Notes on Oriental and East Palaearctic Manota Williston (Diptera, Mycetophilidae), with the description of seven new species Author Hippa, Heikki Author Saigusa, Toyohei text Zootaxa 2016 2016-02-26 4084 3 377 390 journal article 31460 10.11646/zootaxa.4084.3.4 37e9039c-2b46-40e0-94e0-fcf0b2210298 1175-5326 1052171 4E39E733-D72C-443E-8EF0-CE2F3A4F8E64 Manota incilis sp. Figs. 2 A–D Male. Colour . Head pale brown, vertex darker brown. Antenna brown. Mouthparts pale yellowish. Thorax brown. Legs pale yellowish brown, a patch at base of hind coxa, apices of mid- and hind coxae, mid- and hind trochanters, apical third of hind femur and an indistinct patch baso-ventrally on hind femur infuscated. Wing unicolorous brownish; halter pale brown with darker brown knob. Abdomen brown. All setosity pale, yellowish or brownish. Head . Antennal flagellomere 4, Fig. 2 A . Palpomere 3 of maxillary palpus with apicomedial thumb-like extension, with 4 apically curved sensilla; palpomere 4 with parasegment; palpomere 5 as long as palpomere 4. Number of strong postocular setae 11. Thorax . Anepisternum setose, with 41 setae; anterior basalare setose, with 16 setae; preepisternum 2 setose, with 17 setae; laterotergite nonsetose, episternum 3 setose, with 14 setae. Legs . Midtibial organ absent. Hind tibial organ present. Wing . R1 meeting C well on the basal half of the costal margin; the sclerotized part of M2 not quite extending to the level of the tip of R1; wing length 2.3 mm . Hypopygium, Figs. 2 B–D : Sternite 9 less than one-half of the ventral length of gonocoxa, lateral margins sharply delimited, convex, posterior margin with deep U-shaped medial indentation, anterior margin with similar indentation, the setae similar to the ventral setae of gonocoxa. Ventromedial margin of gonocoxa simple, shallowly sigmoid. Parastylar lobe subtriangular, with several setae at posterior margin. Paraapodemal lobe simple, in ventral view covered by the parastylar lobe. Both sternite 9 and the ventral side of the gonocoxa give a densely setose impression. Dorsomedial margin of gonocoxa simple, slightly sigmoid, forming a rounded lobe posteriorly with the posterior margin of the gonocoxa and bearing a number of short setae. Gonocoxa without any kind of posterolateral lobe dorsally. Gonocoxa with a plate-like lobe posteriorly, situated ventrally from the dorsomedial margin, bearing ca. 20 setae on its ventral surface, among these setae there are several rather large ones which form a curved row. Two juxtagonostylar setae present, both rather weakly modified megasetae, one with fine hair-like apex, the other with more abruptly acute apex, both arising from a common small basal body, in dorsal or ventral view the two setae are conspicuously divergent. Gonostylus simple, semicircular, the setae unmodified. Aedeagus elongate subtriangular, without lateral shoulders, the apex curved ventrally. Hypoproct extending posteriorly near midlength of gonostylus, with transverse ventral lobe (sternite 10) on each side, the latter bearing ca. 6 setae, one of which is stronger than the others, these setae indistinctly arranged in a row. Cerci medially separate, simple. Tergite 9 membranous. Female unknown. Discussion . In the key to Oriental and Palaearctic Manota given by Hippa (2011) M. incilis runs to couplet 50, leading to the eastern Palaearctic M. indahae Hippa & Kjaerandsen and the Oriental M. collina Hippa and M. subcollina Hippa. It differs from all in its broad, almost semicircular gonostylus which is ca.1.3 times longer than broad (versus elongate, over twice as long as broad), from M. indahae by having the apex of aedeagus bent ventrally (versus straight) and from M. collina and M subcollina by the unicolorous wing (versus pale basal part and dark apical part). The broad gonostylus distinguishes M. incilis from M. nepalensis described below. For further discussion, see M. nepalensis . Etymology. The name is Latin, incilis , cut in, referring to the deeply incised anterior and posterior margins of sternite 9. Types . Holotype . Male , NEPAL , Bogara , 1700–2200 m , 83o23’ E , 28o35’ N , Malaise trap , Sept. 21–22. 1971 , A. Nakanishi (in KMNH ).