Study of the Chinese Members of the Subfamily Anabropsinae (Orthoptera Anostostomatidae) VII: Description of two new subgenera and five new species of Anabropsis from China Author Pang, Siyu 0000-0003-2028-1746 Key Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Species and Environmental Protection (Guangxi Normal University), Ministry of Education, Guilin 541006, China. & Guangxi Key Laboratory of Rare and Endangered Animal Ecology, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541006, China. & pangsiyu 0820 @ outlook. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 2028 - 1746 Author Lu, Xiangyi 0000-0001-9893-9304 Key Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Species and Environmental Protection (Guangxi Normal University), Ministry of Education, Guilin 541006, China. & Guangxi Key Laboratory of Rare and Endangered Animal Ecology, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541006, China. & luxiangyi 631 @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9893 - 9304 Author Bian, Xun Key Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Species and Environmental Protection (Guangxi Normal University), Ministry of Education, Guilin 541006, China. & Guangxi Key Laboratory of Rare and Endangered Animal Ecology, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541006, China. text Zootaxa 2023 2023-07-19 5318 2 253 267 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5318.2.5 1175-5326 8162524 15DEBD04-4E6C-40CE-86C3-3BD1885AA367 Anabropsis ( Apteranabropsis ) daweishanensis sp. nov. kOiƜDAE Figures 1–2 Description. Male. Body medium, wings absent. Fastigium verticis projecting forward ( Fig. 1B ). Ocelli indistinct; lateral ocelli located on both sides of fastigium verticis, almost the same size as the median ocellus. Eyes projecting outwards. Apical segments of maxillary palpi longer than subapical ones, apices slightly swollen ( Fig. 1A ). Disc of pronotum smooth, without longitudinal carina, anterior and posterior margins nearly straight; lateral lobes longer than high with posterior angle widely rounded ( Fig. 1C ). Prosternal lobes spine-shaped, basal areas separated, internal margins almost straight, external margins slightly concave, the middle areas terminating into apices, apices subacute; mesosternum with 1 pair of spines, separated at the bases, internal margins obliquely straight, external margins concave inward, apices obtuse; metasternum with 1 pair of obtusely triangular processes, basal areas separated, apices obtuse ( Fig. 1D ). Fore and middle coxae swollen, fore coxae with 1 pair of stout spines. Ventral surfaces of fore and middle femora unarmed, genicular lobes of middle femora with 1 internal spine; hind femora with 5–7 internal and 3 external spines, and genicular lobes with 1 internal spine, external surface with oblique stripes. Fore tibiae with 2 internal and 1 external spurs on dorsal surface, ventral surface with 5 pairs of spurs including 1 pair of apical spurs; basal areas of tibiae with oval, opened internal tympana, the external one absent ( Fig. 1G–F ). Middle tibiae with 4 internal and 3 external spurs on dorsal surface, ventral surface with 5 pairs of spurs (including 1 pair of apical spurs). Dorsal surface of hind tibiae with 10 pairs of spines, apices with 1 pair of spurs with the internal one longer than external one; ventral surface with 1 internal and 2 external spurs, 1 pair of subapical spurs, apices with 1 pair of long and 2 pairs of short spurs. First to fourth abdominal tergites with stridulatory pegs ( Fig. 1E ). Posterior margin of ninth abdominal tergite arched concave with 1 dactylitic lobe on each side; tenth abdominal tergite with 1 pair of hooks, its apices directing forward ( Fig. 1K ). Cerci conical, apical third area straight, directing backwards and upwards. Paraproctal processes shorter than cerci, upcurved, margins of middle areas nearly parallel, apices fishtail-shaped ( Fig. 1H–I ). Subgenital plate shorter than paraproctal processes and cerci; basal half area widened with ventral surface obviously convex and lateral margins approaching; ventral surface in apical half with faintly concave lateral carinae; posterior margin arched concave ( Fig. 1J, L ). Styli long, inserted at apico-lateral angles. Female. Body medium. Cerci conical, apices acute ( Fig. 2H ). Subgenital plate with basal area wide, nearly triangular, lateral margins obviously constricted at apical sixth area and then terminating into a short spiniform apical area ( Fig. 2I ). Ovipositor with basal area stout, narrowing to apices, subbasal half straight, the other parts upcurved, dorsal valvulae longer than ventral one, apices of dorsal valvulae subacute ( Fig. 2H, J ). Coloration. Body black brown. Antennae with black rings, disc of pronotum with light brown longitudinal stripes, which widened at anterior and posterior margins ( Fig. 1A–C ). Measurements (mm). Male: BL 26.3, PL 6.3, HFL 21.2, HTL 20.4. Female: BL 23.8, PL 6.2, HFL 20.0, HTL 19.6, OvL 10.4. Material examined. Holotype : male, Daweishan , Pingbian , Yunnan . Paratype : 1 female , the other information as holotype . Distribution. Yunnan (Pingbian). Discussion. The species differs from Anabropsis ( Apteranabropsis ) multispinula Lu, Lin, Liu, Liang & Bian, 2022 in: pronotum without indistinct yellowish longitudinal band along the midline ( Fig. 1B ), only with internal tympana ( Fig. 1G–F ). Etymology. Named after the type locality; noun in apposition.