Biodiversity of freshwater sponges (Porifera: Spongillina) from northeast Brazil: new species and notes on systematics Author Nicacio, Gilberto Author Pinheiro, Ulisses text Zootaxa 2015 3981 2 220 240 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3981.2.4 4a1158fd-fb5d-4b37-b0dd-f41849c3326a 1175-5326 242084 81B9E14F-DCC5-47C4-8BB1-637D80C01ECA Tubella delicata (Bonetto & Ezcurra de Drago, 1967) ( Figure 10 ) Trochospongilla delicata Bonetto & Ezcurra de Drago, 1967b : 159 ( in part ); Kilian & Wintermann-Kilian 1976 : 82 , De Rosa- Barbosa 1980 : 90 , De Rosa-Barbosa 1984 : 130 , Ezcurra de Drago 1993: 120, Batista et al. 2003 : 530 , Batista et al. 2007 : 620 . Material studied. UFPEPOR1297, Pirangi River, Jaqueira, Pernambuco, Brazil , 08°44'53,0"S 35°48'51,1"W , coll. U. Pinheiro, 23.v.2012 . FIGURE 10. Tubella delicata : (a) UFPEPOR1297 specimen in situ , (b-c) megascleres, (d–f) gemmuloscleres, (g) gemmule. Scale bars: a—1cm, b, c 100µm, d-f 20µm, g 100µm. General morphology. Encrusting sponge thin, surface hispid ( Fig. 10 a). Colour green. Consistency of live sponges fragile to moderately soft. Spicules. Megascleres oxeas (210–276/9–12µm), smooth, straight to slightly curved ( Fig. 10 b,c). Microscleres absent. Gemmuloscleres birotules (21–30µm), smooth slender shaft (1,5–4µm), equal rotules (9–21µm) with uncut/entire margins ( Fig. 10 d-f). Gemmules are tiny hemispherical averaging 240µm in diameter and are scattered in the sponge body. Gemmular theca made by thin layer consisting of spongin, where gemmuloscleres are embedded tangentially ( Fig. 10 g). Distribution and ecological notes. Brazil ( Muricy et al. 2011 ); Argentina (Bonetto & Ezcurra de Drago 1967b , Volkmer-Ribeiro & De Rosa-Barbosa 1972 ). Specimens were found on rocky substrate in running waters.