Synopsis of the tribe Platynini in New Zealand (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Author Larochelle Collection, Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Prosphodrus waimana Larochelle Author Larivière, Marie-Claude - Landcare Research, Private Bag 92170, Auckland Larochelle and Larivière, new species text Insecta Mundi 2021 2021-04-30 2021 864 1 96 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5041813 1942-1354 5041813 DF505A18-63A1-44BB-BF5D-13887FAE0DAD Genus Maoriplatynus Larochelle and Larivière , new genus Fig. 47 , 90 , 154 Type species. Maoriplatynus marrisi new species , by present designation. Description. Body length 12.5–12.7 mm . Color mostly dark. Metallic luster absent. Dorsal surface mostly glabrous. Forebody narrow in comparison to elytra. Head. Very wide. Mandibles very long. Labrum subtruncate anteriorly. Eyes moderately convex, separated from buccal fissures; two setiferous punctures on inner side of each eye. Tempora not inflated. Neck constriction deep dorsolaterally. Mentum tooth bifid apically (as in Prosphodrus ); two large circular foveae; two long setae. Submentum with twelve short setae in addition to two long setae. Palpi with terminal segment obtuse apically. Ligula with two setae. Paraglossae glabrous. Thorax. Pronotum cordate; a single setiferous puncture on each side (anteriorly). Prosternum glabrous apically, not compressed into a vertical ridge. Legs. Very long. Metacoxae with two posteroventral setae. Metafemora with two or three posteroventral setae. Protibiae with dorsal longitudinal groove; cleaning organ with two clip setae. Meso- and metatarsomeres 1–4 well developed, tricarinate dorsally, deeply bisulcate laterally. Metatarsomeres 4 strongly bilobed and asymmetrical apically. Metatarsomeres 5 glabrous ventrally. Elytra. Ovate. Fused along suture (hindwings vestigial). Basal margin complete, reaching about scutellum. Shoulders narrow, rounded. Sides widest about middle. Scutellar setiferous pore visible. Scutellar striole short. Striae complete, consisting of impressed lines. Interval 3 with three setiferous punctures. Umbilicate series with 17–20 setiferous punctures. Apices mucronate, turned upward (not turned upward in other genera). Abdomen. Sterna IV–VI: both sexes with two long apical ambulatory setae. Sterna V–VI: both sexes with numerous short setae. Sternum VII (last visible sternum): male with two long apical ambulatory setae and numerous short setae; female with four long apical ambulatory setae and numerous short setae. Aedeagus. Lateral view: slightly arcuate; basal lobe of basal bulb absent; internal sac without scale-like sclerites. Dorsal view: moderately wide, asymmetrical (ostium of membranous area deflected to the left); basal bulb moderately distant from membranous area. Remarks. The generic name is derived from Maori (the Polynesian people who colonized New Zealand ) and Platynus (the type genus of the tribe Platynini ), genus masculine. This monotypic genus appears to be a genetically highly distinctive taxon characterized as follows: abdominal sterna V–VII of both sexes with numerous short setae in addition to two long apical ambulatory setae; submentum with twelve short setae in addition to two long setae; elytral apices turned upward; aedeagus (in lateral view) slightly arcuate. This genus is restricted to the Three Kings Islands (TH).