Opheliidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the western Pacific islands, including five new species Author Magalhães, Wagner F. Author Rizzo, Alexandra E. Author Bailey-Brock, Julie H. text Zootaxa 2019 2019-02-13 4555 2 209 235 journal article 27548 10.11646/zootaxa.4555.2.3 2373752d-6333-4f9d-9476-6f2e163a67da 1175-5326 2624293 A7CF86E1-C763-4082-B1C2-9B8B66428142 Polyophthalmus mauliola sp. nov. Figures 8 (A–F) and 9 (A–E) Material examined. Holotype : Mamala Bay , Oahu, Hawaii: vicinities of Sand Island outfall, Oct/2015, Sta. D 3AR3, 21°16'55.4" N , 157°53'49.2" W , 50 m ( BPBM-R3887 ) ; Paratypes : same locality, date as holotype (4 spms, BPBM-R3888 ). Additional material examined: Sta. D 2R1, 21°16'55.2" N , 157°54'36.6" W , 56.4 m (2 spms); Waianae outfall, May/2015, Sta. W2R6, 21°24'46.5" N , 158°11'45.6" W , 27.7 m (17); Sta. ZWR4, 21°25'25.1" N , 158°11'55.4" W , 34.1 m (2); Sta. W1R1, 21°23'32.5" N , 158°11'27.7" W , 31.7 m (2); Sta. ZER1, 21°25'23.3" N , 158°11'47.5" W , 30.5 m (7). Kaneohe Bay , 8 miles offshore, 30 m , Oct /1982, coll. R. Brock (3) ; Halape , Big Island , Hawaiian volcano national Park , shallow subtidal (2). About 1 km offshore Waikiki , Sta. SW , Feb /2016, coll. M. Hixon (9). Diagnosis. Parapodia biramous, chaetae emerging from body wall throughout; minute digitate ventral cirrus; interparapodial ciliated sensorial cilia present anteriorly and forming distinct lobes on last 5–7 chaetigers. Anal tube very short; posterior border with a basal pair of conical papillae, and up to four pairs of short, digitate marginal papillae. Description. Holotype 7.5 mm long, 0.3 mm wide for 26 chaetigers. Paratypes ranging from 5–8 mm long, 0.3– 0.5 mm wide for up to 28 chaetigers. Body slender, tubular tapering from last five chaetigers with deep ventral and lateral grooves ( Figs 8A, B ; 9A ); lateral groove beginning anterior to chaetiger 1 ( Figs 8A, B ; 9A, B ). Prostomium broadly rounded, palpode absent ( Figs 8 A–C; 9A, B). Nuchal organs large, deep oval lateral depressions ( Figs 8B, C ; 9B ). A pair of small reddish eyespots deeply and ventrally embedded in prostomium seen in all specimens and a third and smaller eyespot on dorsal side observed in some specimens ( Fig. 8B, C ). Pharynx not observed. Holotype preserved pale yellow in color and some paratypes with lightly colored brown rings present on dorsal and lateral region, absent ventrally. Parapodia biramous, chaetae emerging from body wall throughout; minute digitate ventral cirrus also present throughout; interparapodial ciliated sensorial cilia present throughout half way between notopodia and neuropodia chaetae and forming a distinct lobe on last 5–7 chaetigers ( Figs 8 D–F; 9D, E). Simple capillary chaetae in two bundles; 2–3 capillaries per bundle anteriorly reducing to 1–2 posteriorly; notochaetae slightly longer than neurochaetae; additional 3–4 short capillaries per bundle seen only with SEM. Chaetae of last 5–7 posterior chaetigers longer and surpassing pygidium ( Figs 8A, E, F ; 9E ). Smallest individual ( 1 mm long, 19 chaetigers) with capillaries of last segment very long, almost 1/6 of total body length. Lateral eyespots anterior to parapodia on 11 chaetigers (chaetigers 7–17), reddish brown, rounded; eyespots of chaetiger 7 and chaetiger 17 smaller than others; eyespots on posterior edge of segment. Anal tube very short, preserved specimens with tapering posterior end ( Fig. 8E, F ). Posterior border provided with a basal pair of conical papillae, and up to four pairs of short, digitate marginal papillae can be completely retracted ( Figs 8E, F ; 9E ). Remarks. Table 1 shows morphological features of eight Polyophthalmus species present in the Indian and Pacific oceans, including P. pictus from the Mediterranean for comparison. Polyophthalmus mauliola sp. nov. is unique among all congeners by the presence of a minute, digitate ventral cirri in all segments and enlarged interparapodial ciliated sensory lobes on the very posterior segments. These lobes can be interpreted as interramal papillae because they emerge in between notopodial and neuropodial chaetae that are clearly separated and covered with sensory cilia. The distribution of the segmental eyes from chaetigers 7–17 is similar to what have been reported for P. australis and distinct from P. ceylonensis (ch. 7–15), P. qingdaoensis (ch. 7–18), and P. striatus (ch. 5–16). The body pigmentation has extensively been used to separate Polyophthalmus species but preserved specimens of P. mauliola sp. nov. have shown some variability from completely unpigmented and translucent to presenting transverse bands across dorsum. This is mostly due to fixation and preservation techniques, so the use of pigmentation to separate species should be done with caution and based on live material, if possible. Kükenthal (1887) presented illustrations of two species with distinct pigmentation, P. ceylonensis and P. striatus . While P. striatus had complete transverse bands of dark brown color across the dorsum along the entire body, P. ceylonensis only showed transverse bands on anterior five segments and patches of dark brown pigments on the dorsum from mid- to posterior segments. Purschke et al. (1995) showed that P. qingaoensis presented pigmented spots on the brain region of the prostomium in addition to dorsal ribbon-like spot of red pigments in most segments of live specimens. TABLE 1. Selected morphological characters of species of Polyophthalmus from the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Note that P. australis , P. ceylonensis , P. collaris , P. longisetosus and P. striatus are currently in synonymy with P. pictus sensu Hartman (1959) . Polyophthalmus translucens was not included as it may belong to Ophelina abranchiata as suggested by Sene Silva (2007).
Species Length (mm) Chaetigers Pigmentation
Polyophthalmus mauliola sp. nov. 5–8 27–28 Pale yellow in color and some paratypes with colored brown rings present on dorsal and lateral region, absent ventrally.
Polyophthalmus australis Grube, 1869 9–15 28 Brown pigmentation in transverse bands reaching the parapodial region above segmental eyes.
Polyophthalmus ceylonensis Kükenthal, 1887 11 27 First five segments with two light brown bands; the following 15–18 segments with dorsal dark brown patches.
Polyophthalmus collaris Michaelsen, 1892 20 ~31 Pigmentation present on dorsal region of prostomium and peristomium.
Polyophthalmus longisetosus Michaelsen, 1892 6.5 ~26 Translucent, dark patches present along the body, forming transverse bands (Michaelsen 1892; Fig. 14).
Polyophthalmus pictus (Dujardin, 1839) 8–10 ~29 Green bands in live individuals; drawings show a pair of dark spots per segment.
Polyophthalmus qingdaoensis Purschke, Ding & Müller, 1995 3.9–5 26 Almost colorless and translucent (living material), yellow-white (alcohol), dorsal ribbon-like spot of red pigment present in most segments except posterior-most 2–3; about 10 dark pigmented structures inside brain including ocelli.
Polyophthalmus striatus Kükenthal, 1887 12 27 Distinct pigmentation forming brown rings in intersegmental regions
……continued on the next page TABLE 1. (Continued)
Species Prostomium Segmental eyes Pharynx Parapodia/chaetae Shape/ length anal cone Marginal anal papillae Basal anal papillae Type Locality Reference
Polyophthalmus mauliola sp. nov. Broadly rounded Ch. 7–17 (smaller 7, 17) Oral tentacles not seen A short, rounded interramal papilla present throughout and more distinct on last 5– 7 chaetigers; a minute digitate ventral cirrus also present throughout Short Up to four pairs of short, digitate Conical, longer than marginal papillae Mamala Bay, Hawaii This study
Polyophthalmus australis Grube, 1869 Broadly rounded Ch. 7–17 (larger than P. pictus and apparent lens) Not described Not described Not described Nine Present, a pair, larger than marginal papillae Queensland, Australia Grube (1869)
Polyophthalmus ceylonensis Kükenthal, 1887 ? Ch. 7–15 (same sized) Not described Chaetae short and thin Not described ? A pair, elongate Sri lanka Kükenthal (1887)
Polyophthalmus collaris Michaelsen, 1892 Broadly rounded 11 pairs Not described Chaetae short, not exceeding body width Not described Not described Not described Sri Lanka Michaelsen (1892)
Polyophthalmus longisetosus Michaelsen, 1892 Broadly rounded, eyes absent Ch. 4–18? (smaller 4, 17, 18?) Not described Not described; chaetae of last 5 segments greatly enlarged and small interramal papilla Not described Elongate, at least 3 pairs (Michaelsen 1892; Fig. 14) A pair may be present based (Michaelsen 1892; Fig. 14) Sri Lanka Michaelsen (1892)
Polyophthalmus pictus (Dujardin, 1839) Broadly rounded ? Not described Not described Short Uneven, at least five, dorsal ones longer ? France Dujardin (1839)
Polyophthalmus qingdaoensis Purschke, Ding & Müller, 1995 Broadly rounded Ch. 7–18 (smaller 7, 18) Not described Small lobe, lacking dorsal and ventral cirri Short, dorsal notch Digitiform, 3 pairs, dorsal pair shorter Absent Qingdao Pier, China Purschke et al. (1995)
Polyophthalmus striatus Kükenthal, 1887 Broadly rounded Ch. 5–16 (same sized) Not described Round lobe more distinct on posterior segments, lacking dorsal and ventral cirri Short, cylinder Digitiform, 4 pairs Present, thicker than marginal papillae Hong Kong Kükenthal (1887)
The structures of the anal cone are also helpful on separating species of this genus. Polyophthalmus mauliola sp. nov. has a short anal cone with a pair of basal and elongate papillae clearly distinct from the eight short and digitate marginal papillae. Polyophthalmus australis and P. striatus were also described with a pair of basal papillae that were larger than eight ( P. striatus ) or nine ( P. australis ) marginal papillae; no illustrations were provided for P. australis . Polyophthalmus pictus and P. qingdaoensis lacked distinct basal anal papillae and both species have the dorsal pair of marginal papillae larger than ventral ones; P. qingdaoensis was also described with a dorsal notch on the anal cone.
FIGURE 8. Polyophthalmus mauliola sp. nov. from Mamala Bay, Hawaii: A, complete specimen in dorsal view; B, anterior end in lateral view; C, anterior end in dorsal view; D, parapodium of the posterior end; E, posterior end with pygidium in lateral view; F, posterior end with pygidium in dorsal view. Etymology. The epithet of this species refers to the Hawaiian term Mauli-ola meaning breath of life, power of healing and also a God of health. Mauliola was also the name of Sand Island, a small island near the type locality of this species in Mamala Bay that was used as a quarantine station in 1869 (also known as Quarantine Island). Distribution. The type locality is in Mamala Bay, south shore of Oahu, Hawaii. This species has also been collected in Waianae, Kaneohe Bay, Waikiki, Pearl Harbor (Oahu) and Halape (Big Island) from 27–56 m depth in sand and coral rubble.