New fossil and extant species of Nemopalpus Macquart (Diptera: Psychodidae: Bruchomyiinae) Author Wagner, Rüdiger Author Stuckenberg, Brian R. text African Invertebrates 2012 2012-06-30 53 1 355 355 journal article 10.5733/afin.053.0119 2305-2562 7917198 Nemopalpus cancer Wagner & Stuckenberg , sp. n. Figs 24, 25 (W\PRORJ\: 7KH VSHFL¿F QDPH ZDV LQLWLDOO\ SURSRVHG E\ %ULDQ 6WXFNHQEHUJ, WKH JRQR‒ style of the male terminalia being shaped like a crab claw. Description: Male . Head : Distance between circular eyes ca 1.5× facet diameter.Antenna with scape, pedicel DQG ÀDJHOORPHUHV Ɨ± (GLVWDO VHJPHQWV PLVVLQJ, QRW RQ VOLGH,EXW %. 6WXFNHQEHUJ SURYLGHG D ¿JXUH RI WKH WZR GLVWDO‒PRVW VHJPHQWV, HDFK ZLWK D SDLU RI DVFRLGV). 5HODWLYH OHQJWKV RI VHJPHQWV: Ɨ2±ƗƗ±74±ƽ ±ƽ ±; DSLFXOXV RI GLVWDO ÀDJHOORPHUH ca one sixth length of the segment (according to B. Stuckenberg).A pair of mushroom-shaped ascoids, seemingly RQ HDFK ÀDJHOORPHUH.5HODWLYH OHQJWKV RI WKH YLVLEOH IRXU SDOSXV VHJPHQWV:2Ɵ±24±29±ϬƟ, GLVWDO VHJPHQW VWULDWH.$Q RYDO ¿HOG RI 1HZVWHDG VFDOHV RQ 2 nd segment. Figs 24, 25. Nemopalpus cancer Wagner & Stuckenberg , sp. n. : (24) wing; (25) terminalia lateral view. (All ¿JXUHV E\ %6). 6FDOH EDUV:)LJ. 24 = Ɨ PP,)LJ. 2ƽ = Ɵ.2 PP. Thorax : Legs missing. Wing length 4.7 mm . Wing venation as usual, medial fork meets r–m cross-vein at lower distal end of the discal cell. Abdomen : Lacking ornamental setulae; sternum 6 slightly enlarged, 7 th segment rotated about 90°, 8 th segment a thin sclerotised ring, rotated another 90°. Terminalia in lateral view: aedeagus short, less than half length of gonocoxite. Sperm ducts wide in diameter. 7HUJXP 9 WKLQ, HORQJDWH; FHUFXV ODUJH. *RQRFR[LWH ZLWK EDVDO ¿QJHU‒VKDSHG VHWRVH LQQHU DSSHQGDJH. 'LVWDO KDOI RI JRQRVW\OXV GLVKHG, ELSDUWLWH; GRUVDO DSSHQGDJH ¿QJHU‒VKDSHG blunt, ventral tip sharp. +RORW\SH:ƃ µ&RORPELD:9DOOH,'HSW>= 'HSW. RI 9DOOH GH &DXFD@,3HQDV %ODQFDV,OLJKW WUDS,2)HEUXDU\ Ɨ97ƽ. OHJ. -.(. %URZQ¶ (106$). 0RXQWHG RQ WZR VOLGH PRXQWV, RQH ZLWK KHDG, RQH ZLWK ZLQJV DQG DEGRPHQ. Notes: In this new species segments 7 and 8 are probably involved in the torsion of the terminalia. The shape of the terminalia indicates a relationship to N . phoenimimos Quate & Alexander, 2000 , which is also known from Colombia . The inner appendage on the gonostylus of N. cancer sp. n. distinguishes these species.