Afrotropical Limnophora Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera, Muscidae) with the description of four new species Author Couri, Márcia Author Pont, Adrian text Zootaxa 2017 4216 6 501 536 journal article 37328 10.5281/zenodo.242395 92230737-0e1b-4d86-9c80-6562b0f1793e 1175-5326 242395 FF708257-E9A3-4C91-AD18-50326BB9676A Limnophora obliquesignata ( Emden, 1951: 452 ) . ( Figs 3 , 57–60 ) Holotype male seen; in good condition. Diagnosis. ( Fig. 3 ). Scutum brown dusted; postpronotum, notopleuron, pleura and legs pale bluish-grey dusted; frons of male about one-fifth of head-width; postsutural dorsocentrals 4; mid femur with 2 preapical setae; mid tibia with 1 posterior seta; lower katepisternal seta about twice as distant from anterior as from posterior seta; costal spine indistinct; sternite 5 as in Fig. 57 . Terminalia. Cercal plate and surstylus as in Figs 58–59 . Aedeagal complex as in Fig. 60 . Notes. Originally described in Spilogona . One male paratype was dissected and is illustrated.