New Records Of The Subfamilies Cylloceriinae And Microleptinae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) From Eastern Europe Author Varga, O. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine vul. B. Khmelnytskogo, 15, Kyiv, 01030 Ukraine Author Kostro-Ambroziak, A. Laboratory of Insect Evolutionary Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Biology, University of Bialystok ul. K. Ciołkowskiego 1 J, 15 - 245 Białystok, Poland text Zoodiversity 2021 2021-11-22 55 6 485 492 journal article 55202 10.15407/zoo2021.06.485 167472aa-001c-4c17-9e2d-e2b646c954f6 2707-7268 6377903 Entypoma robustator Aubert, 1968 ( figs 5–6 ) M a t e r i a l. Poland : Podlasie Voivodeship : Biebrza National Park , Grobla Honczarowska , birch with alder, YPT, 24.09.2006 , 1 Ơ; 22.10.2006 , 1 Ơ, 2 ♀ ; 20.10.2007 , 1 ♀ ; mineral island Pogorzały , oak-linden-hornbeam forest, YPT, 22.10.2006 , 1 Ơ; mineral island Pogorzały , oak-linden-hornbeam forest, MT , 22.10.2006 , 2 ♀ ; YPT, 22.10.2006 , 1 Ơ; ‘ Zdroj’ , 2 km NE of Kostry-Litwa , YPT on picket (about 1 m ) near small river, 15.10.2006 , 1 Ơ, 1♀ ( A.Kostro-Ambroziak ) ( SIZK , UwB) . Ukraine : Ivano-Frankivsk Region : Dibrova , 5km SW of Bogorodchany , 48.7721 N , 24.5117 E , 310 m , oak forest, sweeping, 11.10.2013 , 2 Ơ ( Varga ) ( SIZK ) . Diagnosis. The species is characterized by the complete occipital carina; strongly swollen basally dark brown clypeus; fore wing with vein 3 rs-m present; propodeum with strong lateromedian longitudinal carinae reaching well defined area apicalis; orange hind femora; granulate metasomal tergites 1–2; strongly upcurved female ovipositor, about as long as the hind tibia length; and widened tyloids on male flagellomeres 3–6. D i s t r i b u t i o n. Western Palaearctic; Ukraine : Kharkiv Region ( Humala, 2003 ), first record for Poland .