Revision of the Neotropical genus Goniaspis Duda (Diptera: Chloropidae) Author Mlynarek, Julia J. Author Wheeler, Terry A. text Zootaxa 2009 2033 26 40 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.186327 0efc3f5f-dc4e-42c9-8823-960a6987d49c 1175-5326 186327 Goniaspis truncata ( Malloch, 1913 ) (Figs. 22–23) Hippelates truncata Malloch 1913 : 247 ( type locality: Guatemala : Cacao, Trece Aguas, Alta V Paz). Goniaspis truncata : Sabrosky, 1941a : 27 . Description: Total length 1.7–2.4 mm . Overall color black; frontal triangle black, shining, extending to anterior margin of frons with slightly convex to straight margins; ocellar tubercle black, shining; frons black, as long as wide; cephalic setae dark, fronto-orbital setae weakly developed; gena black, microtomentose, 0.1 times eye height; postgena slender, black, microtomentose; face black; scape and pedicel yellow, first flagellomere reniform, yellow, arista black, slender, pubescence as long as width of arista at base; palpus, proboscis and clypeus black. Scutum black, shining, punctate, microtomentose just anterior to scutellum, as long as wide; scutellum black, 1.7 times as wide as long, microtomentose, apical scutellar bristles strong, on small tubercles on dorsal margin of scutellum, lateral scutellar bristles longer than surrounding setae; thoracic pleurites shining black. Legs mostly yellow, coxae and femora black; hind tibial spur apical, 0.8 times length of first tarsal segment; femoral organ 2 rows, one of 3 small tubercles and one of 4; tibial organ oval, yellow, 0.2 times length of tibia. Wing hyaline, ratio of costal sectors C1: C2: C3: C4 – 1: 1.3: 1.4: 0.6; halter white. Abdomen black, sparsely microtomentose, syntergite 1+2 darker than tergites 3–5, tergites 3–5 yellow medially; syntergite 1+2 slightly longer than tergites 3 and 4 combined. Male postabdomen (Figs. 22–23): epandrium higher than long in lateral view, wider than high, with parallel sides in posterior view, with sparse setae; surstylus short, wide, parallel sided with broadly rounded apex, surstylus with sparse short setae; cercus broad, rounded, ventral projection large and rounded, cercus with sparse setae and one long posteroventral bristle, cerci separated by semi-circular ventral excavation; distiphallus weakly sclerotized. Type material: Holotype (apparently Ƥ but abdomen damaged). labelled “25.4 Cacao / Trece Aguas”, “Alta V Paz / Guatemala ”, “Schwarz& / Barber Coll”, “ Type / No. 15961 / U.S. N.M.”, “ Hippelates / truncata / Malloch ( type )” ( USNM ). Paratypes : GUATEMALA : AltaV. Paz, Cacao Trece Aguas, 25.iv , Schwarz and Barber (13, USNM ); MEXICO : Vera Cruz, Motzoropago, 11.ii.1892 , H. Osborn (1Ƥ, USNM ); Vera Cruz, San Rafael, iii.1914 , C.H.T. Townsend (1Ƥ, USNM ). Other material examined: BELIZE : Mtn. Pine Ridge, 1000’, falls sweeps, 14.i.1991 , S.A. Marshall (13, 1Ƥ, DEBU ); Toledo District, Blue Creek (16˚12΄N 89˚3΄W), Malaise trap, 23.i.1982 , A.T. Finnamore (1Ƥ, LEM ); COSTA RICA : Alajuela, Penas Blancas, 700m , rain forest, 18.viii.1986 , L. Masner (1Ƥ, CNC ); Alajuela, San Pedro de la Tigra, cacao, i. 1990 , 200m, Malaise trap, P. Hanson (13, LEM ); Cartago, Dulce Nombre, Vivero Linda Vista, vi–viii.1993 , 1400m , Malaise trap, P. Hanson (1Ƥ, LEM ); Cartago, Pejibaye, 24–25.iii.1987 , Malaise trap in old field and agricultural area, W.E. Steiner (13, USNM ); Heredia, Braulio Carrillo N.P., Est. El Ceibo, 400–600m , xii.1989 , R. Aguilar and M. Zumbado, 527700, 256500 (13, INBio ); Alajuela, San Carlos, P. N. Arenal, Sector la Peninsula, 600m , 11–26.v.1999 , J.D. Gutiérrez, Red de Golpe, L N 271500_453800, #57151 (23, INBio ); Guanacaste: Est. Pitilla, 9km S Sta. Cecilia, 700m , 6–19.ix.1993 , P. Rios, L N 330200_380200 (1Ƥ, INBio ); same data except iii.1991 (1Ƥ, INBio ); same data except ii–iii.1993 (2Ƥ, INBio ); same data except iii.1995 , L N 329950_380450 (1Ƥ, INBio ); EL SALVADOR : Santa Tecla, x.1965 , N.L.H. Krauss (33, USNM ); Santa Tecla, , L.J. Bottimer (1Ƥ, USNM ); same except (1Ƥ, USNM ); same except (1Ƥ, USNM ); San Salvador , , L.J. Bottimer (1Ƥ, USNM ); GUATEMALA : Yepocapa 1948–1949 , H.T. Dalmat (23, 1Ƥ, USNM ); Escuintla, 20.viii.1975 , N.L.H. Krauss (13, USNM ); Retalhuleu, 0 5.v.1964 , D.W. Hamilton (13, USNM ); Los Amates, 18–28.ii.1905 , J.S. Hane (1Ƥ, USNM ); HONDURAS : Puerto Castilla, 06.v.1926 , 13.v.1926 and , R.H. Painter (33, USNM ); La Ceiba, 24.x.1916 , F.J. Dyer (1Ƥ, USNM ); MEXICO : Cordoba, 3 mi . E, 01.i.1941 , G.E. Bohart (1Ƥ, USNM ); Cordoba, vii.1965 , N.L.H. Krauss (1Ƥ, USNM ); Vera Cruz, Tampico, 25.ii.1972 , F. Parker and D. Miller (1Ƥ, USNM ), Vera Cruz, Ocotal Chico, 600m , 04–05.v.1985 , W.N. Mathis (13, USNM ); NICARAGUA : Santa Maria de Ostuma, xi.1959 , N.L.H. Krauss (1Ƥ, USNM ); 31 mi N of Esteli, 22.viii.1972 , G.F. and S. Hevel (13, USNM ).