Smooth post-labial chaetae in Homidia (Collembola, Entomobryidae) and the description of four new species from China with the aid of DNA barcoding Author Zhou, Rong 0000-0002-6908-472X School of Life Sciences, Nantong University, Nantong, Jiangsu 226000, China Author Huang, Ling 0000-0002-6073-9427 School of Life Sciences, Nantong University, Nantong, Jiangsu 226000, China Author Ma, Yi-Tong 0000-0002-8660-0503 School of Life Sciences, Nantong University, Nantong, Jiangsu 226000, China text ZooKeys 2024 2024-09-25 1213 41 73 journal article 10.3897/zookeys.1213.123839 5ABCB962-61FB-4CBC-906B-99B14014637E Homidia huapingensis sp. nov. Figs 57–58 , 59-65 , 66-68 , 69-76 , 77 , 78 , 79–86 , Tables 3 , 4 Type material. Holotype on slide, China , Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region , Guilin City , Longsheng Autonomous County , Huaping Natural Reserve , Tianping Mountain , 31 - V- 2023 , 25 ° 37 ′ 52 ″ N , 109 ° 54 ′ 47 ″ E , 935.4 m asl , sample number 1281 . Paratypes 2 ♀ on slides, China , Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region , Guilin City , Longsheng Autonomous County , Huaping Natural Reserve , Guangfu Mountain , 26 - V- 2023 , 25 ° 33 ′ 44 ″ N , 109 ° 56 ′ 16 ″ E , 1341.0 m asl, sample number 1274 on slide, China , Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region , Guilin City , Longsheng Autonomous County , Huaping Natural Reserve , Guangfu Mountain , 29 - V- 2023 , 25 ° 33 ′ 25 ″ N , 109 ° 56 ′ 38 ″ E , 1340.5 m asl , sample number 1279 on slide, China , Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region , Guilin City , Longsheng Autonomous County , Huaping Natural Reserve , Tianping Mountain , 31 - V- 2023 , 25 ° 37 ′ 52 ″ N , 109 ° 54 ′ 47 ″ E , 935.4 m asl , sample number 1281 2 ♀ on slides, China , Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region , Guilin City , Longsheng Autonomous County , Huaping Natural Reserve , Tianping Mountain , Power Station , 2 - VI- 2023 , 25 ° 37 ′ 40 ″ N , 109 ° 54 ′ 19 ″ E , 682.0 m asl, sample number 1283. All collected by Y-T Ma . Description. Size . Body length up to 2.92 mm . Coloration . Ground colour pale white to yellow; eye patches dark blue; brown to blue-violet pigment present on whole dorsal body, antennae, legs, ventral tube, and manubrium. Some unpigmented irregular stripes or spots present on dorsal side of body (Figs 57 , 58 ). Habitus of Homidia huapingensis sp. nov. (lateral view). Scale bars: 500 μm. Head . Antenna not annulated and 0.59–0.64 times length of body. Ratio of Ant . I – IV as 1.00 / 1.28–1.40 / 1.11 – 1.36 / 2.00 – 2.25. Distal part of Ant . IV with many sensory chaetae and normal ciliate chaetae, apical bulb bilobed (Fig. 59 ). Sensory organ of Ant . III with two rod-like chaetae (Fig. 60 ). Sensory organ of Ant . II with 4–5 rod-like chaetae (Fig. 61 ). Eyes 8 + 8, G and H smaller than others, interocular chaetae as p, r, t mes . Dorsal chaetotaxy of head with four antennal (An), five median (M) and eight sutural (S) mac (Fig. 62 ). Prelabral and labral chaetae as 4 / 5, 5, 4, all smooth, a 0, a 1 longer than a 2; labral papillae absent (Fig. 63 ). Basal chaeta on maxillary outer lobe slightly thicker than as apical one; sublobal plate with three smooth chaetae-like processes (Fig. 64 ). Lateral process (l. p.) of labial palp E differentiated, as thick as normal chaeta, with tip almost reaching apex of papilla E (Fig. 65 ). Labial base with MRel 1 L 2 , M rarely smooth, R ciliate and 0.50–0.69 length of M, chaetae e and l 1 smooth, L 2 ciliate; some post-labial chaetae (G 1–4 , H 2–4 , rarely X, X 3 and 1–2 unnamed chaetae) smooth (Figs 66–68 ). Homidia huapingensis sp. nov. 59 apex of Ant . IV (dorsal view) 60 distal Ant . III (ventral view) 61 distal Ant . II (ventral view) 62 dorsal head (right side) 63 prelabrum and labrum 64 maxillary palp and outer lobe (right side) 65 labial palp. Scale bars: 20 μm. Homidia huapingensis sp. nov. 66 labial and post-labial chaetotaxy (right side) 67, 68 photographs of labial and post-labial chaetotaxy (right side). Scale bars: 20 μm. Thorax . Tergal ms formula on Th . II – Abd . V as 1, 0 / 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, sens as 2, 2 / 1, 2, 2, 23–37, 3 (Figs 69 , 7779 ). Th . II with four medio-medial (m 1, m 2, m 2 i, m 2 i 2), three medio-sublateral (m 4, m 4 i, m 4 p), 32–42 posterior mac . Th . III with 45–57 mac (Fig. 69 ). Coxal macrochaetal formula as 3 / 4 + 1, 3 / 4 + 2 (Figs 70–72 ). Trochanteral organ with about 40–70 smooth chaetae (Fig. 73 ). All tenent hairs pointed and 0.53–0.68 length of inner edge of unguis; unguis with three inner teeth, basal pair located at 0.29–0.35 distance from base of inner edge of unguis, unpaired tooth at 0.59–0.62 distance from base; unguiculus lanceolate, outer edge slightly serrate (Figs 74–76 ). Homidia huapingensis sp. nov. 69 chaetotaxy of Th . II-III (right side) 70-72 coxal chaetotaxy of fore, middle and hind leg 73 trochanteral organ 74-76 foot complex of fore, middle and hind leg (lateral view). Scale bars: 50 μm ( 69 ); 20 μm ( 70-76 ). Abdomen . Range of Abd . IV length as 6.43–7.50 times as dorsal axial length of Abd . III. Abd . I with 11 (sometimes 12) (a 1 a, a 1–3, m 2 i, m 2–4, m 4 i, m 4 p and a 5, an unnamed mac sometimes present) mac . Abd . II with six (a 2, a 3, m 3, m 3 e, m 3 ea, m 3 ep) central, one (m 5) lateral mac . Abd . III with two (a 2, m 3) central, four (am 6, pm 6, m 7 a, p 6) lateral mac (Fig. 77 ). Abd . IV with two (as, ps) normal sens , 9–12 anterior, 5–6 (A 5–6, B 5–6, Ae 7, A 4 sometimes present) posterior and 19–23 lateral mac (Fig. 78 ). Abd . V with three sens (Fig. 79 ). Anterior face of ventral tube with 44–55 ciliate chaetae on each side, line connecting proximal (Pr) and external-distal (Ed) mac oblique to median furrow (Fig. 80 ); posterior face with 5–9 smooth and numerous ciliate chaetae (Fig. 81 ); lateral flap with 9–11 smooth and 16–25 ciliate chaetae (Fig. 82 ). Manubrial plate dorsally with 12–17 ciliate mac and 2–4 pseudopores (Fig. 83 ); ventrally with 39–60 ciliate chaetae on each side (Fig. 84 ). Dens with 37–66 smooth inner spines (Fig. 85 ). Mucro bidentate with subapical tooth larger than apical one; tip of basal spine reaching apex of subapical tooth; distal smooth section of dens almost equal to mucro in length (Fig. 86 ). Chaetotaxy of Abd . I-III of Homidia huapingensis sp. nov. (right side). Scale bar: 50 μm. Chaetotaxy of Abd . IV of Homidia huapingensis sp. nov. (right side). Scale bar: 50 μm. Homidia huapingensis sp. nov. 79 chaetotaxy of Abd . V (right side) 80 anterior face of ventral tube apically 81 posterior face of ventral tube apically 82 lateral flap of ventral tube 83 manubrial plaque (dorsal view) 84 ventro-apical part of manubrium 85 proximal section of dens (circles also representing spines) 86 mucro. Scale bars: 20 μm. Etymology. Named after its locality: Huaping Natural Reserve, Guangxi Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Ecology. Found in the leaf litter. Remarks. The new species is very similar to H. guangxiensis sp. nov. and H. acutus Jing & Ma, 2022 in the colour pattern, smooth post-labial chaetae, inner teeth on unguis and central chaetae on Abd . IV posteriorly, but can be separated from them by the tenent hair, central chaetae on Abd . IV anteriorly and smooth chaetae on the posterior face of the ventral tube. The detailed character comparisons are listed in Tables 3 , 4 .