New species of Hyperplatys Haldeman, 1847 and Urgleptes Dillon, 1956 (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) from Mexico Author Noguera, Felipe A. Estación de Biología Chamela, Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apartado Postal 21, San Patricio, Jalisco 48980 México Author Monné, Miguel A. Departamento de Entomología, Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Author Toledo-Hernández, Víctor H. Centro de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Conservación, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, Av. Universidad 1001, Col. Chamilpa, Cuernavaca, Morelos, 62209, Meìxico Author Gutiérrez, Nayeli Richard Gilder Graduate School, American Museum of Natural History. Central Park West & 79 th St, New York, NY 10024, United States text Zootaxa 2023 2023-05-12 5284 3 575 584 journal article 57516 10.11646/zootaxa.5284.3.8 46c251d2-b6e0-40d7-8922-9e9d1ed34154 1175-5326 7929751 954AD767-DC2A-4681-ACBB-39F6ECCF6244 Hyperplatys mexicanus sp. nov. ( Figs. 1–5 ) Holotype male . Length, 6.2 mm ; width, 2.3 mm . Form small; light brown integument, except mouthparts, apical third of antennomeres and basal half of scape and antennomeres III, IV and V, superior area of sides of prothorax, portions of metaventrite, basal half of elytral epipleura, sides of femora, basal and apical third of tibiae, tarsomeres, except first half of first tarsomere, sides of abdominal ventrites and apical margin of first four dark brown to fuscous. Head with frons 1.2 times wider than long, convex, with median groove extending from clypeus to posterior part of head, with whitish pubescence variegated with pale beige darkening the integument and dark brown at the base of the antennal tubercles; clypeus narrow, transverse; labrum with apex convex, with fringe of setae; vertex with moderately deep middle depression; upper eye lobes almost 3.0 times width of one upper lobe, with coarse punctures between them; lower eye lobes about as long as genal length; antennal tubercle slightly elevated; antennae about twice body length, reaching elytral apex about middle of antennomere VI; with whitish pubescence, except the areas with dark brown integument, which presents fuscous pubescence antennal formula (proportion) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.81, pedicel = 0.50, IV = 0.93, V = 0.76, VI = 0.69, VII = 0.59, VIII = 0.66, IX = 0.65, X = 0.58, XI = 0.41. Prothorax almost 1.5 times wider than long; sides with distinct tubercle on posterior third, with its apex acute and projected backward; pronotum with disc flattened, sparely, coarsely punctate (punctures denser close to posterior margin), and six coarser punctures crossing disc on posterior third, each one with long, erect setae; surface with whitish pubescence evenly distributed, sides of prothorax with wide, dark brown pubescent band from anterior to posterior margin close to pronotum. Prosternum with whitish pubescence; prosternal process laminar centrally, 0.1 times procoxal cavity diameter. Meso- and metaventrite with whitish pubescence, obscuring integument on metaventrite and sides of mesoventrite; mesoventral process about 0.15 times mesocoxal cavity diameter. Scutellum 1.6 times wider than long, rounded posteriorly, covered with dense dark brown pubescence. Elytra . Length about 2.0 times humeral width; posterior half convergent toward apex; apex obliquely truncated; surface moderately coarsely punctate, punctures evenly distributed throughout; covered with pale beige pubescence, except as follow: fuscous transverse band on beginning of apical third, with slightly irregular margins, extending along lateral margin to humerus, and four sinuous whitish lines extending from base to almost apex, where they are fused, one along suture, two on disc, and another beginning on humerus; with several small tufts of setae irregularly distributed on whitish lines and suture. Legs with moderately abundant whitish pubescence, except one ring on meso- and metafemora, basal and apical third of tibiae and dorsal of tarsomeres (except basal half of first) with dark brown pubescence; femora clavate; pro- and mesotibiae with sinus, in protibiae located on internal margin, and in mesotibiae on external margin and with a crest of thick blackish setae; metatarsomere I longer than II + III. Abdomen with whitish pubescence; ventrites 1–4 of similar length. Width decreasing from ventrite 1 to 5; ventrite 5 with apex truncate-emarginate. Female . Length, 6.5–8.5 mm ; width, 2.3–3.1 mm . Form similar to male, but with the following differences: antennae reaching elytral apex about apex of antennomere VI; abdomen with last ventrite tapering distally, sides slightly curved inward and almost subparallel on last third, 1.3 times longer than each previous ones, and with apex more strongly emarginate and with long setae. Type material . Holotype male: Mexico : Morelos , Tepalcingo, N El Limón, 18°32’34’’N , 98°56’10.4’’W , alt. 1330 m , Selva Baja Caducifolia, “ Trampa de Luz ”, 21-V-2007 , Cols. V.H. Toledo & A.M. Corona (LLCer 001247) ( CNIN ) . Paratypes as follow: México . Morelos : 1 male , Tepalcingo , N El Limón , 18°32’34’’N , 98°56’10.4’’W , alt. 1330 m , Selva Baja Caducifolia , “Trampa de Luz”, 21-V-2007 , Cols. V.H. Toledo & A.M. Corona (LCCer 1246) ( CIUM ) ; 1 female , El Limón de Cuauchichinola , Estación Biológica , 18.54278° N , 99.93611° W , alt. 1210 m , Selva Baja Caducifolia , “Trampa de Luz”, 20-V-2017 , Cols. V.H. Toledo, J.G . Martínez, R . Reyes (LCCer 3086) ( CIUM ) ; 1 female , alt. 1273 m , Selva Baja Caducifolia , “atraído a luz”, 25-VI-2014 , Cols. A. M. Corona , I. A. Villanueva , J. G. Martínez , R. Reyes , J.F. Hernández (LCCer 3087) ( CIUM ) ; 1 female , 20-V-2014 , Cols. V.H. Toledo , I. A. Villanueva , J.G. Martínez , R. Reyes (LCCer 3088) ( CIUM ) ; 1 female , S El Limón , 18°31’10.9’’N , 98 57 19’’W , alt. 1190 m , Selva Baja Caducifolia , 3-VIII-2007 , Col. M. De León (LCCer 1449) ( CIUM ) ; 2 females , Tlaquiltenango , Coaxitlán , 18.45820° N , 99.22292° W , alt. 1221 m , Selva Baja Caducifolia , “Trampa de Luz”, 6-VI-2011 , Col. V.H. Toledo (CCA 1685, CCA 1686) ( CIUM ) ; 1 male , 2.5 km N, 4 km O Huautla , Estación CEAMISH, 9-V-1996 , alt. 940 m , 18° 27.671’N 99° 02.475’O , “Trampa de luz 2”, Cols. F.A. Noguera, C.A. Uribe , E. Ramírez , S. Zaragoza , B. Rodríguez , M.E. Guardado (BTCINS 0010384) ( EBCC ) ; 1 female , Huautla , Parcela rumbo a Huaxtla , 18.43349° N , 99.03763° W , alt. 1118 m , 11-VI-2018 , Cols. R. Reyes , A.M. Corona , J.A. Hernández , J.N. Arriola , T. Valle (CIUMHce 1892) ( CIUM ) ; 1 female , rumbo a la hacienda, 18.43056°N , 99.02681°W , Alt. 1079 m , “golpeando vegetación” Bursera sp. , 13-V-2018 , Cols. R. Reyes , A.M. Corona , J.A. Hernández , J.N. Arriola , T. Valle (CIUM-Hce 1893) ( CIUM ) ; 1 female , Tepoztlán , San Andrés de la Cal , Cerro de la Cal , 18.961705° N , 99.107179° W , alt. 1490 m , SBC, ex. ramas Bursera copallifera , muestra 28-I- e-dosel, cort. 20-II-2015 , coll. 13-XI-2015 , 21-V-2016 , Col. O.R. Vargas ; 1 female , Cerro de la Cruz , 18.96025° N , 99.118740° W , Alt. 1610 m , SBC, “golpeando vegetación”, 19-V-2015 , Cols. J.G. Martínez , R. Reyes , J. Hernández , O. Martínez , K. Acosta , G. Moran (CSCl 0596) ( CIUM ) . Diagnosis . The elytral pubescent pattern of Hyperplatys mexicanus sp. nov. has no similar between the known species for this genus. The elytra mostly pale beige with a unique transversal band of fuscous pubescence in the beginning of the apical third, four sinuous whitish lines extending from base to almost apex and several small tufts of setae irregularly distributed on these lines and suture allow to recognize the species. Remarks . The dimension in males varies from 5.9 to 6.2 mm in length and 2.1 to 2.3 mm in width. Etymology . The name refers to the country where the specimens were collected.