New records of praying mantis (Mantodea) from Thailand Author Unnahachote, T. Author Samung, Y. Author Waengsothorn, S. Author Jaitrong, W. text Far Eastern Entomologist 2019 2019-11-12 395 23 32 journal article 10.25221/fee.395.4 2713-2196 7164610 CB830FE6-6F86-4D8D-9EFC-FDBE7BBAB894 Parapsychomantis vietnamensis Shcherbakov, 2017 Figs 3–6 , 14 Parapsychomantis vietnamensis Shcherbakov, 2017: 416 , figs 1–4, 7, 20–21, 28–29, 37–39. Type locality: Vietnam , Binh Phuoc , Dong Nai and Lam Dong provinces ( ZIN , holotype male and paratype female) . MATERIAL EXAMINED. Thailand : Chanthaburi province , Soi Dao district , Pa Tong subdistrict, Soi Dao Waterfall 13°05´49´´N , 102°10´20´´E , 17.V 2008 , 1 male (THNHM-I- 11042, THNHM ), T . Jeenthong leg. DIAGNOSIS. Adult male . Head wider than broad, vertex with tubercle above ocelli, compound eye large, oval and strongly convex; pronotum elongated, lateral margin of prozona and metazona with small blunt spine and large tubercles respectively; wings present, not truncate at tip, hind wing transparent; ground color of fore coxa yellowish brown, except the apical portion with black mark ventrally; fore femur slightly convex before middle; posteroventral margin of middle femur with three lobes, distal lobe largest; cerci cylindrical. Male genitalia . Right phallomere, fda elongate, pva well sclerotized strongly curved. Ventral phallomere, sdp present, short. Left phallomere, paa and afa present, short. DISTRIBUTION. Thailand ( new record ). – Vietnam (Shcherbakov, 2017). REMARK. We found a specimen of the species deposited in the THNHM that was col- lected in Chanthaburi province , Eastern Thailand in lowland dry evergreen forest. Family Toxoderidae Saussure, 1869 Subfamily Toxoderinae Saussure, 1869 Tribe Toxoderini Saussure, 1869