Description of the female and redescription of the male of Sciopemyia sordellii (Shannon & Del Ponte, 1927), including the description of four new species of the genus Sciopemyia Barretto, 1962 (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae) from Brazil Author Chaves Júnior, Salvador P. 0000-0002-2163-979X Programa de Pós-Graduação em Microbiologia, Parasitologia e Patologia, Departamento de Patologia Básica, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. Author Shimabukuro, Paloma H. F. 0000-0002-5114-953X Grupo de Estudos em Leishmanioses & Coleção de Flebotomíneos, Instituto René Rachou, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. phfs @ yahoo. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5114 - 953 x Author Andrade, Andrey J. 0000-0002-6047-3227 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Microbiologia, Parasitologia e Patologia, Departamento de Patologia Básica, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. & Programa de Pós-Graduação em Entomologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. andreyandrade @ ufpr. br; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6047 - 3227 text Zootaxa 2022 2022-10-13 5195 4 301 336 journal article 164417 10.11646/zootaxa.5195.4.1 1384325c-2a0d-42d7-aa40-0bdd99988240 1175-5326 7198730 54F044B5-E7CC-44F1-B1F2-CF3A717289B9 Sciopemyia dantastorresi Chaves Júnior, Shimabukuro & Andrade sp. n. ( Figs 7–10 ) Diagnosis. Male: preapical papilla on flagellomere III present; 5 th palpal segment larger than 3 rd and shorter than or as long as sum of 3 rd + 4 th ; gonocoxite with basal tuft of setae; gonocoxite ≤ 175 µm, not arch-shaped on its dorsal margin; aedeagal ducts ≤ 600 µm. Female: preapical papilla on flagellomere III present; 5 th palpal segment larger than 3 rd and shorter than or as long as sum of 3 rd + 4 th ; posterior teeth of the cibarium straight, facing the pharynx; anterior teeth arranged in a “V” shaped row. Male holotype . Head ( Fig. 7A ) 334 (325/339, n = 2) in length, 299 (278, n = 2) in width. Arrangement of deciduous bristles in the occiput region forming an “X” shape; clypeus 113 (113, n = 2) in length; eyes 151 (142/157, n = 2) in length, 81 (81/84, n = 2) in width; interocular distance 142 (139, n = 2). Pharynx with streaks and no teeth ( Fig. 7B ). Cibarium without teeth ( Fig. 7B ). Labrum-epipharynx ( LE ) 148 (148/153, n = 2) ( Fig. 7C ). Labial suture complete ( Fig. 7A ). Damaged antennae on the type specimen, description based on paratype (Nº 92116). Antenna ( Figs 7D–F , 8A–K ): flagellomere length (F): FI 363 (386/404, n = 2), FII 181 (186/190, n = 2), FIII 190 (190/195, n = 2), FXIII 75 (81/84, n = 2) and FXIV 75 (72/81, n = 2). Ascoids: with short posterior spur and atrophied peduncle, anterior spur is long in FI and reaches the level of the preapical papilla ( Fig. 7D ), but does not reach FII; external ascoids located on a more apical level than the internal in FI; presence of preapical papilla on FI– FIII ( Figs 7D–F ); papilla absent on FIV– FVIII ( Figs 8A–E ); one papilla on FIX ( Fig. 8F ), three papillae on FX and four papillae on FXI ( Figs. 8G and H ); presence of four, five, six papillae distributed on FXII , FXIII and FXIV , respectively ( Figs 8I–K ); spiniform preapical papilla on FIX ( Fig. 8F ), FXI ( Fig. 8H ) and FXIII ( Fig. 8J ). Presence of simple setae on FVIIFXIV ( Fig. 8D–K ). Palpi (P) ( Fig. 7G ), segment palpal length: PI 35 (35/38, n = 2), PII 72 (69/75, n = 2), PIII 122 (116/122, n = 2), PIV 75 (78/84, n = 2) and PV 159 (185/191, n = 2). Palpal formula: 1-2- 4-3-5 (n = 2); PIII with Newstead’s sensilla scattered along the segment ( Fig. 7G ) . Cervix. Ventro-cervical sensilla absent. Cervical sclerites bearing a pair of spiniform sensilla. Thorax. Mesonotum 489 (438/460, n = 2) in length; pronotum, anepisternum, metanotum and postnotum light brown, paratergite and pleura off-white. One proepimeral setae; 11–15 upper anepisternal setae. Setae present on the anterior margin of the katepisternum. Wing ( Fig. 8L ): 1,850 ( 1,831 / 1,850 , n = 2) in length, 533 (511, n = 2) in width; veins: R 5 1,054 ( 1,091 / 1,110 , n = 2); alfa 391 (418/423, n = 2); beta 171 (171/186, n = 2); gamma 275 (258/267, n = 2); delta 41 (55/64, n = 1); pi 66 (73/80, n = 1). Median and posterior legs lost in the holotype , description based on paratype (Nº 92116). Legs : (anterior, median, posterior): Coxae : 339 (325, n = 2), 325 (302, n = 2), 330 (302/316, n = 2); Femur : 781 (751, n = 1),745, 818; Tibia : 1,091 (1,128, n = 2), 1,129 , 1,461 ; Tarsomere I : 737 (715, n = 1), 745, 810. Sum of tarsomeres II+III+IV+V (anterior, median, posterior): 737 (708, n = 1), 708, 730. Abdomen: 1,998 ( 1,628 / 1,757 , n = 2) in length; tergal papillae absent. Terminalia ( Fig. 8M ): gonocoxite 171 (162/171, n = 2) in length, 58 (64, n = 2) in width, with basal tuft of setae, 9–10 setae (9/12, n = 2). Gonostyle 133 (124/133, n = 2) in length, without preapical seta and with four spines: one apical, one upper external, one lower external, and one internal. The four spines are well-developed. The lower external spine is located at a level closer to the upper external spine than to the internal. The internal spine is located in the apical third of the gonostyle. Paramere ( Fig. 8M ): dorsal margin 157 (145/151, n = 2) and ventral 183 (168/191, n = 2) in length; the basal level of the bristles in the dorsal margin reaches the apical level of the insertion of the bristles in the ventral margin ( Fig. 8M ). Parameral sheath sclerotized and coniform. Epandrial lobe 209 (194/206, n = 2) in length, 32 (32/35, n = 2) in width and rounded at the apex. Sperm pump ( Fig. 8N ) 136 (122/125, n = 2); ejaculatory apodeme: 104 (93/101, n = 2); aedeagal ducts with bevelled apex ( Fig. 8N ), 577 (565/568, n = 3) in length and 2.9 (2.9, n = 2) in width; 4.2 times the length of the sperm pump. Cercus: 116 (110/116, n = 2) in length, 46 (40, n = 2) in width. Material examined: Male holotype (Nº 92115). Capture location: neighborhood of Jacarepaguá ( 23º 00′31″ S , 43º 21′01″ W ), located in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro , state of Rio de Janeiro , Brazil . Collection date: 14/iv/2015 . Trap : HP. Collector : Godoy R . E. Three males paratypes (Nº 92116, 92117, 92118). Same data of the holotype . Collection date: 13 to the 16/iv/2015 and 19, 21/v/2015 . Material deposited in FIOCRUZ/COLFLEB . Female. Head ( Fig. 9A ): 353 (339–372, n = 4) in length, 296 (290–345, n = 3) in width. Arrangement of deciduous bristles in the occiput region forming an “X” shape; clypeus 119 (116–122, n = 4) in length; eyes 159 (145–168, n = 4) in length, 87 (81–104, n = 4) in width; interocular distance 148 (142–151, n = 3). Pharynx with streaks and no teeth ( Fig. 9B ). Cibarium ( Fig. 9B ) with four posterior teeth well-developed, slight curved towards the central region of the cibarium, 14 anterior teeth arranged in a “ V ” shaped row and eight lateral teeth flanking the posterior teeth; sclerotized area short and triangular; sclerotized arch incomplete. Labial suture complete ( Fig. 9A ). Mouthparts difficult to see in the type specimen, description based on the other paratype (92120) Labrumepipharynx ( LE ) ( Fig. 9C ): 186 (177–194, n = 4); mandibles as shown ( Fig. 9D ). Hypopharynx with 20–24 teeth on apical region ( Fig. 9E ). Lacinia of maxilla with 16–17 internal teeth and without external teeth ( Fig. 9F ). Damaged antenna on paratype (Nº 92119), description based on the other paratype (Nº 92120). Antenna ( Figs 9G–I , 10 ª–K), flagellomere length: FI 358 (358–386, n = 4), FII 167 (167–181, n = 4), FIII 167 (167–181, n = 4), FXIII 87 (75–90, n = 3) and FXIV 72 (61–78, n = 3). Ascoids: with short posterior spur and atrophied peduncle, anterior spur is long in FI and reaches the level of the preapical papilla ( Fig. 9G ), but does not reach FII; external ascoids implanted on more apical level than the internal in FI; presence of preapical papillae on FI– FIII ( Figs 9G–I ); Papillae absent on FIV– FIX ( Figs 10A–F ), three and four papillae on FX and FXI ( Figs 10G and H ), respectively; presence of four, five and six papillae on FXII , FXIII and FXIV , respectively ( Figs 10I–K ); preapical spiniform papillae observed on FIX ( Fig. 10F ), FXI ( Fig. 10H ), and FXIII ( Fig. 10J ). Presence of setae simple on FXFXIV ( Figs 10G–K ), Palpi (P) ( Fig. 9J ), palpal segment lenght: PI 38 (38–41, n = 4), PII 78 (78–81, n = 4), PIII 125 (125–142, n = 4), PIV 81 (78–96, n = 4) and PV 191 (162–209, n = 4). Palpal formula: 1-2-4-3-5 ( n = 4); PIII with Newstead’s sensilla scattered along the segment ( Fig. 9J ) . Cervix: Ventro-cervical sensilla absent. Cervical sclerites bearing a pair on of spiniform sensilla. Thorax: Mesonotum 533 (496–577, n = 4) in length. Mesonotum, pronotum, anepisternum, metanotum and postnotum light brown, paratergite and pleura off-white. One proepimeral seta; 12–13 upper anepisternal setae. Setae presence on the anterior region of katepisternum. Wing ( Fig. 10L ): 2,072 ( 1,905 –2,165 , n = 4) in length, 628 (599–679, n = 3) in width; veins: R 5 1,202 ( 1,184 –1,278 , n = 3); alfa 526 (460–545, n = 3); beta 205 (218–232, n = 3); gamma 261 (255–293, n = 3); delta 110 (78–122, n = 3); pi 73 (73–139, n = 3). Posterior legs absent on paratype (92119), description based on the other paratype (92120). Coxae (anterior, median, posterior): 358 (325–377, n = 4), 344 (307–358, n = 4), 349 (311–363, n = 4); Femur : 854 (752–876, n = 3), 818 (737, n = 2), posterior lost (818/920, n= 2); Tibia : 1,128 ( 1,073 –1,202 , n = 3), 1,313 (1,221, n = 2), posterior lost ( 1,369 / 1,461 , n = 2); Tarsomere I : 730 (664–803, n = 3), 766 (701, n = 2), posterior lost (766/832, n = 2). Sum of tarsomeres II+III+IV+ V , 693 (686–796, n = 2), 715 (701, n = 2), posterior lost (715/796, n = 2). Abdomen: 1,887 ( 1,554 –1,887 , n = 3=4) in length; tergal papillae absent. Spermathecae not visible on paratype (Nº 92119), description based on another paratype (Nº 92121). Spermathecae ( Fig. 10M ): 64 ( n = 1) in length, 9 ( n = 9) in width; with poorly defined rings; terminal knob: 6 ( n = 1) in length and 6 ( n = 1) in width, individualized, with rounded shape and bristles in the apical region; common spermathecal duct: not visualized; individual spermathecal duct not fully visualized, 6 ( n = 1) in width, they are membranous with smooth walls and their widths are uniform throughout their length ( Fig. 10M ). Cercus: 130 (116–159, n = 4) in length, 70 (61–75, n = 4) in width. Material examined: 5 females paratypes (Nº 92119, 92120, 92121, 92122, 92123). Capture location: 4 females from neighborhood of Jacarepaguá ( 23º 00′31″ S , 43º 21′01″ W ), localized in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro , state of Rio de Janeiro , Brazil . Collection date: 13, 14/iv/2015 and 21/v/2015 . Trap: HP. Collector : Rodrigo Espíndola Godoy. One female (Nº 92123) from municipality of Muniz Freire ( 20º27 45″ S , 41º24′55″ W ), state of Espírito Santo , Brazil . Collection date: iii/2016 . Trap : HP. Collector : Israel Pinto. Material deposited in the FIOCRUZ/COLFLEB . Etymology: The species name pays homage to Dr. Felipe Dantas Torres, “Instituto Aggeu Magalhães”, Fiocruz, Pernambuco , for his important contribution in the studies of leishmaniases and infectious diseases in Brazil . Distribution : BRAZIL . Espírito Santo : Muniz Freire. Rio de Janeiro : Jacarepaguá. Medical importance : Studies have not yet been conducted on this species regarding vector competence or capacity, or natural infection by parasites.