Devonian Harpetidae from the central and eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco
Johnson, Robert G.
journal article
Pinnuloharpes igaouii
n. sp.
Plate 36A–K
Cephalon is moderately vaulted, glabella strongly vaulted.Alae are inflated proximally, and alar furrows erased distally. Eye lobes pronounced. Slope of genal roll is moderate, anteriorly continuing anterior slope of glabella. Anterior boss is barely inflated. Perforations on genal roll decrease in size upwards, away from girder. Brim barely sloping; brim perforations widely spaced, decrease rapidly distally to become very fine, before becoming larger again close to rim.
For Hssaine Igaoui, a Moroccan trilobite worker who found the
Material and occurrence.
It 29360,
Pl. 36A–H
, from a coral horizon
500 m
to the
of Jbel Ou-Driss, Boutiskaouine Formation?,
lower Emsian
Fig. 2B
, Map 4, site 5), dorsal exoskeleton of cephalon only
Pl. 36 I–K
, from
lower Emsian
coral horizon, “
Boutiskaouine Formation
North Jbel Ou-Driss
Fig. 2B
, Map 4, site 8), dorsal and ventral exoskeleton of damaged cephalon and partial thorax
Pl. 13K–O
, from a
lower Emsian
coral horizon,
20 m
Lioharpes ammari
Boutiskaouine Formation
north Jbel Ou-Driss
Fig. 2B
, Map 4, site 6), dorsal exoskeleton of cephalon only
Other material:
Pl. 36L–O
, from “
”, Fezna, Eifelian (
Fig. 2B
, Map 6, site 1), partial dorsal exoskeleton of cephalon only.
Cephalon ovoid, widest at eye lobes. Genicranium broad, widest at posterior border. Glabella broad, with rounded crest, tectiform flanks and tubercles, but no pitting. S1 short, very shallow and slopes posteriorly. L1 inflated. Axial furrows slightly convex, moderately convergent anteriorly and effaced at junction of alae and L1. Preglabellar furrow indistinct, straight in anterior view. Occipital ring broader (sag.) than posterior border (exsag.); tubercles on dorsal surface; nearly vertical in lateral view and same height as glabella anterior to S0. Occipital node barely inflated most noticeable on
. L1 inflated. Alae small (tr.) and laterally directed, alar furrows shallow, almost effaced. Posterior border moderately wide (tr.), just over 40% of occipital ring width (tr.), and preglabellar field narrow.
Genal area moderately broad, very finely pitted and without tubercles. Eye lobes inflated; large (tr.), 35% of width (tr.) of glabella at S1; elongated oval in shape; and located close to inner margin of fringe. Each eye lobe has 2 lenses of approximately equal size. Eye ridge is poorly defined. Inner margin of fringe across anterior of genal areas convex and its course across anterior boss marked by row of large perforations.Anterior boss barely inflated and not connected to glabella. Genal roll sloping gently anteriorly and moderately steeply laterally; internal fringe does not narrow strongly posteriorly in lateral view; perforations smaller than on brim, decreasing in size away from girder over bottom third of genal roll. Girder moderately wide, and girder kink barely present.
Brim wide, 34% of cephalic length (sag.); barely sloping; concave (sag.), becoming straight laterally and steepening quickly on prolongations. Brim width ratio 0.63. Brim perforations moderately fine, decreasing in size away from girder over inner third of brim. No caeca. Dorsal surface of rim lacks sculpture. Marginal band straight and near vertical. Length (exsag.) of prolongations around 87% of cephalic length and, in lateral view, prolongations not strongly tapered, height at midpoint being 55% of height at junction with posterior border. Internal rim concave. In dorsal view, both rims curve adaxially and internal rim has tubercles on dorsal surface. Genal spine short and does not follow curve of external rim. Extension of girder on prolongations meets internal rim halfway down. Thorax with at least 20 segments; not widening anteriorly and not strongly tapered posteriorly. Pleural furrows very shallow and broad. Outer portion of pleurae at an angle to inner portion and curving anteriorly.
Hypostome (
Pl. 36J
) has a large egg-shaped anterior lobe of the middle body, with a very short (sag.) posterior lobe. The lateral border, which is narrow anteriorly, broadens very slightly two-thirds of the way back, before narrowing again. Posterior border narrow; anterior border even narrower. Shoulders broad close to the anterior of the hypostome, lateral distal edge sloping abaxially. Surfaces are tubercle-free, very similar to that of
P. haustrum
described above, but middle furrow not present. Pygidium not known.
P. igaouii
has an inflated L1, an anterior eye lens that is the same size as the posterior lens rather than being bigger and an inner margin of the fringe the course of which across the anterior of the genal areas is convex rather than concave. Otherwise
P. igaouii
has the other eight diagnostic characters of the genus shown in
Table 5c.
is similar to
P. segaouii
but differs by having: a cephalon that is widest (tr.) at the level of the eye lobes rather at the alae; a narrower (tr.) genicranium, genal area and posterior border; tubercles on the glabella including the occipital ring, on the eye tubercles and on the internal rim; a broader (sag.) occipital ring; an LI and ala that are inflated with the axial furrow not crossing the junction of the two; a narrow preglabellar field that is absent in the case of
P. segaouii
; an inner margin of the fringe the course of which across the anterior of the genal area is convex rather than concave; eye lobes that are more inflated and have two equal sized lenses rather than two different sized lenses; an anterior boss that is not joined to glabella; perforations on the genal roll and the brim that decrease in size away from the girder; a brim that has a lower brim width ratio, is less steeply sloping and in lateral view has a profile that is slightly concave (sag.) rather than being straight. Also,
P. igaouii
has genal spines that do not follow the curve of the exterior rims and internal rims that in lateral view have a concave profile unlike the weak wave profile of those of
P. segaouii
) has affinities to
P. igaouii
but has: a much more strongly sloping brim, which does not steepen to the same degree on prolongations; a 20% higher brim width ratio, and an occipital ring that, in lateral view, slopes more strongly posteriorly.
The genus of
P. igaouii
has proven to be one of the hardest of the new species to determine. During the development of the cladogram (
Fig. 9
P. igaouii
has been in a paraphyletic relationship with
and more recently allocated to the harpid genus. Coming from a lower Emsian horizon
P. igaouii
fits into the beginning of the harpid range whereas the earliest
described herein is from an upper Emsian horizon. While on the bases of information currently available
P. igaouii
is correctly allocated to
, it maybe that if new data is added to the cladogram
P. igaouii
may be reallocated once again to