New species of Orasema (Hymenoptera: Eucharitidae) from Central and South America Author Heraty, John M. Author Baker, Austin J. text Journal of Natural History 2020 2020-09-23 54 9 735 754 journal article 9503 10.1080/00222933.2020.1747651 69cdc9dc-3d8a-4d67-b230-09e1c3207af2 1464-5262 4290525 Orasema wayqecha species group Diagnosis The following changes to the diagnosis provided by Herreid and Heraty (2017) are made: postgena expanded to cover the maxillary complex or open exposing the maxillary complex, labrum with 6 10 digits, face mostly smooth and shining or reticulate, clypeus longer than broad or broader than long. With these changes, the wayqecha group is still easily diagnosed from all other species groups by containing the only Orasema species with maculations on the fore wings. Additionally, wayqecha group has entirely yellow femora, a broadly triangular face, elongate fore coxa, and fore wings over three times the length of the mesosoma. Key Changes to the key provided in Herreid and Heraty (2017) to accommodate the new species are provided below. In the Burks et al. (2018) species group key, O. masneri keys to undescribed Neotropical species in couplet 8. Diversity Three species are recognised in this group: Orasema masneri sp. nov. ( Ecuador ), Orasema quadrimaculata Herreid & Heraty ( Colombia ) and Orasema wayqecha Herreid & Heraty ( Peru ) . Biology Orasema wayqecha is known to oviposit near the extrafloral nectaries of two species in the family Primulaceae , and larvae and pupae have been recovered from the nests of Pheidole alfaroi Emery ( Herreid and Heraty 2017 ) . Key to the species of the O. wayqecha species group 1. Fore wing with dark spots at least along cubital fold, fore wing at least 3× longer than mesosoma. All femora yellow. Labrum with 6 10 digits. Postmarginal vein at least 4× longer than stigmal vein. Flagellum with 8 funiculars and at least 1.75× the length of the head ............................................................................................................. ( wayqecha group) 2 Characters not matching the above ................................................. Orasema species groups 2. Face entirely reticulate. Postgena widely spaced, exposing maxillary complex basally. Labrum with 6 digits ............................................................................ Orasema masneri sp. nov . Face mostly smooth with at most scattered punctures or longitudinal striations near eye. Postgena closely spaced, hiding the maxillary complex basally. Labrum with 7 10 digits .............................................................................................................................................................. 3 3. Fore wing of female with three to four darkened areas, post-stigmal pigmentation not reaching wing apex and sometimes very light, wing spots absent or barely visible in male. Labrum with 7 8 digits. Frons with vertical and often distinct striae medial to eye ............................................................ Orasema wayqecha Herreid & Heraty Fore wing with four darkened areas in both male and female, post-stigmal pigmentation reaching wing apex. Labrum with 9 10 digits. Frons weakly rugose medial to eye ....................................................................................... Orasema quadrimaculata Herreid & Heraty