The land snail genus Macrochlamys Gray, 1847 from Thailand, with descriptions of five new species (Pulmonata: Ariophantidae)
Pholyotha, Arthit
Sutcharit, Chirasak
Panha, Somsak
Raffles Bulletin of Zoology
journal article
Macrochlamys tanymentula
Pholyotha & Panha
new species
Figs. 2E
7C, D
9A, B
Material examined.
Fig. 7C
; shell height
5.4 mm
, shell width
10.9 mm
, aperture height
4.2 mm
, aperture width
5.3 mm
, 5½ whorls) (
CUMZ 7117
), limestone outcrops at
Khao Lok
Tha Kha-nun Village
Thong Pha Phum District
Kanchanaburi Province
14° 44′13.7″N
98° 38′30.7″E
: one shell (
Fig. 7D
; shell height
5.5 mm
, shell width
11.1 mm
, aperture height 4.0 mm, aperture width
5.2 mm
, 5¾ whorls) (
CUMZ 7118
nine specimens
CUMZ 7119
), same data as holotype
The specific name “
” is made up of the Greek word “
” meaning “long or slender” and the Latin “
” meaning “male organ including epiphallus” to refer to the very long and slender epiphallus of the male organ.
Shell medium-sized (
Fig. 7C, D
; shell height up to
5.5 mm
; shell width up to
11.1 mm
), dextral, globosely depressed, rather thin, shiny, translucent and light brown in colour. Shell surface smooth with thin growth lines. Embryonic shell smooth, with about 2½ whorls. Whorls 5–6, regularly increasing, with weakly impressed suture. Spire low conical to a little convex. Apex slightly raised with spire angle of about 151–154°. Last whorl large with rounded periphery. Aperture slightly large, ovately lunate in shape, obliquely open with simple lip. Columellar margin gradually reflected near umbilicus. Umbilicus narrowly open and very small.
Fig. 6. SEM images of the radula of
Macrochlamys aurantia
new species
(A–C) (paratype; CUMZ 7103),
M. coleus
new species
(D–F) (paratype; CUMZ 7106), and
M. caverna
new species
(G–I) (paratype; CUMZ 7109). Central tooth (indicated by ‘C’) with lateral teeth (A, D, G); lateral teeth with tricuspid marginal teeth transition (B, E, H); bicuspid marginal teeth (C, F, I).
Genital organs
. Atrium (at) very short. Penis (p) short, enlarged cylindrical in shape, and about two times greater than epiphallus diameter. Epiphallus (e) small, a slender tube about five times longer than penis. Epiphallic caecum (ec) coiled about one circle and located at middle of epiphallus. Penial retractor muscle (prm) thin. Flagellum (fl) very long, slender, and about half of epiphallic length. Vas deference (vd) a thin tube connected between free oviduct and distal end of epiphallus (
Fig. 9A
Internal wall of penis with small wrinkled longitudinal penial pilasters (pp). Penial verge (pv) slightly small, cylindricalshaped and situated at distal end of penis (
Fig. 9B
Vagina (v) very short. Dart apparatus (da) large and cylindrical in shape, situated at proximal end of vagina. Gametolytic sac (gs) long and bulbous. Gametolytic duct (gd) long and cylindrical in shape. Free oviduct (fo) a small tube, approximately same length of penis, with thick brownish tissue near proximal end. Oviduct (ov) large lobules, with prostate gland (pg) running alongside (
Fig. 9A
. Each row consists of about 99 teeth with formula (50-(14-12)-1-(12-13)-48). Central tooth symmetrical tricuspid with long and slender mesocone. Lateral teeth asymmetrical tricuspid with deeply indented endocone and ectocone. Bicuspid marginal teeth start from tooth number 12–14 (
Fig. 10D–F
External features
. Animal with blackish grey reticulated skin, becoming pale yellow near foot sole and darker grey at eye stalks. Caudal foss (cf) large. Caudal horn (ch) raised with blackish grey colouration. Mantle edge well developed and blackish grey (
Fig. 2E
). Shell and dorsal lobes morphology similar to
M. aurantia
new species
. Snails secrete yellowishgreen slime when disturbed.
Distribution and habitat.
Macrochlamys tanymentula
new species
has a narrow distribution and is currently known only from the
locality with a low population density. Snails were found among leaf litter on the ground or crawling on limestone walls.
Macrochlamys tanymentula
new species
can be distinguished by its globosely depressed shell, with wide shallow suture and a very narrow umbilicus. The genitalia
Pholyotha et al.:
Macrochlamys species
have a very long and slender epiphallus and flagellum, coiled epiphallic caecum of about one circle, very short vagina, and a large dart apparatus located at the vagina base opposite the penis. Its radula morphology is very similar to
M. aurantia
new species
Fig. 7. Shells of
Macrochlamys lemma
new species
(A, B), and
M. tanymentula
new species
(C, D). A,
Macrochlamys lemma
holotype (CUMZ 7114); B, paratype (CUMZ 7115); C,
M. tanymentula
holotype (CUMZ 7117); D, paratype (CUMZ 7118).
This new species can be clearly distinguished from the other four new species proposed herein by its smaller shell with weakly impressed suture, narrow umbilicus, and very long epiphallus and flagellum, short vagina, and no penial caecum. The other four new species have relatively larger shells (
Table 1
), shorter epiphallus and flagellum, and with a short penial caecum. Furthermore,
M. aurantia
new species
M. coleus
new species
have a channel-shaped suture and orange to pale orange body colour, while
M. caverna
new species
M. lemma
new species
have oblique trapezoid penial pilasters inside the penis.
Macrochlamys tanymentula
new species
differs from
M. petasus
Benson, 1859
M. aspides
Benson, 1863
by its rounded last whorl and simple apertural lip. In comparison,
M. petasus
has a rounded to slightly subangulated last whorl, and the inside edge of the peristome is slightly expanded, while
M. aspides
has a strongly thickened basal margin at the edge of the peristome (
Blanford & Godwin-Austen, 1908
). Compared with
Blanford, 1905
M. brunnea
M. tanymentula
new species
has a smooth shell surface, relatively large and thin shell, with a slightly wider umbilicus.
Macrochlamys notha
has a dull shell with radial sculpture while
M. brunnea
has a relatively smaller shell and narrower umbilicus.
Macrochlamys stephoides
Stoliczka, 1873
has a higher spire compared to the depressed spire of
M. tanymentula
new species
. In addition,
Stoliczka (1873)
mentioned that
has similar genitalia to
M. indica
Benson sensu
Godwin-Austen, 1883
. In contrast, this new species has a very long epiphallus and flagellum (see
Blanford & Godwin-Austen, 1908: 95