Revision of the Lithoglyptidae sensu Tomlinson, 1969 and Lithoglyptes Aurivillius, 1892 (Cirripedia, Acrothoracica,), including a new species from Bermuda
Kolbasov, Gregory A.
Department of Invertebrate Zoology (White Sea Biological Station), Biological Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow 119899, Russia, e-mail: kolbasov @ soil. msu. ru Marine Biological Research Division, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA 92093 - 0202, USA, e-mail: wnewman @ ucsd. edu
Newman, William A.
journal article
Key to the genera and species of
(four pairs of terminal cirri plus caudal appendages).
1 Caudal appendages each of two segments plus a pedestal............................................ 2
Caudal appendages each of two segments but without a pedestal ..... 6 (
2 Opercular bars without welldeveloped posterior projections, operculum with short posterior lobes or rudiments thereof.......................................................3 (
Opercular bars with hooked posterior projections, operculum with long, articulated posterior setose lobes (auricles)
Auritoglyptes bicornis
3 Opercular bars armed with bifid teeth
L. ivanovi
Opercular bars lacking bifid teeth, with simple teeth and/or small denticles ............... 4
4 Posterior lobes of operculum well developed ............................................................... 5
Posterior lobes of operculum rudimentary
L. indicus
5 Proximal end of mantle attenuated, extending to point of initial attachment .................
L. tectoscrobis
Proximal end of mantle not extending to initial point of attachment
L. viatrix
6 Opercular bars asymmetrical, one with a medial projection
A. scamborachis
Opercular bars symmetrical .......................................................................................... 7
7 Orificial knob with conspicuous teeth........................................................................... 8
Orificial knob without teeth, or absent.......................................................................... 9
8 Posterior projections of opercular bars straight, without long recurved hooks or spines
A. mitis
Posterior projections recurved or straight, but when straight with long anterior, recurved spines
A. habei
9 Posterior projections of opercular bars decurved in adults ........................................ 10
Posterior projections of opercular bars recurved anteriorly or straight in adults ....... 11
10 Posterior projections equal to or greater than the length of opercular bars ....................
A. balanodytes
Posterior projections less than the length of opercular bars
A. cornutus
11 Opercular bars with upturned anterior ends
A. wilsoni
Opercular bars without upturned anterior ends .......................................................... 12
12 Opercular bars each with a small elevation at 1/3 of length from anterior end .............
A. thomasi
Opercular bars straight, without such an elevation ..................................................... 13
13 Posterior projections of opercular bars straight, without curved spines near tip ....... 14
Posterior projections of opercular bars decurved, usually with 1–2 curved spines near tip (often broken off in adults)
A. stirni
14 Posterior projections of opercular bars with several longitudinal rows of curved teeth.
A. echinoideus
Posterior projections of opercular bars without longitudinal rows of curved teeth .......
A. egorovi