A new Afrotropical genus Doggerella gen. nov. of braconine wasp (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) with twelve new species Author Mahmood, Khalid Author Papp, Jeno Author Quicke, Donald L. J. text Zootaxa 2011 2927 1 37 journal article 46587 10.5281/zenodo.277970 e181858c-6679-4362-a5ff-a449a9c3c07c 1175-5326 277970 Doggerella albopilosa (Szépligeti) comb. nov. ( Figs 11 a–f) Bracon albopilosus Szépligeti, 1913 : Annls Mus. Natn. Hung. 11:596, type loc.: “ Deutsch-Ostafrika : Moshi” ( Tanzania ), HT in HNHMB ( present designation), examined; Shenefelt 1978 :1463; Quicke 1991 :170. Female : Body length 4.5 mm , fore wing length 4.25 mm . Head: Antenna at least 18 segmented (broken) as long as head, mesosoma and first tergite of metasoma, first flagellomere almost equal to second and third in length. Scape 2.5 times as long as pedicel. Inter-tentorial distance 2.0 times tentorio-ocular distance. Face setose, transverse in frontal view ( Fig. 11 b), 1.4 times wider than high, width of face 0.5 times width of head. Head entirely coriaceous ( Fig. 11 c), transverse in dorsal view, 1.7 times as broad as long, head considerably extended dorsally to level of eyes. Eye height almost equal to width of face, eye glabrous in dorsal view. Temple strongly receding behind eye. Stemmaticum with round edges, posterior ocellar line: transverse diameter of posterior ocellus: shortest distance between posterior ocellus to eye=2.3:1.0:3.0. Mesosoma: Almost entirely setose ( Fig. 11 d), mostly black and shiny, 1.72 times longer than maximally high. Pronotum smooth laterally. Mesoscutum setose. Notauli weakly but distinctly impressed on anterior 0.85 of mesoscutum. Mesopleural sulcus absent. Scutellar sulcus narrow and finely crenulate. Propodeum coriaceous with sparsely distributed long setae. Wings: Fore wing ( Fig. 11 e). Ratio of length of veins SR1:3-SR:r=3.2:1.5:1.0. Ratio of length of veins 2- SR:3-SR:r-m=1.5:2.0:1.0. Veins 2-M & 3-SR, 3.33 times & 2.00 times as long as r-m, respectively. Vein 1-M straight. Vein 1-SR+M straight, distinctly less sclerotized near the origin of 1-SR. Vein cu-a interstitial to marginally post furcal. Veins 1-M and m-cu distinctly curving towards anterior wing margin. Ratio of length of veins 1- M:m-cu=2.0:1.0. Vein 3-CU1 curved posteriorly. Hind wing. Evenly setose. Vein SC+R1 1.9 times length of 1rm.Vein 1r-m 1.8 times length of R1. Legs: Claw simple. Ratio of length of hind femur:tibia:basitarsus=1.9:2.4:1.0. Hind femur (excluding trochantellus) 3.1 times longer than maximally deep, broadest at middle, rather flattened laterally, sparsely setose. Hind tibia entirely setose. Hind basitarsus 4.0 times longer than maximally deep. Outer hind tibial spur reaching approximately 0.45 of distance along basitarsus. Metasoma: Sparsely setose and foveolate ( Fig. 11 f). First tergite sparsely setose, weakly crenulated. Second tergite entirely setose, finely and weakly crenulated, almost 1.2 times medially longer than third. Second and third tergites transverse second tergite 1.86 times and third tergite 2 times as wide apically as long medially. Second metasomal suture narrow. Third tergite sparsely setose, crenulated. Fourth and fifth tergites sparsely setose, crenulated. Hypopygium large and protruding beyond apex of tergites. Ovipositor 4.8 mm long. Coloration: Head light brown with black frons and vertex. Pro-thorax yellow brown, mesonotum and mesopleuron black, each with a yellow brown spot in the centre. Scutellum black, metathorax yellow brown, basal half of propodeum black apical half yellow brown. Wings almost clear; venation and pterostigma brownish. All legs yellow brown, apex of hind tibia and hind tarsi dark. Metasoma light brown. Sternites yellow brown. Material examined: Holotype : female, Kenya , Nairobi, 5.vi.1949 , R.A. Maas Geesteranus, RMNH .