The Goblin Spider Genus Scaphiella (Araneae, Oonopidae) Author Platnick, N. Author Dupérré N. text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2010 2010-03-15 2010 332 1 156 journal article 0003-0090 Scaphiella mico , new species Figures 161–170 ; map 8 TYPE: Male holotype taken from deep rainforest litter at the base of a large tree at an elevation of 400 m in the Montañas del Mico , 3 km W of Las Escobas , 11 km SW of Puerto Barrios , Izabal , Guatemala ( Nov. 15, 1986 ; E. Lindquist ), deposited in CNC ( PBI _ OON 295 ) . DIAGNOSIS: Males can easily be recognized by their patterned and anteriorly narrowed abdomen (figs. 161–164) and their greatly enlarged palpal bulb (figs. 168–170). Figs. 71–80. Scaphiella palenque , new species , male. 71. Habitus, dorsal view. 72. Same, ventral view. 73. Same, lateral view. 74. Same, anterior view. 75. Carapace, dorsal view. 76. Sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. 77. Left palp, dorsal view. 78. Same, prolateral view. 79. Same, ventral view. 80. Same, retrolateral view. Figs. 81–84. Scaphiella palenque , new species , male. 81. Carapace, lateral view. 82. Left endite, ventral view. 83. Same, dorsal view. 84. Same, tip. MALE (PBI_OON 295, figs. 161–170). Total length 1.39. Carapace with sides and posterior portion granulate. Entire surface of sternum covered with small round pits. Endites without anteromedian modifications. Abdomen with scattered dark markings visible under scuta; scuta smooth. Palpal femur slightly expanded; embolus narrow throughout its length; bulb greatly enlarged. FEMALE: Unknown. OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: None. DISTRIBUTION: Izabal , Guatemala (map 8).