New taxa of terrestrial molluscs from Turkey (Gastropoda, Pristilomatidae, Enidae, Hygromiidae, Helicidae) Author Guemues, Burcin Askim Burcin Askim Guemues, Gazi University, Science Faculty, Department of Biology (Zoology), Teknik Okullar, Besevler, 06500, Ankara, Tuerkiye Author Neubert, Eike Naturhistorisches Museum der Burgergemeinde Bern, Bernastr. 15, CH- 3005 Bern, Switzerland text ZooKeys 2012 2012-02-24 171 17 37 journal article 1313-2970-171-17 91A0AA5641074E29B847BA6924FB7BC8 62463D177D1EFFB0FFEB073EFFA9FFF5 576912 Euchondrus septemdentatus (Roth, 1839) Figs 13-17 Pupa septemdentata Roth, 1839, Moll. spec. itinere Orientem: 19, pl. 2 fig. 2 [in insula quadam parva Oenussarum, sita inter Chium et Melaenam promontorium"; "Syriae vico quodam, dicto "Sasa" , prope Damascum"]. Bulimus triticeus Rossmaessler , 1858, Iconographie der Land- und Suesswassermollusken Europa's , 3 (5/6): 98, textfig. ["bei Jerusalem"]. Chondrus septemdentatus var. maximus Mousson, 1861, Vierteljahresschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Zuerich , 6: 132 [nomen nudum, ms name of Bourguignat]. Chondrus septemdentatus var. elongatus Mousson, 1861, Vierteljahresschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Zuerich 6: 132 [nomen nudum, ms name of Roth]. Chondrus septemdentatus var. borealis Mousson, 1874, Journal de Conchyliologie, 22: 14 [ "jusqu'a Merssina et a Tharsus"]. Buliminus septemdentatus var. maximus Westerlund, 1887, Fauna der in der palaearctischen Region lebenden Binnenmollusken, III: 45. Buliminus septemdentatus var. elongatus Westerlund, 1887, Fauna der in der palaearctischen Region lebenden Binnenmollusken, III: 45. Jaminia (Euchondrus) borealis , - Forcart, 1940, Verhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft Basel, 51: 202 Euchondrus borealis , - Schuett , 1983, Natur und Mensch, 1983: 57, Abb. 18. Remarks. Euchondrus septemdentatus ( Figs 13-17 ) is a remarkably variable species in terms of shell shape (see also Haas 1955 ), and one of the most widespread taxa within the genus ranging from Southern Turkey throughout the Eastmediterranean countries almost reaching the Negev Desert ( Heller 2009 ; the single record north of Eilat may be due to a carryover by man). Mousson's name Chondrus septemdentatus var. borealis ( Fig. 16 ), which comprises the Turkish form of this species was used by Forcart (1940) as replacement name for Pupa septemdentata to remove the secondary homonymy with Jaminia septemdentata Risso, 1826 (= Chondrina avenacea Bruguiere, 1792). For names replaced before 1960 , the rule "once a homonym, always a homonym" has to be applied (ICZN § 59). However, the replacement was never commonly accepted, and the name septemdentatus has always been applied for the populations of this species from Israel, the latest example for this use being Heller (2009) . This results in a confusion of the correct application of the available names for this species under the condition that the specific identity is accepted. We consider Forcart's replacement action as invalid, because he omitted the older name Bulimus triticeus Rossmaessler , 1858 ( Fig. 14 ), which is also a synonym of Pupa septemdentata . For this reason we herewith return to use the name septemdentatus for this species in order to eliminate an unstable nomenclatural situation. If this point of view is not accepted, this issue has to be clarified by a ruling of the Commission following § ICZN 59.3.1.