Seven new species of the earthworm genus Metaphire Sims & Easton, 1972 from Thailand (Clitellata: Megascolecidae) Author Bantaowong, Ueangfa Author Chanabun, Ratmanee Author James, Samuel W. Author Panha, Somsak text Zootaxa 2016 4117 1 63 84 journal article 38976 10.11646/zootaxa.4117.1.3 09abc5a1-9fc3-4177-8f98-34844266eb9c 1175-5326 259121 B9FF07F1-5A02-4EB6-9AD7-F85B0AA18A76 Metaphire planata ( Gates, 1926 ) ( Figure 11 ) Pheretima planata Gates, 1926 : 411 –415, Figs 1 , 2 . Pheretima planata . Gates, 1930 : 320 –321; 1931: 405; 1932: 411–413; 1939: 103; 1972: 211–212. Metaphire planata ( Gates). Sims & Easton 1972 : 239 . Material examined. Type from NHMUK (1928.4.2.1). One semi-clitellate in ethanol, which had been dissected. Description. Dimensions 125 mm by 4.8 mm at segment VII, body cylindrical with 138 segments. Setae regularly distributed around segmental equators, AA:AB:ZZ:ZY=1:1:1:1. Single female pore at XIV. Prostomium epilobic. First dorsal pore at 11/12. Clitellum annular XIV–XVI with visible setae. Male pores conspicuous on XVIII, transversely slit-like secondary apertures puckered radially around its margin, 0.27 body circumference apart ventrally, distance between openings of copulatory pouch 4 mm , and 11 setae intervening between them. No genital markings. Two pairs of spermathecal pores, transverse slits, in furrows 6/7–7/8, ventral, distance between each pair about 0.25 body circumference ventrally apart, distance between spermathecal pores 4 mm on body circumference. FIGURE 11. External and internal morphology of Metaphire planata (Gates, 1926) , type specimen (NHMUK 1928.4.2.1). A. External ventral view. B. Internal dorsal view. The ampulla in VII to the right is missing. C. Spermatheca; arrowhead: location of spermathecal pore. Septa 5/6–7/8 thick, 8/9–9/10 absent, 10/11–11/12 thin. Gizzard large behind 7/8, intestinal origin XV; intestinal caeca originating in XXVII, simple, extending to XXII. Oesophageal hearts four pairs in X–XIII. Holandric; testes and funnels enclosed in paired sacs in X and XI. Seminal vesicles in XI and XII, small. Prostate glands small, occupying XVII–XIX. Prostatic duct C-shaped, no internally visible copulatory sacs. Ovaries in XIII. Two pairs of spermathecae in VII–VIII, long stalked genital marking gland attached near spermathecal duct. Ampulla oval sac with straight duct, diverticulum tubular, slightly dilated in tip. Remarks. The single type specimen examined—probably the holotype—is semi-clitellate, and one of the four spermathecae is incomplete (the ampulla has been removed). The important characters are quite clear, especially the spermathecae with oval ampulla, tubular diverticulum, and genital marking gland with long stalk. Metaphire planata is superficially similar to M. saxicalcis in the position and number of spermathecae and simple intestinal caeca, but differs from M . saxicalcis by the smaller body and presence of a stalked genital marking gland near each spermatheca.