Pentaceration, an unusual new genus of Paramunnidae from Australia (Isopoda, Asellota) Author Just, Jean text Zootaxa 2009 2134 36 48 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.188472 bc0f2861-3a79-41b1-969d-797fa4b0ce8c 1175-5326 188472 Pentaceration gen. nov. Type species . Pentaceration bassiana sp. nov. Species included . Pentaceration bassiana sp. nov. , P. spinosissima sp. nov. Diagnosis . Head frontal margin between antennulae with one median forward pointing spine and two lateral spines pointing forward-outward at approximately 60º angle to the head midline. Eyestalks elongate. Coxae not visible in dorsal view. Pereonites 2–7 with lateral spines of varying length; width of pereonite 4 reduced compared to 3 and 5. Pleotelson lateral margins serrate. Mandible palp present, stubby with beanshaped article 3, molar flared distally, triturative. Pereopod I carpus with 2 straight robust setae on posterior margin; propodus with robust and simple setae on margin opposing carpus. Uropods inserted dorsally just inside pleotelson margin, protopod recessed. Etymology . The genus name is Greek for έντε (pente = five) and κέρατa (kerata = horns) with the diminutive ending –ion. The name refers to the five projections from the head, three in front and two elongate eye stalks.