A supplemental description of the genus Lista Walker from China (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), with two new and a newly record species Author Wang, Mingqiang Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, P. R. China; & College of Biological Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, P. R. China Corresponding author, E-mail: wucs @ ioz. ac. cn Author Chen, Fuqiang Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, P. R. China; Author Zhu, Chaodong Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, P. R. China; & College of Biological Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, P. R. China Corresponding author, E-mail: wucs @ ioz. ac. cn Author Wu, Chunsheng Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, P. R. China; text Zoological Systematics 2019 2019-01-31 44 1 84 88 http://zoobank.org/3518095b-189a-4088-a1df-47e68c3b180b journal article 5445 10.11865/zs.201903 979f164c-3366-47cd-9aa7-02e5bb2c0136 2095-6827 4617112 3518095B-189A-4088-A1DF-47E68C3B180B Lista Walker, 1896 Lista Walker, 1859 , 19: 877. Type species: Lista genisusalis Walker, 1859 . Paracme Lederer, 1863 , 7: 338. Type species: Poracme insulsalis Lederer, 1863 . Craneophora Christoph, 1881 , 56: 1. Type species: Craneophora ficki Christoph, 1881 . Belonepholis Butler, 1889 , 7: 17, 89. Type species: Belonepholis striata Butler, 1889 . Description. See Wang et al. (2017) . Discussion. The members of the genus Lista have colorful unique scales on both pair wings among the subfamily of Epipaschiinae. This was recognized as a key synapomorphy to the group ( Wang et al. , 2017 ). This genus was understudied before our taxonomic review ( Wang et al. , 2017 ), and only 8 species are recognized worldwide. To date, we already reported 7 new species and 3 newly record species to China . Thus, totally 15 species were reported under the genus Lista worldwide, of which 13 species are from China . Thus, to improve the classification of species included in Lista , two new and a new record species are reported from China in time. This is a supplemental study for our former work ( Wang et al. , 2017 ). In addition, we can deduce that there are more unknown species of genus Lista to describe in the future. Key to the species of Lista based on male genitalia in China . 1. Uncus with two lateral or medial arms.................................................................................................................................................2 Uncus without lateral or medial arms................................................................................................................................................... 7 2. Uncus with lateral arms; hindwing with pink-fuscous scales............................................................................................................... 3 Uncus with medial arms; hindwing with pale-yellow scales .............................................................................................. L. variegata 3. Lateral arms bifurcated, fork-like ( Fig. 6 )........................................................................ L. furcillatusa Wang, Chen & Wu sp. nov. Lateral arms spine-like .........................................................................................................................................................................4 4. Lateral arms nearly as long as uncus; forewing covered with more fuscous scales than yellow........................................ L. insulsalis Lateral arms no more than length of uncus; forewing with more yellow scales than fuscous.............................................................. 5 5. Juxta with apical spines about half length of juxta.................................................................................................. L. longifundamena Juxta with apical spines about 1/3 length of juxta................................................................................................................................6 6. Forewing with postmedial fascia slightly curved; in male genitalia, medial sacculus with inner larger process serrated ...................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... L. haraldusalis Forewing with postmedial fascia straight; in male genitalia, medial sacculus with inner larger process spine-like............... L. gilvasa 7. Gnathos with two spine-like processes laterally...................................................................................................................................8 Gnathos without spine-like process laterally........................................................................................................................................ 9 8. Medial sacculus with inner larger process serrated and outer smaller process thorn-like ................................................. L. angustusa Medial sacculus with a single spine-like process ......................................................................................................... L. sichuanensis 9. Juxta with apex rounded.....................................................................................................................................................................10 Juxta with apex pointed...................................................................................................................................................................... 11 10. Medial sacculus with inner larger process spine-like ................................................................................................... L. plinthochroa Medial sacculus with inner larger process serrated ..................................................................................................... L. menghaiensis 11. Medial sacculus with two spine-like process nearly same length ( Fig. 8 )....................... L. menglaensis Wang, Chen & Wu sp. nov. Medial sacculus with inner spine-like process obviously larger than outer one .................................................................................12 12. Juxta rounded, apex slightly bifurcated...................................................................................................................................... L. ficki Juxta elongated, apex deeply bifurcated............................................................................................................................ L. monticola