A review of the Afrotropical genus Aristobatina Verbeke (Diptera: Micropezidae: Taeniapterinae), with descriptions of four new species from the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania Author Marshall, Stephen A. School of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N 1 G 2 W 1 samarsha@uoguelph.ca text African Invertebrates 2014 2014-05-28 55 1 143 143 http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.5733/afin.055.0108 journal article 55280 10.5733/afin.055.0108 00de24a2-1da8-4926-9425-9eb5c7b8dc35 2305-2562 7661736 A5315BCC-A0B1-4128-B110-3E50065EBFBD Aristobatina melasma sp. n. Figs 16 , 21–23 Etymology: From the Greek for “black spot” referring to the distinctive discal macula that characterizes this and the closely related A. metamelasma . Description: Length (head to wing tip): 11–15 mm . Colour : Head orange anteriorly, reddish brown posteriorly, swollen part of frontal vitta dark reddish brown; thorax reddish brown; abdomen shiny blue­black; fore femur orange in basal ⅔, brown distally; mid femur uniformly orange except for black apex; hind femur orange at base and apex, but brown medially; basal 2 tarsomeres of fore and hind legs white, tarsomere 3 darker, tarsomeres 4 and 5 black; mid tarsus dark brown or black; abdominal pleurae entirely black in life ( Fig. 21 ), grey on the pinned holotype (same individual as in Fig. 21 ). Head : Scape bare except for marginal ring of short setae; pedicel short­setose, with some longer ventral apical setae; frontal vitta with strongly convex circular area surrounding ocelli, extending ½ distance from anterior ocellus to anterior margin of frons; 2 pairs of fronto­orbital setae, 1 large above level of ocelli, 1 smaller below; postocellar, outer and inner vertical setae well­developed. Thorax : Cervical sclerite flat and dull, with lateral indentation and small anterolateral vertical carina; proepisternum with a few long marginal ventral setae on posterior ½; katepisternum with double row of thin black setae, anterior row with only 5 setae, barely overlapping with lower end of posterior row; scutellum with 1 pair of marginal setae only, 1 small to minute seta between postalar and dorsocentral setae. Wing : CuA 2 virtually at right angle to and in line with bm­cu , wing membrane with a small circular discal macula extending from just anterior to R 4+5 to M and having a distinctly infuscated tip; tegula and basicosta brown, similar to adjacent wing base, but base of stem vein black and dorsally microsetulose; wing base with 3 long costagial setae, inner one very long and inclinate. Female abdomen : Paired spermathecae short, 1.2× as long as wide, with a transversely striate surface ( Fig. 16 ); spermathecal duct densely covered with knob­like processes beyond the division of the common duct into two straight branches. Single spermatheca not observed. Male : unknown. Holotype : TANZANIA : Morogoro Region , Udzungwa Mts Nat. Park , 07°50'35''S 36°49'49''E , 11–13. xi.2009 , 1000 m , T. Pape & S. A . Marshall ( DEBU#00323614 , deposited in ZMUC ). Comments:This appears to be a close sister species to A. metamelasma from the Uluguru Mountains.