Fifteen new species of Chilicola (Oroediscelis) (Hymenoptera: Colletidae: Xeromelissinae) with illustrated keys to the males and females of the subgenus Author Packer, Laurence Author Dumesh, Sheila text Zootaxa 2019 2019-02-19 4559 1 1 56 journal article 28525 10.11646/zootaxa.4559.1.1 bd04f2d1-6de5-43f6-9fca-16a5482835fd 1175-5326 2585011 B5A75104-8C94-462B-A5BD-BB0F28D5C9A9 Chilicola ( Oroediscelis ) rozeni Packer and Dumesh , new species FC045DE2-2156-45F7-9F0A-30D04D5033BE ( Figs. 36–42 , 94 , 96 , 154 , 170 ) Diagnosis. The male of this species can be differentiated from all other species in the subgenus, with the exception of C boharti , by the combination of: clypeus with yellow marking; processes of S5 absent, of S4 elongate, neither curved nor with apex notched but parallel-sided to obliquely truncate apex. It differs from C. boharti in having the processes of S2 and S3 more strongly produced and the apicolateral fovea of S6 with inner carina incomplete and with a carina present basally around hair fringe. In contrast, C. boharti has processes on S2 and S3 weakly rounded or absent and the apicolateral fovea of S6 with a complete carina but without a carina around the hair fringe. The female can be differentiated by the following combination: malar space nearly half as long as wide; punctures on anteriomedian area of mesoscutum similar in size to those on rest of mesoscutum; metapleuron coarsely striate above. It is most similar to C. carpenteri , which has large punctures among finer and shallower ones on the raised area between notaulices, as well as the areolate upper area of the metapleuron. Description. Male : Length 6.0 mm; forewing length 4.3mm , head width 1.5 mm . Head : about 1.15 X as long as wide, 83:73. Clypeus with transverse apical yellow band, paraocular area yellow to above level of dorsal margin of clypeus, mandible with small basal yellow maculation. Clypeus and supraclypeal area punctures small, distinct, irregularly spaced i=1–4 d and i=1–3 d respectively; lower paraocular area distinctly punctate, i=1–2 d; frontal area with punctures crowded, sharp-edged, alveolate laterally. Clypeus with longitudinal depression barely detectable. Malar space half as long as wide (5:10); lower ocular tangent above middle of clypeus. Longest hairs on face 3.5 MOD, above antennal sockets; genal beard with longest hairs <4 MOD. F1 as long as F2 on anterior and posterior surfaces (10:10); F2–F4 each with one long seta, on F2 1.2 X length of F3, on F3 almost as long as F4, on F4 ~0.7 X length of F5. FIGURES 36–42. Chilicola rozeni . 36. male lateral habitus (holotype); 37. male face (paratype); 38. male genital capsule, dorsal view (holotype); 39. male S7, dorsal view (holotype); 40. male S8, dorsal view (holotype); 41. female lateral habitus (paratype); 42. female face (paratype). Mesosoma : pronotum densely punctate; mesoscutum somewhat dull, densely punctate, i=0.5–1.5 d; mesoscutellum slightly shinier, less regularly punctate, i=0.5–2 d; metanotum shallowly imbricate, shiny, punctures crowded anteriorly, sparse posteriorly, i=1–3 d; mesepisternum distinctly punctate, i=1–2 d, absent immediately above scrobe; metepisternum with large, deep punctures above, and weak effaced punctures below. Metepisternum longitudinally striate, irregularly imbricate above, shiny below; metapostnotum much shorter than mesoscutellum (13:19); striate, striae with many weak anastamozing branches; lateral surface of propodeum imbricate with numerous weak punctures. Longest hairs of mesosoma 3 MOD, on mesepisternum; longest hairs on mesoscutum ~1 MOD. Stigma shorter than marginal cell on wing margin (32:44), marginal cell gradually curved away from wing margin at apex; distal stigmal perpendicular slightly apical to first submarginal crossvein. Metafemur with posteroventral margin sharp, ridged for apical third. Metatibia almost 4 X as long as greatest depth (53:14), which is at peak of anterior ridge; subapical brush incomplete; bare area of ventral surface shining, without microsculpture; posterior crest sinuate, ending in a short, acute tooth; anterior crest convex basally, straight apically. Metabasitarsus shorter than remaining tarsomeres combined (35:40); ventral process at basal 1/4, short; anterior process short, apex obtuse. Metasoma : somewhat shiny, apical impressed areas weakly imbricate; doubly punctate, minute and large punctures approximately equally abundant, large punctures i=1–2.5 d, apical impressed areas finely punctate to close to apex, i=1–2 d; apicolateral patches of white, plumose hairs on T1–T3. S1 hairs all long, ~2 MOD; S2 longest hairs anterolaterally, 3 MOD; S3 sparse long hairs apicolaterally <2 MOD; S4 longest hairs anterolaterally, <2 MOD; S5 long hairs posterolaterally, 3 MOD, apical fringe of robust setae absent; S6 hair tuft <2 MOD. S2 with weak and S3 with strong sublateral bosses, that of S3 acutely angulate; processes of S4 moderately long, <2 MOD, weakly downturned for apical half, apex narrowly rounded; S5 unmodified; S6 apicolateral fovea 3X longer than wide, mesal margin raised, otherwise surface of disc flat; apical impressed area distinct, membranous, <1 MOD, hair fringe subequal in length at ~30° to apical area. Terminalia : refer to Figs. 38–40 . Female : As in male except for usual secondary sexual characteristics and as follows: Length 5.8 mm , forewing length, 4.1mm , head width 1.6 mm . Head 1.25 X as long as wide, 89:71. Face and mandibles black. Frontal area distinctly punctate, i <0.5 d; facial fovea shiny, punctures sparse and mostly small; pronotum finely and more sparsely punctate, i~d; metepisternum above coarsely punctate anteriorly, shallowly punctate below, i=1–3 d; metasomal terga with punctures smaller, T1 larger punctures, i = 1–3 d. Metepisternum longitudinally striate posteriorly, lacking microsculpture medially, imbricate below and medially above; metapostnotum more regularly and completely striate, some striae branching; apical impressed area with microsculpture as strong as on disc except at extreme apex. Material studied. Holotype male, and two female paratypes : ARGENTINA , Salta , 10km NW Campo Quijano , 11.xi.1989 , J.G. Rozen , ex nest in stem [ AMNH ] . Paratypes : ARGENTINA , Salta , El Alisal , Fritz , xii.1993 , one male [ AMNH ]; same data except iii.1993 , one male and one female [ PCYU ]; same data except vi.1991 , two females [ AMNH , MACN ]; same data except iii.1990 , 2200m one female [ AMNH ] ; ARGENTINA , Salta , Tastil, Fritz, ii.1992 , 3000m , one female [ AMNH ] [See Figs. 184–185 for distribution map] . Etymology. This species is named in honour of the discoverer of its nest and three of the specimens, the wellknown melittologist Dr. Jerome Rozen, Jr. Comments. This is one of the increasing number of xeromelissines that were first discovered from the nest. Other examples include C. ( Oroediscelis ) espeleticola Michener (Michener, 2002) , C. ( Chilicola ) venticola Packer (Packer, 2004) and C. ( Oediscelis ) setosicornis Packer (Packer and Genaro, 2007) .