Towards a uniform nomenclature for ground squirrels: the status of the Holarctic chipmunks Author Patterson, B. D. Author Norris, R. W. text Mammalia 2016 80 3 241 251 journal article 1864-1547 Neotamias A. H. Howell, 1929 Diagnosis Dorsal stripes all subequal in width; lateral pair of dark stripes shorter than medial trio; ears narrower, more pointed at the tips; tail 40–50% total length; antorbital foramen slitlike (narrowly oval); posterior border of the zygomatic notch extends only to level of P4; postorbital process gracile at base; lambdoidal crest barely discernable; palate short, extending to or just behind the plane of the last molars; auditory bullae relatively large; upper incisors with numerous distinct longitudinal striations; two upper premolars; the anterior root of P4 projects lingual to the masseteric knob; upper molar series approximately parallel; head of the malleus not elongated, the planes formed by the lamina and manubrium ca. 90°; hypohyal and ceratohyal elements of hyoid apparatus completely fused in adults; conjoining tendon between anterior and posterior sets of digastric muscles ribbonlike; baculum highly variable but abruptly angled at tip with a prominent dorsal ridge (“keel”). Karyotype 2N=38, “A” and “B” karyotypes, differing from each other by a single pericentric inversion of the smallest autosome ( Nadler et al. 1977 ). Type species Tamias asiaticus merriami J. A. Allen, 1889 . Included species Neotamias alpinus ( Merriam, 1893 ) – Alpine chipmunk; Neotamias amoenus (J. A. Allen, 1890 ) – Yellow-pine chipmunk; Neotamias bulleri (J. A. Allen, 1889 ) – Buller’s chipmunk; Neotamias canipes ( Bailey, 1902 ) – Gray-footed chipmunk; Neotamias cinereicollis (J. A. Allen, 1890 ) – Gray-collared chipmunk; Neotamias dorsalis ( Baird, 1855 ) – Cliff chipmunk; Neotamias durangae (J. A. Allen, 1903 ) Durango chipmunk; Neotamias merriami (J. A. Allen, 1889 ) – Merriam’s chipmunk; Neotamias minimus ( Bachman, 1839 ) – Least chipmunk; Neotamias obscurus (J. A. Allen, 1890 ) California chipmunk; Neotamias ochrogenys ( Merriam, 1897 ) – Yellow-cheeked chipmunk;