Notes on Oriental and Australasian Manotinae (Diptera, Mycetophilidae), with the description of thirteen new species Author Hippa, Heikki Author Ševċík, Jan text Zootaxa 2010 2333 1 25 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.205203 9be87532-d3ac-492e-9ee3-250b772bbdbe 1175-5326 205203 Manota acehensis sp. n. Figs 2 A, B, C, D Male. Colour . The single specimen seems rather faded. Head pale brown, frons and vertex darker brown. Antenna unicolorous pale brown. Mouthparts pale yellowish. Thorax unicolorous pale brown. Legs unicolorous pale yellowish. Wing unicolorous yellowish; haltere yellowish-brown, knob not distinctly darker. Abdominal tergites brownish, sternites paler yellowish. All setosity pale, yellowish or brownish, thicker setae appearing darker than finer setae and trichia. Head . Antennal flagellomere 4, Fig. 2 A. Palpomere 3 of maxillary palpus with apicomesial extension, with 5 apically expanded curved sensilla; palpomere 4 with parasegment; palpomere 5 1.8 times as long as palpomere 4. About 9 strong postocular setae. Thorax . Anepisternum setose, with 48 setae; anterior basalare non-setose; preepisternum 2 setose, with ca. 15 setae; laterotergite non-setose; episternum 3 setose, with 8 setae. Wing. Similar to Fig. 1 A; wing length 1.7 mm . Hypopygium, Figs 2 B, C. Sternite 9 about two thirds of the ventral length of gonocoxa, lateral margin sharply delimited, slightly convergent, posterior margin transverse, anterior margin deeply incised, setae similar to the adjacent ventral setae of gonocoxa. Ventral mesial margin of gonocoxa simple, slightly sigmoid. Parastylar lobe transverse, with 4 setae at margin. Paraapodemal lobe distinct, well exposed in ventral view. Dorsal mesial margin of gonocoxa simple, inconspicuously lobe-like produced posteriorly. Gonocoxa with a large, simple apical apophysis with a dense patch of unmodified setae apicomesially. Two juxtagonostylar setae present, the more ventral one a long apically curved megaseta, the more dorsal one a shorter unmodified seta, both arising from a common basal body which is nearly as long as the megaseta. Gonostylus roundish, flat, with base very narrow, apex weakly divided into two lobes, ventrally with moderately long unmodified setae, which are longer at the mesial margin, dorsally non-setose, dorsally at apical margin with three sigmoid setae deviating from other gonostylar setosity. Aedeagus elongate-subtriangular, with weak lateral shoulders, with apex curved ventrad; the constricted basal part in the mount of the holotype ( Figs 2 A, C) may be an artefact. Hypoproct posteriorly extending to the level of base of gonostylus, ventrally with ca. 20 scattered setae on each half. Cerci mesially separate. FIGURE 1. Wing, dorsal view (A, B, C, E) and basal part of wing, ventral view (D). A . Manota bruneiensis sp. n . (paratype) B. M. subforceps sp. n . (holotype). C. M. sinepollex sp. n . (holotype). D, E. Eumanota vilkamaai sp. n. (holotype). Scale 1.0 mm. Female unknown. Discussion . M. acehensis is similar to M. bicuspis Hippa known from Papua New Guinea . Among other differences it is distinguished as follows: the presence of four setae on the parastylar lobe, but three in M. bicuspis ; all parastylar setae are at the margin of the lobe, in M. bicuspis there is one seta at the apex of the lobe and two more basally situated setae on its dorsal side; all parastylar setae are strong and long, about as long as the lobe, in M. bicuspis they are much shorter than the lobe and those on the dorsal side are very weak; the apicomesial margin of the gonostylus is simple, in M. bicuspis there is a narrow crest on the dorsal side bearing a row of seven setae, and there are three long, widely separated sigmoid setae dorsally at the apical margin of the gonostylus, in M. bicuspis there are two closely placed short and more megaseta-like setae. M. acehensis is also similar to M. hamulata , known from Oceania, from which it differs in almost the same characters as from M. bicuspis , but also by having a simple, not three-lobed parastylar lobe. Etymology. The name is derived by adding the Latin suffix - ensis , denoting place, to the name of the Territory of Aceh , Sumatra , Indonesia , where the type locality is situated. Types . Holotype . Male, INDONESIA , Sumatra , Aceh , Gunung Leuser National Park, Ketambe res. st., 3o41’N , 97o39’E , young forest, light gap, 350 m , 1–31.i.1990 , Malaise trap, D.C. Darling, IIS 900001 (in ROM).