Júnior, Salvador P. 0000-0002-2163-979X Programa de Pós-Graduação em Microbiologia, Parasitologia e Patologia, Departamento de Patologia Básica, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. Author Shimabukuro, Paloma H. F. 0000-0002-5114-953X Grupo de Estudos em Leishmanioses & Coleção de Flebotomíneos, Instituto René Rachou, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. phfs @ yahoo. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5114 - 953 x Author Andrade, Andrey J. 0000-0002-6047-3227 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Microbiologia, Parasitologia e Patologia, Departamento de Patologia Básica, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. & Programa de Pós-Graduação em Entomologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. andreyandrade @ ufpr. br; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6047 - 3227 text Zootaxa 2022 2022-10-13 5195 4 301 336 journal article 164417 10.11646/zootaxa.5195.4.1 1384325c-2a0d-42d7-aa40-0bdd99988240 1175-5326 7198730 54F044B5-E7CC-44F1-B1F2-CF3A717289B9 Sciopemyia sordellii ( Shannon & Del Ponte, 1927 ) ( Figs 1–4 ) Phlebotomus sordellii Shannon & Del Ponte, 1927: 730 ( , Resistencia , Chaco , Argentina ). Flebotomus nordestinus Mangabeira, 1942: 327 ( , Nova Olinda, Ceará , Brazil ); Young & Morales 1987: 662 (as synonym of Ph. sordellii ). Phlebotomus longicornutus Floch & Abonnenc, 1943: 6 ( , , Montabo , Cayenne , French Guiana ); Barretto 1946: 534 (as synonym of F. nordestinus ); Forattini 1960: 478 ( Amapá , Brazil ). Lutzomyia nordestina ; Barretto 1962: 96 (list.); Llanos 1973: 32 ( , , figs., dist., Loreto ; Madre de Dios ; Peru ) ; Martins et al . 1978: 165 (refs., dist.); Mayrink et al . 1979: 131 (dist., Minas Gerais , Brazil ) ; Young 1979: 233 (figs., refs., dist.); Fraiha et al . 1980: 21 (dist., Loreto , Peru ) ; Morales & Minter 1981: 97 (dist., Caqueta , Colombia ) ; Biancardi et al . 1982: 168 (dist., Rondônia , Brazil ) ; Arias & Freitas 1982: 404 (dist., Acre , Brazil ) ; Ready et al . 1983: 780 ( Pará , Brazil ) ; Young & Rogers 1984: 599 (list., Cañar ; Guayas ; Los Rios ; Napo ; Pichincha ; Ecuador ) ; Ryan 1986: 120 ( , , figs., Pará , Brazil ) ; Ryan et al . 1987: 356 (nat. trypanosome infection, Pará , Brazil ) ; Feliciangeli 1988: 110 (list., Venezuela ) ; Feliciangeli et al . 1988: 48 (dist., Amazonas , Venezuela ) ; Le Pont & Desjeux 1992: 266 ( cf . to vattierae ). Lutzomyia sordellii ; Theodor 1965: 187 (listed); Young & Morales 1986: 662 (figs. of lectotype ); Alexander et al . 1992: 125 (rec., Cañar ; Guayas ; Los Rios ; Pichincha ; Sucumbios ; Ecuador ); Young & Duncan 1994: 54 ( , , figs., list., dist., tax., identification key); Andrade-Filho et al . 1997: 13 (dist., Minas Gerais , Brazil ); Galati et al . 1997: 31 (dist., Mato Grosso do Sul , Brasil ); Barros et al . 2000: 16 (dist., Maranhão , Brazil ); Andrade-Filho et al . 2001: 96 (list., Piauí , Brazil ); Oliveira et al . 2003: 19 (dist., Mato Grosso do Sul , Brazil ); Ferreira Silva & Vasconcelos 2005: 38 (dist., Pernambuco , Brazil ); Margonari et al . 2010: 47 (dist., natural infection by Leishmania , Minas Gerais , Brazil ); Rebêlo et al . 2010: 26 (list., Maranhão , Brazil ); Alencar et al . 2011: 118 (ecology, Amazonas, Brazil ); Azevedo et al . 2011: 40 (dist., Maranhão , Brazil ); Oliveira et al . 2011: 106 (dist., Pará, Brazil ); Guimarães et al . 2012: 45 (dist., Pernambuco , Brazil ); Queiroz et al . 2012: 45 (list., Mato Grosso , Brazil ); Kent et al . 2013: 6 (dist., Sabajo Hills, Republic of Suriname ); Nascimento et al . 2013: 125 (list., Minas Gerais , Brazil ); Guimarães et al . 2014: 56 (molecular detection of Leishmania ); Miranda et al . 2015: 146 (dist., Pernambuco , Brazil ); Pereira Filho et al . 2015: 8 (dist., Maranhão , Brazil ); Chagas et al . 2016: 7 (dist., Pará, Brazil ); Pinheiro et al . 2016 (dist., Rio Grande do Norte , Brazil ); Guimarães & Silva et al . 2017 (food source, molecular detection of Leishmania ); Silva et al . 2017: 26 (dist., molecular detection of Leishmania , Maranhão , Brazil ); Pereira Filho et al . 2018 (molecular detection of Leishmania ); Thies et al . 2018: 177 (natural infection by Leishmania hertigi ). Psychodopygus nordestinus ; Forattini 1973: 475 ( , , figs., tax.). Sciopemyia sordellii ; Galati 2003: 44 ( , , list., figs., dist., tax., identification key); Galati et al . 2003: 47 (dist., Mato Grosso do Sul , Brazil ); Bejarano et al . 2006: 26 (tax.); Oliveira et al . 2006: 101 (dist., Mato Grosso do Sul , Brazil ); Shimabukuro et al . 2007: 51 ( , , figs., tax.); Andrade-Filho et al . 2008: 37 (ecology); Cutolo et al . 2009: 18 ( , figs., tax.); Dorval et al . 2009: 104 (dist., Mato Grosso do Sul , Brazil ); Dorval et al . 2010: 43 (dist., Mato Grosso do Sul , Brazil ); Galati et al . 2010: 54 (dist., São Paulo , Brazil ); Salómon et al . 2010: 69 (dist., Misiones, Argentina ); Vilela et al . 2011: 6 (dist., Tocantins, Brazil ); Fordellone et al . 2012: 45 (dist., Paraná , Brazil ); Machado et al . 2012: 107 (dist., Tocantins , Brazil ); Carvalho et al . 2013: 8 (ecology); Cutolo et al . 2013: 19 (dist., São Paulo , Brazil ); Pinheiro et al . 2013: 38 (dist., Rio Grande do Norte ); Brilhante et al . 2015: 57 (dist., Mato Grosso do Sul , Brazil ); Pinto et al . 2015: 10 (DNA barcoding); Rêgo et al . 2015: 10 (molecular detection of Leishmania ); Sanguinette et al . 2015: 8 (dist., Minas Gerais , Brazil ); Saraiva et al . 2015: 10 (dist., Minas Gerais , Brazil ); Dorval et al . 2016: 23 (dist., Mato Grosso do Sul , Brazil ); Oliveira et al . 2016: 11 (dist., Mato Grosso do Sul , Brazil ); Peres Dias et al . 2016: 58 (dist., Rio de Janeiro , Brazil ); Pinheiro et al . 2016: 9 (dist., Rio Grande do Norte ); Shimabukuro et al . 2016 (dist., Bahia ; São Paulo ; Brazil ); Carvalho et al . 2016 (molecular detection of Leishmania ); Slezag et al . 2017 (dist., Chaco Province, Argentina ); Silva et al . 2017 (dist., Pernambuco, Brazil ); Tonelli et al . 2017: 12 (dist., Minas Gerais , Brazil ); Ávila et al . 2018: 14 (natural infection by Leishmania ); Lana et al . 2018: 13 (dist., Minas Gerais , Brazil ); Rodrigues et al . 2018 (DNA barcoding); Barrios et al . 2019: 14 (dist., Mato Grosso do Sul , Brazil ); Costa et al . 2019: 52 (dist., Minas Gerais , Brazil ); Pereira Júnior et al . 2019: 114 (dist., Rondônia , Brazil ); Santos et al . 2019: 14 (dist., molecular detection of Leishmania , Amapá , Brazil ); Da Silva et al . 2020 (molecular detection of Leishmania ); Torchitte et al . 2020 (dist., food source, Rondônia , Brazil ); Costa et al . 2021 (bloodmeal identification). Diagnosis. Female: preapical papilla on flagellomere III present posterior teeth slanted, facing the central region of cibarium; anterior teeth arranged in a transverse row; spermathecae also transversally striated, though without the tubular aspect, clearly wider than the individual spermathecal ducts and with sessile terminal knob. Male: preapical papilla on flagellomere III present; gonocoxite without basal tuft of setae; flagellomere I ≥ 405 µm; aedeagal ducts ≤ 440 µm; epandrial lobe ≤ 157 µm; presence of one apical spine and upper external spine at the subapical level in the gonostyle. Female. Head ( Fig. 1A ): 367 (363/381, n = 2) in length, 328 (330/339, n = 2) in width. Arrangement of deciduous bristles in the occiput region forming an “X” shape; clypeus 122 (116/136, n = 2) in length; eyes 177 (177/180, n = 3) in length, 99 (96/99, n = 2) in width; interocular distance 148 (133/151, n = 2). Pharynx with small teeth ( Fig. 1B ). Cibarium ( Fig. 1B ) with four posterior teeth well developed, curved towards the central region of the cibarium, eight anterior teeth distributed in a transverse row and eight lateral teeth flanking the posterior teeth; sclerotized area short and triangular; sclerotized arch incomplete. Labrum-epipharynx ( LE ) ( Fig. 1C ): 174 (162/168, n = 2); mandible as shown ( Fig. 1D ). Apical region of hypopharynx with 18 teeth ( Fig. 1F ). Lacinia of maxilla with 11–12 external teeth and 16 internal teeth ( Fig. 1E ). Antenna ( Figs 1G–I , 2A–K ): flagellomere length: FI 470 (470/493, n = 2); FII 237 (228/242, n = 2); FIII 209 (228/251, n = 2); FXIII 96 (78/110, n = 2) and FXIV 67 (67/72, n = 2). Ascoids : short posterior spur with a peduncle type of insertion and the anterior spur is long in FI and reaches the level of the preapical papilla ( Fig. 1G ); the external ascoids implanted more apical than the internal ones, in FI; presence of preapical papilla on FI– FIII ( Fig. 1G–I ); papilla on FIV–FVI absent ( Figs 2A–C ); presence of one papilla on FVII , FVIII and FIX ( Figs 2D–F ); two papillae on FX ( Fig. 2G ), presence of three, three, seven and six papillae distributed on FXI , FXII , FXIII and FXIV , respectively ( Figs 2H–K ); preapical spiniform papilla observed on FIX ( Fig. 2F ), FXI ( Fig. 2H ), and FXIII ( Fig. 2J ). Presence of simple setae on FIV– FXIV ( Figs 2A–K ), Labial suture complete ( Fig. 1A ). Palpi (P) ( Fig. 1J ): palpal segment length: PI 35 (38/41, n = 2), PII 61 (55/61, n = 2), PIII 128 (116/125, n = 2), PIV 75 (70/72, n = 2) and PV 145 (125/148, n = 2) – Palpal formula: 1-2-4-3-5; PIII ( Fig. 1J ) with Newstead’s sensilla scattered along the segment . Cervix: ventro-cervical sensillae absent. Cervical sclerite bearing a pair of spiniform sensilla. Thorax: Mesonotum 599 (577, n = 1) in length. Mesonotum, pronotum, paratergite, anepisternum, metanotum and postnotum light brown, pleura off-white. Two proepimeral setae; 13 upper anepisternal setae. Setae present on the anterior margin of the katepisternum. Wing ( Fig. 2L ): 2,294 ( 2,183 / 2,294 , n = 2) in length, 664 (657/672, n = 2) in width; veins: R 5 1,350 ( 1.295 / 1,350 , n = 3); alfa 518 (577/613, n = 2); beta 372 (298/311, n = 2); gamma 212 (136/200, n = 2); delta 96 (154/261, n = 2); pi 95 (66/125, n = 2). Legs (anterior; median; posterior): Coxae : 349 (339/363, n = 2), 353 (325/339, n = 2), 330 (316/335, n = 2); Femur : 876 (832/888, n = 2), 832 (814/832, n = 2), 943 (925, n = 1); Tibia : 1,369 ( 1,239 / 1,295 , n = 2), 1,480 ( 1,332 / 1,350 , n = 2), 1,628 (1,535, n = 1); Tarsomere I : 803 (740, n = 2), 869 (795/851, n = 2), 906 (851, n = 1). Sum of tarsomeres II+III+IV+V, 744 (715/730, n = 2), 759 (744/766, n = 2), 773 (788, n = 1). Abdomen: 1,480 ( 1,424 / 1,776 , n = 2) in length; tergal papillae absent. Spermathecae: 43 (41/43, n = 2) in length, 14 (14, n = 2) in width; with poorly defined rings ( Fig. 2M ); Terminal knob: 12 (9/12, n = 2) in length and 12 (12, n = 2) in width, not individualized, with rounded shape and bristles in the apical region; common spermathecal duct: 70 (58/61, n = 3) in length and 6 (6, n = 2) in width, does not go beyond the middle of the genital fork; individual spermathecal duct: 162 (128/142, n = 2) in length and 6 (6, n = 2) in width, they are membranous with smooth walls and their widths are uniform throughout their length ( Fig. 2M ). Cercus: 154 (154/159 n = 2) in length and 78 (69/78, n = 2) in width. Material examined : 3 females (Nº 87550, 87016, 87549). Capture location: municipality of Lassance ( 17°53′22.31″ S , 44°34′53.63″ W ), located in the state of Minas Gerais , Brazil . Collection date : 2 females (87549, 87550) 08/ix/2008 ; 1 female (87106): 12/viii/2008 . Trap: HP trap. Collector: Mariana Campos das Neves Farah Ramos. Complementary material: 2 females from “Parque Estadual do Rio Doce” ( 19º30′45″ S , 42º33′10″ W ), state of Minas Gerais , Brazil . Collection date: from June 2003 to July 2004 . Trap: Malaise trap. Collector: Rogério Parentoni Martins. Material deposited at FIOCRUZ/COLFLEB. Redescription of the Male. Head ( Fig. 3A ) 335 (321/325, n = 2) in length, 270 (270/281, n = 2) in width. Arrangement of deciduous bristles in the occiput region forming an “X” shape; clypeus 122 (110/121, n = 2) in length; eyes 154 (151/154, n = 2) in length, 72 (72/84, n = 2) in width; interocular distance 125 (122/136, n = 2). Pharynx with streaks and no teeth ( Fig. 3B ). Cibarium without teeth ( Fig. 3B ). Labrum-epipharynx (LE) 136 (136/148, n = 2) ( Fig. 3C ). Specimen with damaged (broken) antennas, description based on the other specimen (Nº 92113). Antenna ( Fig. 3D–F , 4A–K ) : flagellomere length (F): FI 437 (404/469, n = 2), FII 227 (223/228, n = 2), FIII 223 (209/223, n = 2), FXIII 78 (81, n = 1) and FXIV 70 (67, n = 1). Ascoids not visible in specimen, description based on the other specimen (Nº 92113). Ascoids with short posterior spur and with a peduncle type of insertion, anterior spur is long in FI and reaches the level of the preapical papilla ( Fig. 3D ), but does not reach FII; external ascoids implanted at the same level as the internal; presence of preapical papilla on FI–FIII ( Figs 3D–F ); papillae on FIV–FVI absent ( Figs 4A–C ); presence of one papilla on FVII and FVIII ( Figs 4D and E ), two papillae on FIX ( Fig. 4F ) , three papillae on FX and FXI ( Figs 4G and H ), presence of four, six, six papillae distributed on FXII, FXIII and FXIV, respectively ( Figs 4I–K ); preapical spiniform papilla on FIX ( Fig. 4F ), FXI ( Fig. 4H ) and FXIII ( Fig. 4J ). Presence of simple setae on FIV–FXIV ( Fig. 4A–K ). Palpi damaged in specimen, description based on the other specimen (Nº 92113). Palpi (P) ( Fig. 3G ): palpal segment length: PI 32 (29/38, n = 2), PII 52 (52, n = 2), PIII 107 (107, n = 2), PIV 55 (58/61, n = 2), PV 96 (96/116, n = 2). The length of PIII and PV varied between specimens, with the PIII being longer in some specimens, while others had the largest PV. Palpal formula: 1-2-4-(3-5) (n = 2); PIII with Newstead’s sensilla scattered along the segment ( Fig. 3G ). Labial suture complete ( Fig. 3A ). Cervix. Ventro-cervical sensilla absent. Cervical sclerites bearing a pair of spiniform sensilla. Thorax. Mesonotum 416 (416/423, n = 2) in length; pronotum, anepisternum, metanotum and postnotum light brown, paratergite and pleura off-white. Two proepimeral setae; seven-eight upper anepisternal setae. Setae on the anterior margin of the katepisternum present. Wing ( Fig. 4L ): 1,776 ( 1,813 / 1,831 , n = 2) in length, 467 (496/504, n = 2) in width; veins: R 5 1,504 ( 1,504 / 1,091 , n = 2); alfa 344 (381/396, n = 2); beta 290 (234/278, n = 2); gamma 180 (194/206, n = 2); delta 17 (17/38, n = 2); pi 88 (80/131, n = 2). Legs (anterior, median, posterior): Coxae : 307 (298/307, n = 2), 288 (279/293, n = 2), 288 (292/297, n = 2); Femur : 752 (694/740, n = 2), 679 (684, n = 1), 760 (759, n = 1); Tibia : 1,147 ( 1,147 / 1,202 , n = 2), 1,258 (1,313, n = 1), 1,369 (1,461, n = 1); Tarsomere I : 693 (701/777, n = 2), 760 (832, n = 1), 803 (851, n = 1). Sum of tarsomeres II+III+IV+V (anterior, median, posterior): 657 (642/693, n = 2), 679 (730, n = 1), 686 (737, n = 1). Abdomen: 1,221 ( 1,350 / 1,535 , n = 2) in length; tergal papillae absent. Terminalia ( Fig. 4M ): gonocoxite 148 (145/148, n = 2) in length, 55 (55/58, n = 2) in width, without basal tuft of setae. Gonostyle 128 (130/142,1, n = 2) in length, without spiniform preapical seta and with four spines: one apical, one subapical (upper external), one lower external and one internal spine. The four spines are well-developed. Lower external spine implanted at a level closer to the upper external spine than the internal. Internal spine implanted in the apical third of the gonostylus. Paramere ( Fig. 4M ): dorsal margin 128 (119/128, n = 2) and ventral 151 (148/151, n = 2) in length; basal level of implantation of the bristles of dorsal margin reaches the apical level implantation of the bristles in the ventral margin ( Fig. 4M ). Parameral sheath sclerotized and coniform. Epandrial lobe 148 (146/148, n = 2) in length, 32 (29/32, n = 2) in width and rounded at the apex. Sperm pump ( Fig. 4N ) 107 (107/119, n = 2); ejaculatory apodeme 78 (78/96, n = 2); aedeagal ducts with bevel shaped apex ( Fig. 4N ), 397 (383/397, n = 2) in length and 3 (3, n = 2) in width; 3,7 times the length of the sperm pump. Cercus 119 (128/134, n = 2) in length, 49 (38/43, n = 2) in width. Material examined : 3 males (Nº 89333, 89327, 89331). Capture location: municipality of Lassance ( 17°53′22.31″ S , 44°34′53.63″ W ), located in the state of Minas Gerais , Brazil . Collection date: 26/iv/2010 . Trap : CDC trap . Collector : not identified. Complementary material : 2 males (Nº 92113, 92114) from “Parque Estadual do Rio Doce” ( 19º30′45″ S , 42º33′10″ W ), state of Minas Gerais , Brazil . Collection date: from June 2003 to July 2004 . Trap : Malaise trap . Collector : Rogério Parentoni Martins. Material deposited in the FIOCRUZ/COLFLEB . FIGURE. 1 . Female of Sc. sordellii . A . Head (Bar: 100 μm). B . Pharynx and Cibarium (Bar: 100 μm). C . Labrum-epipharynx. D . Mandible. E . Lacinia of maxilla. F . Hypopharynx (Bar: 100 μm). G . Flagellomere I. H . Flagellomere II. I . Flagellomere III. J . Palpus I–V (Bar: 100 μm). FIGURE 2 . Female of Sc. sordellii . A . Flagellomere IV. B . Flagellomere V. C . Flagellomere VI. D . Flagellomere VII. E . Flagellomere VIII. F . Flagellomere IX. G . Flagellomere X. H . Flagellomere XI. I . Flagellomere XII. J . Flagellomere XIII. K . Flagellomere XIV (Bar: 100 μm). L . Wing (Bar: 100 μm). M . Spermathecal and genital fork (Bar: 100 μm). FIGURE 3 . Male of Sc. sordellii . A . Head (Bar: 100 μm). B . Pharynx and Cibarium (Bar: 100 μm). C . Labrum-epipharynx (Bar: 100 μm). D . Flagellomere I. E . Flagellomere II. F . Flagellomere III. G . Palpus I–V (Bar: 100 μm). FIGURE 4 . Male of Sc. sordellii . A . Flagellomere IV. B . Flagellomere V. C . Flagellomere VI. D . Flagellomere VII. E . Flagellomere VIII. F . Flagellomere IX. G . Flagellomere X. H. Flagellomere XI. I. Flagellomere XII. J . Flagellomere XIII K . Flagellomere XIV (Bar: 100 μm). L . Wing (Bar: 100 μm). M . Terminalia (Bar: 100 μm). N . Sperm pump and aedeagal ducts (Bar: 100 μm). Distribution based on published articles : ARGENTINA : Resistencia, Chaco , Shannon & Del Ponte (1927) ; Misiones , Puerto Iguazú, Salomón et al . (2010: 69); Colonia Benítez; Margarita Belén, Szelag et al . (2017). COSTA RICA : Murilo & Zeledón (1985). COLOMBIA : Amazonas-Letícia; Boyacá-Puerto Boyacá ; Caquetá-Solano; Tolima-Melga; Valle-Buenaventura, Lower Anchicaya Dam, Martins et al . (1978); La Macareña, Bejarano et al . (2006: 26) . ECUADOR : Cañar-Conchacay; Guayas-Bucay, Cerro Cutuguay; Los Rios – Quevedo, La Montaña, Martins et al . (1978). FRENCH GUIANA : Approugue-Balourou, Guillaume, Saut Canori, Saut Machicou; Caux; Cayenne-Baduel, Cabossou, Crique, Anguille, Montabo, Rorota; Haute Mana-Souvenir; Iracoubo-Crique Blanche; Oyapock-Maripa, Saint Georges, Tampac, Martins et al . (1978). Montabo, Cayenne, French Guyana, Floch & Abonnenc (1943: 6). PANAMA : Darien-Altos de Quia, District de Pinogana; Panama canal area-Madden Forest Reserve, Martins et al . (1978). PERU : Cusco-Assunción, Pilcopata; Huánuco-Cachicoto; Loreto-Pucallpa, Serafin Filomeno, Zungarococha; Madre de Dios-Salvacíon, Alto Madre de Dios , Martins et al . (1978). REPUBLIC OF SURINAME : Sabajo Hills, Brokopondo , Kent et al . (2013: 6). TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO : Martins et al . (1978). VENEZUELA : Floresta Tropical úmida, Floresta Tropical Seca, Amazonas , Feliciangeli et al . (1988). BOLIVIA : Rio Yapacani, Santa Cruz , Bermudez & Young (1983: 5). BRAZIL : CEARÁ : Nova Olinda, Mangabeira (1942: 327) . ACRE : Rio Branco, Martins et al . (1978). AMAPÁ : Macapá, Martins et al . (1978); Oiapoque, Santos et al . (2019: 14). AMAZONAS: Presidente Figueiredo, Alencar et al . (2011: 118); Terra Indígena Caititu, Lábrea, Silva et al. (2014). BAHIA : Parque Nacional do Pau-Brasil, Porto Seguro, Shimabukuro et al . (2016) . ESPÍRITO SANTO : Vargem Alta, Pinto et al. (2009: 1). MARANHÃO : Cururupu; São Luís; Martins et al. (1978); Paço do Lumiar, Barros et al . (2000: 16); Barreirinhas, Rebêlo et al . (2010: 26); São Luís, Azevedo et al . (2011: 40); Águas do Miranda, Brilhante et al . (2015: 57); Santo Amaro, Pereira Filho et al . (2015): 8; Caxias, Guimarães & Silva et al . 2017. MATO GROSSO : Barra do Garças, Queiroz et al . (2012: 45); Sinop, Thies et al . (2018: 177). MATO GROSSO DO SUL : Corumbá, Galati et al . (1997: 31), Oliveira et al. (2016: 11), Barrios et al . (2019: 14); Campo Grande, Oliveira et al . (2003: 19), Galati et al . (2003: 47) , Oliveira et al . (2006: 101), Dorval et al . (2016: 23); Bela Vista, Dorval et al . (2009; 2010). MINAS GERAIS : Timóteo, Andrade-Filho et al . (1997: 13); Pedra do Indaiá, Andrade-Filho et al . (2008: 37); Divinópolis, Margonari et al . (2010: 47), Nascimento et al . (2013: 125); Lassance, Carvalho et al . (2013; 2017); Terra Indígena Xacriabá, São João das Missões, Rêgo et al . (2015: 10), Costa et al . (2019: 52); Barra do Guaicuí, Várzea da Palma, Sanguinette et al . (2015: 8); Parque Estadual do Sumidouro, Saraiva et al . (2015: 10); Santuário do Caraça, Tonelli et al . (2017: 12); Ipatinga, Lana et al . (2018: 13); Rio Acima, Costa et al. (2021: 120) . PARÁ: Belém, Martins et al . (1978); Bacarena, Oliveira et al . (2011: 106); Paraense; Santa Maria, Chagas et al . (2016: 7). PARANÁ : Itambaracá, Cruz et al . (2012: 45). PERNAMBUCO : Recife, Silva & Vasconcelos (2005: 38), Silva et al . (2020); São Vicente Férrer, Guimarães et al. (2012; 2014); Ipojuca, Miranda et al . (2015: 146); Iguaraçu, Silva & Vasconcelos (2005: 38), Silva et al . (2017: 26). PIAUÍ :Andrade-Filho et al . (2001: 96). RIO DE JANEIRO : Cantagalo, Peres Dias et al . (2016: 58). RIO GRANDE DO NORTE : Parnamirim, Pinheiro et al . (2013: 38); Nísia Floresta, Pinheiro et al. (2016: 9); Complexo Rio Doce, Silva et al. (2020). RONDÔNIA : Guajará Mirim; Porto Velho, Martins et al . (1978); Nova Mamoré, Parque Estadual Guajará-Mirim, Pereira-Júnior et al . (2019: 114); Ji-Paraná , Torchitte et al . (2020). SÃO PAULO : Botucatu, Cutolo et al . (2009: 18); Província Espeleológica do Vale do Ribeira, Parque Estadual Intervales, Galati et al . (2010: 54); Rio Claro, Cutolo et al . (2013: 19). TOCANTINS : Porto Nacional, Vilela et al . (2011: 6); Taquaraçu, Machado et al . (2012: 107). Distribution based on the analyzed slides : BRAZIL . Amapá : Pedra Branca do Amapari; Ceará : Maranguape; Goiás : Itumbiara; Mato Grosso : Alta Floresta, Chapada dos Guimarães; Mato Grosso do Sul : Camapuã; Minas Gerais : Belo Horizonte, Divinópolis, Jaboticatubas, Jequitinhonha, Lassance, Pains, Paracatu, Monsenhor Paulo, São João das Missões, Santana do Riacho, Rio Acima, Tupaciguara, Várzea da Palma; Pará : Oriximiná; Pernambuco : Recife; Piauí : Curralinho, Miguel Leão; Tocantins : Porto Nacional. Medical importance : Studies have not yet been conducted on this species regarding vector competence or capacity, or natural infection by parasites. Species feed in anurans ( Costa et al . 2021 ).