Review of the millipede family Haplodesmidae Cook, 1895, with descriptions of some new or poorly-known species (Diplopoda, Polydesmida) Author Golovatch, Sergei Institute for Problems of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky pr. 33, Moscow 119071, Russia Author Geoffroy, Jean-Jacques Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Département Ecologie & Gestion de la Biodiversité, UMR 7179 du CNRS, Equipe EVOLTRAIT, 4, avenue du Petit Château, F- 91800 Brunoy, France Author Mauriès, Jean-Paul Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Département Systématique et Evolution, USM 602, Section Arthropodes Case Postale n ° 53, 61 rue Buffon F- 75231 Paris, France Author VandenSpiegel, Didier Musée Royal de l’Afrique centrale, B- 3080 Tervuren, Belgium text ZooKeys 2009 2009-04-07 7 7 1 53 journal article 22701 10.3897/zookeys.7.117 7a12aaad-a568-4920-91cf-af3e9407eadc 1313–2970 576436 67B4D2EC-2C6D-4226-847D-0BA2B2777AE3 Eutrichodesmus latus Golovatch, Geoffroy, Mauriès & VandenSpiegel , sp. n. FE7F4D6B-F489-4D30-900B-9A3E4F3D1BB9 Figs 14-17 . Type material. China , Guangxi Prov. , Yachang Nature Reserve , Yan Wu Dong Cave , 31.05.2007 , leg. L. Deharveng & A. Bedos ( CHI-GX07-31/01 ), holotype ( IZAS ), paratypes : 2 ♂♂ , 6 ♀♀ ( MNHN JC 312 ), 1 ♂ ( SEM ) ; same locality, Xia Yan Dong Cave , 28.V.2007 , leg. L. Deharveng & A. Bedos ( CHI-GX07-28/01 ), 5 ♂♂ ( SCAU ) ; same locality, Xiao Shui Dong Cave , 2. VI. 2007 , leg. F. Bréhier ( CHI-GX07-02/07 ), 4 ♀♀ , 1 juv. ( IZAS ) ; same locality, She Dong Cave , 30. V.2007 , leg. F. Bréhier ( CHI-GX07-30/08 ), 2 ♂♂ , 1 ♀ , 1 juv. ( SCAU ), 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , 1 juv. ( ZMUM ), 1 ♂ ( ZMUC ), 1 ♂ ( NMNHS ), 1 ♂ ( MCSNV ) . Name . To emphasize the broad paraterga. Diagnosis . Differs from all congeners except E. similis sp. n. by the very broad and mostly only slightly declivous paraterga, such that volvation is apparently imperfect, from E. similis sp. n. by the collum bearing no row of peculiar teeth along its entire front margin, and the gonopods being less enlarged and simpler distally. Description . Length of adults of both sexes ca 11-13 mm , width 2.4-3.0 mm, body broadest at segments 5-16. Holotype ca 12 mm long and 3.0 mm wide. Coloration uniformly yellow-brown to brownish, sometimes slightly marbled. Adults with 20 segments ( Fig. 14A ), conglobation pattern typical of “ Doratodesmidae ”, but volvation apparently imperfect because of paraterga being too broad and mostly only slightly declivous, leaving small lacunae laterally even when body maximally enrolled. Head ( Figs 14F ; 15A ) and tegument ( Figs 15E, F ) basically as in preceding species, but antennae somewhat longer, antennomeres 3 and 6 of subequal length ( Fig. 14F ), collum not covering the head from above, slightly elevated frontolaterally, with 4-5 irregular rows of mostly flat tubercles/bosses, including a row of more distinct cones at caudal edge ( Figs 15A, B ). Metaterga behind collum with three transverse, rather irregular rows of similarly flat tubercles, most of which still retain short, bisegmented setae ( Fig. 15A, B , D-F); limbus microcrenulate. Paraterga with evident shoulders anteriorly, mostly directed laterad, only slightly declivous, very broad, tips about level with venter, very distinctly crenulate caudolaterally ( Figs 14 A-E; 15C, D); paraterga 2 rather strongly enlarged, directed ventrolaterad, lateral margin evidently quadrilobulate, both schism and hyposchism small; paraterga 3 and Figure 14 . Eutrichodesmus latus sp. n. , paratype from Yan Wu Dong Cave; A , habitus, lateral view; B , anterior part of body, lateral view; C , posterior part of body, lateral view; D , same, dorsal view; E , same, ventral view; F , anterior part of body, ventral view. − Scale bars: A, 1.0 mm, B, C, E, 0.2 mm , D, F, 0.5 mm . 4 slightly shorter than others, bilobate laterally ( Figs 14B ; 15B ), following paraterga more broadly rounded and quadrilobulate, overlap typical. Pore formula normal, ozopores located at base of ventrocaudal lobulation ( Fig. 15D ). Pleurotergal carinae wanting. Epiproct strongly flattened, dorsally also tuberculate, with several deep incisions at lateral edge, directed ventrocaudad, with the usual four cones just below tip; para- and hypoprocts as in Figs 14 C-E. Sterna usually with a rather deep, narrow depression between coxae ( Fig. 16A ), only those between coxae 7 and 9 much wider ( Fig. 16B ). Gonopod aperture transverse-oval, relatively small, far from reaching lateral sides of segment 7 ( Fig. 16B ). Legs very long and slender; femur somewhat longer than tarsus; several basal segments in Figure 15 . Eutrichodesmus latus sp. n. , paratype from Yan Wu Dong Cave; A & B , anterior part of body, front and dorsal views, respectively; C , cross-section of segment 6, caudal view; D , midbody paratergum with ozopore; E , texture of prozonite and limbus; F , metatergal cerotegument with a bisegmented seta. − Scale bars: A, C, 0.5 mm , B, 0.2 mm , D, 0.1 mm , E, 0.02 mm & F, 0.01 mm . Figure 16 . Eutrichodesmus latus sp. n. , paratype from Yan Wu Dong Cave; A , midbody sterna, ventral view; B , gonopods, ventral view; C , same, ventral view; D , gonopod apices, ventral view; E , tip of distofemoral process of gonopods, ventral view. − Scale bars: A-C, 0.1 mm , D & E, 0.02 mm . microtuberculate; claw simple, very slightly curved ventrad; some setae very sparsely microdenticulate ( Figs 14F ; 15C ; 17A ). Gonopods ( Figs 16 B-E; 17B, C) very simple. Coxae subquadrate, large, microtuberculate and abundantly setose ventrolaterally, with a conspicuous triangular lobe frontolaterally. Telopodite considerably longer than coxite, slender, setose not only in its basal half but also at base of a digitiform and conspicuously microtuberculate distofemoral process (dp) situated laterally at about midway of telopodite, more distally with a slightly folded acropodite devoid of a hairpad; seminal groove terminating subapically. Remarks . This species seems to be especially close to the next species.