Males of the genus Sericostoma Latreille 1825 in Turkey (Trichoptera Sericostomatidae) Author Sipahiler, Füsun text Zootaxa 2021 2021-04-29 4965 3 483 500 journal article 6997 10.11646/zootaxa.4965.3.4 30abf3c7-5d57-410f-98ec-e2fe98173bd1 1175-5326 4754100 B9E0E45D-D238-4477-B480-61BD7B2FE7E4 Sericostoma alakir sp. n. ( Figs 21–25 ) Material. Holotype male: Turkey , Antalya , Finike , Alakır Stream , Çatallar Village , 450 m , 36°29′N , 30°14′E , 14.v.1982 , (CD: U-12), leg. and coll. SİPAHİLER. Paratypes : 2 females : Same data as for holotype . General description. Antennae and maxillary palps brown, wings dark brown, legs pale brown yellowish; maxillary palps of males large dorsally ( Fig. 21 ); length of each male forewing 12.0–12.5 mm (mean = 12.25 mm, n = 2), of each female forewing 13.0–14.0 mm (mean = 13.5 mm, n = 2). Description of male genitalia ( Figures 22–25 ): In lateral view, segment IX rather narrow and roundly dilated anterolaterally in 90° angle. Preanal appendages long and oval. lateral prolongations of segment X very distinct, each with basoventral forming equilateral triangle, apically acute and directed ventrad; mesoventral projection very long, 3/4 as long as dorsal branch, and nearly parallel to dorsal branch, mesoventral and dorsal branches both gradually tapering to acute apices. In dorsal view, segment X blunt apically; mesoventral and dorsal branches almost equal in breadth, both slightly diverging. In lateral view, dorsal lobe of each inferior appendage dilated ventrally to form ventral lobe, apical margin of dorsal lobe oval and longer than ventral lobe; in ventral view, ventral branches of inferior appendages rather short and broad, tips dilated mesally and laterally, nearly foot-shaped. In lateral view, phallic apparatus narrow at base, second half dilated, 1.5X as thick as base, basoventral carina semicircular and about as long as thickness of base. Diagnosis. Sericostoma alakir sp. n. differs from the other species found in Turkey especially by the shape of the lateral prolongations of segment X, of which the mesoventral branch is only a little shorter than the dorsal branch. It resembles S. dimcay sp. n. described below; the mesoventral branch of this species is also long, slightly shorter than the dorsal branch; in dorsal view, the median part of segment X is apically rounded, while in S. dimcay sp. n. it is triangular and acute. In addition, the ventral branches of the inferior appendages of S. alakir sp. n. are straight and the apical parts triangular, acute mesally, whereas in S. dimcay sp. n. the ventral branches of the inferior appendages are sinuate and the apices are quadrangular, truncate mesally. Remarks : Sericostoma alakir sp. n. inhabits a mountain stream with rapidly flowing water.