Four genera of Limoniidae (Diptera) new to Japan with descriptions of new species Author Kato, Daichi text Zootaxa 2022 2022-07-25 5168 4 401 418 journal article 105320 10.11646/zootaxa.5168.4.1 2c8d4141-18c4-4db1-b1e7-31e1ecfcd583 1175-5326 6902776 194B8CFC-0FF8-4670-BE9D-ACE758C37B22 Crypteria nippon Kato , sp. nov. ( Figs 1 , 2 , 10A ) Diagnosis. Greyish species with unpatterned wing ( Fig. 1A ). Antenna 12-segmented. Basal four flagellomeres fused, 3–4 times as long as wide. Notum usually with four indistinctly dark stripes on presutural area and with two indistinctly dark areas on scutal lobe. Legs mainly dusky yellow to brown. Abdomen dark brownish grey. Male terminalia with gonocoxite simple, long and almost straight. Clasper and lobe of gonostyli almost straight. Interbase sickle-shaped, directed dorsally on distal part, gradually narrow to tip. Type material. HOLOTYPE male, JAPAN , Honshu , Aomori , Nishimeya-mura , Kawaratai , The Shirakami Natural Science Park , Hirosaki Univ., alt. 255 m , N40.5188 , E140.2148 , 28.IX.2014 , D. Kato (LT / BLKU ) . PARATYPES : JAPAN : [ Honshu ] 2 females , same data as holotype except 5.X.2014 ; 1 male , same data as holotype except 25.X.2014 ; 1 male , Iwate , Hachimantai-shi , near Tȏshichi Spa , alt. 1340 m , N39.9425 , E140.8680 , 15.X.2014 , D. Kato ( BLKU ); [ Kyushu ] 1 male , Kumamoto , Naidaizin , Nishiuchidani , N32.59 , E130.99 , 14.XI.1996 , T . Saigusa & M. Sueyoshi (LT / BLKU ) . Description. Male. Head. Grey, mainly covered with yellow setae. Vertex sometimes with indistinctly dark, longitudinal stripe on posterior part; narrowest part about four times as wide as scape. Antenna brown to dark brown, weakly greyish on scape, 2–2.5 times as long as head. Scape cylindrical, twice as long as wide. Pedicel roundish, about 1.5 times as wide as scape, slightly longer than wide and half length of scape. Flagellum 10-segmented, basal four segments fused into long conical segment, about 2.5 times as long as pedicel and 3–4 times as long as wide. Flagellomere except basal segment bacilliform, apical segment slightly shorter; flagellomeres with pale brown verticils, at most 1.3 times as long as each segment; fused segment and succeeding three flagellomeres covered with whitish pubescence, shorter than each segment. Rostrum brownish grey, 2/3 length of scape. Palpus dark brown, 5-segmented, palpomeres 2–4 longest. Labellum dark brown. Thorax . Generally grey, covered with long yellow setae. Postpronotum weakly yellowish. Presutural area of mesonotum often with four indistinctly dark stripes on posterior 2/3. Prescutal pit dark brown, small, long bacilliform. Scutal lobe with two indistinctly dark areas, anterior marking large and triangular, almost occupying anterior half of scutal lobe; posterior one oval, situated on inner posterior side. Pleuron sometimes yellowish grey, ventral part of meron dark. Dorsopleural membrane occasionally dusky yellow. Wing ( Fig. 1B ) slightly tinged with yellowish brown, unpatterned, basal part more yellowish. Veins mainly brown, yellow on basal part of wing. Sc ending beyond fork of R 3+4 . Crossvein Sc-r situated 2–4 times of itself proximal to tip of Sc. R 2 absent. R 3 slightly shorter than R 4 , strongly curved at base. R 4 and R 5 almost straight. Cell m 1 1.5–2 times as long as its petiole. Cell dm 2.5 times as long as wide, gradually broad distally. Crossvein m-cu close to base of cell dm. Legs clothed with pale yellow setae. Coxae and trochanters pale yellow to ocherous, base of fore coxa often dark grey. Femora and tibiae dusky yellow to brown; tips of tibiae sometimes barely dark. Tarsomeres brownish yellow to brown; tip of each segment weakly and narrowly dark. Claw slender, about half length of tarsomere 5, gently curved, with long curved branch at base, about 2/3 length of claw. Halter pale yellow, about 2.5 times as long as mediotergite. Abdomen. Dark brownish grey, covered with yellow setae, sternites slightly paler. Male terminalia ( Fig. 1C ) more brownish, with tergite 9 tranpezoidal in dorsal view, weakly narrowed basally. Sternite 9 roundly produced at caudal margin. Gonocoxite slender and almost straight, about twice as long as tergite 9, gradually narrow to tip. Clasper of gonostylus ( Fig. 1D ) black and straight, outer margin serrate on distal part, tip curved and pointed, clawshaped. Lobe of gonostylus almost straight, slightly longer than and about twice as wide as clasper of gonostylus, tip rounded. Interbase ( Figs 1E–F ) with basal part fused medially into bridge; distal part sickle-shaped, curved dorsally, closed to each other near tip.Aedeagus wide, bullet-shaped in dorsal view, tip narrow and rounded, directed posteriorly ( Fig. 1E ). Aedeagal apodeme short rod-shaped, directed ventrally ( Fig. 1F ). FIGURE 1. Crypteria nippon sp. nov. : A, habitus (female); B, wing; C, male terminalia, dorsal view; D, outer gonostylus, dorsal view; E, aedeagal complex, dorsal view; F, ibid, lateral view (left = dorsal). Scale bars: A–B, 2 mm; C–F, 0.1 mm. Female. Generally resembling male. Antenna slightly longer than male, about three times as long as head. Flagellomeres covered with pubescences except apical segment. Wing narrower. Claw shorter, 1/3 length of tarsomere 5, without basal branch. Female terminalia ( Figs 2A–B ). Generally ocherous, dark greyish on tergites 8–9 and basal half of tergite 10; sternite 8 weakly dark at anterior end. Tergite 8 widely concaved medially at posterior margin. Tergite 9 narrow, about 1/3 width of tergite 8, interrupted at middle. Tergite 10 roughly oval, about 1.3 times as long as wide; posterior end weakly convex dorsally on middle part; posterior margin concaved at middle part into U-shaped notch. Cercus amber color, slightly shorter than tergite 10, strongly upcurved toward tip. Sternite 8 ( Fig. 2C ) slightly wider than long, lateral margin weakly arched. Hypogynial valve amber colored, slightly longer than sternite 8, about 1.3 times wider than cercus in lateral view, tip ending at level of middle of cercus. Sternite 9 ( Fig. 2D ) roughly racket-shaped; anterior 1/3 rod-shaped; posterior 2/3 roughly hollowed oval, truncated at anterior margin of this hole; middle of lateral margin of posterior part connected with oval plate. Sternite 10 barely recognizable, kidney-shaped, middle of anterior part concaved. FIGURE 2. Female terminalia of Crypteria nippon sp. nov. : A, overall, lateral view; B, ibid, dorsal view; C, sternite 8 and hypogynial valve, ventral view; D, sternite 9, ventral view (left = anterior). Scale bars: A–C, 0.3 mm; D, 0.1 mm. Measurements. Male (n = 4): body length 3.5–4.8 mm , wing length 5.2–7.2 mm . Female (n =2): body length 4.6–4.9 mm , wing length 6.7–7.1 mm . Etymology. This species is named after Japan in Japanese (nippon). The specific name is a noun in nominative singular. Distribution. Japan (Honshu and Kyushu) ( Fig. 10A ). Remarks. This species is similar to a Eurasian species, C. limnophiloides Bergroth, 1913 , but is differentiated from it by the following characteristics: interbase with distal part sickle-shaped, not distinctly widened near tip ( Fig. 1E ) (apical part distinctly widened and blackened, tip intensely narrow and pointed in C. limnophiloides ). An Indian species, C. claripennis ( Brunetti, 1913 ) , whose male is unknown, is also similar to the new species in general appearance but is distinguished from it by the following characters: cercus obtuse at tip (pointed at tip in C. nippon sp. nov. ( Fig. 2A )); hypogynial valve short, ending at level of basal 1/4 of cercus (longer, tip reaching at level of middle of cercus in C. nippon sp. nov. ( Fig. 2A )).